Title Type Project Download
Future Fusion - documentary of Bertrand Lafontaine and Michael Lombarts Video Future Generations Lab - Leuven Town Hall
Broedplekken voor Brussel Text Breeding Places in Brussels
Future Generations Lab, Studio stadhuis Leuven. Photo: Diederik Craps Image Future Generations Lab - Leuven Town Hall
Future Generations Lab, Studio stadhuis Leuven. Photo: Diederik Craps Image Future Generations Lab - Leuven Town Hall
Future Generations Lab, Studio stadhuis Leuven. Photo: Diederik Craps Image Future Generations Lab - Leuven Town Hall
Future Generations Lab, Studio stadhuis Leuven. Photo: Diederik Craps Image Future Generations Lab - Leuven Town Hall
Future Generations Lab, Studio stadhuis Leuven. Photo: Diederik Craps Image Future Generations Lab - Leuven Town Hall
Future Generations Lab, Studio stadhuis Leuven. Photo: Diederik Craps Image Future Generations Lab - Leuven Town Hall
Naar een visionaire woningbouw Text Towards visionary housing production
The Studio, Leuven Town Hall Image Future Generations Lab - Leuven Town Hall
Streekland. Illustratie: Chloé Dierckx Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Bodemscheppers. Illustratie: Chloé Dierckx Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Hoeveontwikkelaars. Illustratie: Chloé Dierckx Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Circulaire Waterwijk. Illustratie: Chloé Dierckx Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Sponsgenoten. Illustratie: Chloé Dierckx Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Luwtezoekers. Illustratie: Chloé Dierckx Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Koolstofboeren. Illustratie: Chloé Dierckx Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Groenblauwe Garde. Illustratie: Chloé Dierckx Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Voedselparkwachters. Illustration: Chloé Dierckx Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Hemelwatercollectief. Illustration: Chloé Dierckx Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Ontharding en waterberging in de vallei van de Kleine Nete, Vlaanderen Breekt Uit. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Dynamisch veebedrijf Trezemieke, Retie, Actieplatform Agrarische Herontwikkeling. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Yggrasil, Frank Anrijs, Tienen, Grond+Zaken. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Barbierbeek verbindt, Water+Land+Schap. Photo: Bob Van M Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Grenzeloos Bocageland, Landschapsparken. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
(beek.boer.bodem) in de vallei van de Aa, Water+Land+Schap. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Bodemforum, October 2022. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Grond+Zaken
Bodemforum, October 2022. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Grond+Zaken
Bodemforum, October 2022. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Grond+Zaken
Bodemforum, October 2022. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Grond+Zaken
Bodemforum, October 2022. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Grond+Zaken
Launch 'Open Spacee Offensive'. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Open Space Platform
Launch of 'Open Space on the Offensive'. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Open Space Offensive
Image Grond+Zaken
Species-rich grassland valley on the banks of the Herk ©Architecture Workroom Brussels Image Living Lab Herk & Mombeek
Photos Pilot Projects Drought — Pilot Project 'Slim water- en energienetwerk', Meer, 2023, ©VMM  Image Pilot projects Drought
Photos Pilot Projects Drought — Pilot Project 'Slim water- en energienetwerk', Meer, 2023, ©VMM  Image Pilot projects Drought
Photos Pilot Projects Drought — Pilot Project 'Mallaardstraat', Ninove, 2023, ©VMM  Image Pilot projects Drought
Photos Pilot Projects Drought — Pilot Project 'Mallaardstraat', Ninove, 2023, ©VMM  Image Pilot projects Drought
Photos Pilot Projects Drought — Pilot Project 'Mallaardstraat', Ninove, 2023, ©VMM Image Pilot projects Drought
Photos Pilot Projects Drought — Pilot Project 'Circulair Waternet', Antwerpen, 2023, Bob Van Mol Image Pilot projects Drought
Photos Pilot Projects Drought — Pilot Project 'Water voor Later', Tervuren, 2023, Bob Van Mol Image Pilot projects Drought
Farmers, industry, developers and public parties are setting up new collaborations to collect, buffer, reuse and exchange water together.  — Farmers, industry, developers and public parties are setting up new collaborations to collect, buffer, reuse and exchange water together.  Image Pilot projects Drought
Thematic cluster 'Using surplus water for agriculture and horticulture' Image Pilot projects Drought
Thematic cluster 'Managing water sustainably in new housing estates' Image Pilot projects Drought
Thematic cluster 'Collecting and distributing rainwater together' Image Pilot projects Drought
Thematic cluster 'Using treated wastewater from wastewater treatment plants' Image Pilot projects Drought
Thematic cluster 'Irrigating sports grounds more sustainably' Image Pilot projects Drought
Thematic cluster 'Treating and using process and wastewater' Image Pilot projects Drought
Open Ruimte Coalities: Op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform Text Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform, Open Space Platform
Open Ruimte Coalities: Op de schouders van 10 Jaar Open Ruimte Platform Image Open Ruimte Coalities: op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
Photo: City of Antwerp, Walter Saenen. Image Collectively renovating towards a climate-neutral Antwerp
Text PED toolkit: Getting started with energy transition in every neighbourhood
POWERING THE ENERGY TRANSITION AT THE DISTRICT LEVEL A practical guide for local initiators. Graphic design: Sara Thewissen en Joris Verdoodt Image PED toolkit: Getting started with energy transition in every neighbourhood
The football pitch of Standard Muide, one of the pilot projects in the Living Lab Muide Meulestede Fossil-Free © Sis Pillen for Architecture Workroom Brussels Image Living Lab Muide Meulestede Fossil-Free
Desealing as a means for... Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Space for water — Sint-Niklaas Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Green-blue redesign Koolmijnlaan and Voortplein — Heusden-Zolder Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Green field Saint-Joseph church — Roeselare Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Restauration of dunes A. Ruzettelaan — Blankenberge Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Realisation of nature corridor and recreational redevelopment of open space area Kiewit-Zonhoven — Genk Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Desealing parking lot Groeningelaan — Kortrijk Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Desealing project Senthout for more visible water — Duffel Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Reconversion Den Bleek — Geraardsbergen Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Wijwater — Genk Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
The Veemarkt as green-blue missing link — Sint-Truiden Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Desealing Kempen schools — Province of Antwerp Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Sch2Olen — Province of Antwerp Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Desealing project School & surroundings for GBS — Blanden Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Kapelleweide, transformation to a green public park — Roosdaal Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
VIIO — Borgloon Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Park Piot — Turnhout Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
The Sint-Pietersinstituut dehardens with green and blue — Turnhout Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
The school as a green lung in the neighbourhood — Kortrijk Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Campus — Wevelgem Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Schools in Merchtem are breaking out — Merchtem Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
The land behind the ‘Boerenpoort’ — Rollegem Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Green playground for Stedelijke Basisschool De Brug — Roeselare Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
PUBLICATION: Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region Text Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Challenges in the Wadden Sea Region — Portal to the Wad — Families of challenges in the Wadden Sea Region Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Challenges in the Wadden Sea Region — Families of challenges in the Wadden Sea Region Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Challenges in the Wadden Sea Region — Challenge: Freshwater flooding — Droughts, floods and saltwater intrusion are becoming ever more common throughout the Wadden Sea.  Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Challenges in the Wadden Sea Region — Challenge: Rising temperature — Droughts, floods and saltwater intrusion are becoming ever more common throughout the Wadden Sea. Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Challenges in the Wadden Sea Region — Challenge: Lack of fresh water on the islands — Droughts, floods and saltwater intrusion are becoming ever more common throughout the Wadden Sea.  Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Challenges in the Wadden Sea Region — Challenge: Salinisation — Droughts, floods and saltwater intrusion are becoming ever more common throughout the Wadden Sea.  Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Challenges in the Wadden Sea Region — Droughts, floods and saltwater intrusion are becoming ever more common throughout the Wadden Sea. Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Challenges in the Wadden Sea Region — Numerous challenges ahead in the Wadden Sea Region, across the national borders! Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Water as Leverage Waddensea - Trilateral conference, Wilhelmshaven, December 2022 Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Map: Fanø Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Map: Esbjerg Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Map: Ribe Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Map: Harlingen Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Map: Texel Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Map: Terschelling Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Water as Leverage: Wadden Sea - Trilateral conference, Wilhelmshaven (DE), November 2022 Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Two-day session Water as Leverage: Wadden Sea Region, Carolinensiel (DE), 2022 Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Two-day session Water as Leverage: Wadden Sea Region, Carolinensiel (DE), 2022 Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Two-day session Water as Leverage: Wadden Sea Region, Carolinensiel (DE), 2022 Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Two-day session Water as Leverage: Wadden Sea Region, Carolinensiel (DE), 2022 Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Two-day session Water as Leverage: Wadden Sea Region, Carolinensiel (DE), 2022 Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Two-day session Water as Leverage: Wadden Sea Region, Carolinensiel (DE), 2022 Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Two-day session Water as Leverage: Wadden Sea Region, Carolinensiel (DE), 2022 Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Water as Leverage - Wadden Sea Region Image Water as Leverage – Wadden Sea Region
Installation view 'You Are Here', The Big Energy Transformation, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van MolExhibition 'You Are Here' Image You Are Here
There are already water experiments taking place in a lot of places — Atlas: Working on Water Image Atlas: Working on Water
Flanders: Most paved area in Europe. You Are Here, 2018 Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Building Blocks for Reyeroord Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Final product: Building blocks of Reyeroord and Logbook, March 2023 Text The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Legend: Types of Building blocks Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Building block: "Act across roles" Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Building block: "Combine big and small matters" Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Building block: "Keep the conversation going in an active and open way" Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Building block: "Experiment visibly" Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Guidance tool: 'Decision tree' Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Experiment for the transition towards a social and sustainable city: 'Oeverloos' Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Quote Kim Hooning, coordinator of the communication team at Stadsbeheer — Translation: "A lot of the work I did in Reyeroord, such as experimenting with communication methods, is not in my job description. In Reyeroord+, the commissioners gave us space to experiment." Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Cover of the Logbook Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Overview of the Experiments Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Quote Rolf Jonker, project leader of the engineer office for municipal works — Translation: "Reyeroord+ is a lab environment in which things are possible because it is organised differently on an organisational level. Here, you can really feel you are working on the future." Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Working session Reyeroord+ with the Building blocks, Rotterdam, May 2023 Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Building block: "Take inhabitants seriously" Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Working session for the Building Blocks, Rotterdam, January 2023 Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
Final product: Building blocks of Reyeroord and Logbook, March 2023 Image The building blocks of Rotterdam neighbourhood Reyeroord
PREFIGURATIONS banner, design by studio de Ronners Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Call for Projects (EN) Text Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
PREFIGURATIONS exhibition guide (EN) Text Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Poster PREFIGURATIONS, design by De Ronners Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Scenography of PREFIGURATIONS, by Laura Muyldermans and Bas van den Hout, 2022, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de velde Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Scenography of PREFIGURATIONS, by Laura Muyldermans and Bas van den Hout, 2022, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de velde Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Scenography of PREFIGURATIONS, by Laura Muyldermans and Bas van den Hout, 2022, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de velde Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Scenography of PREFIGURATIONS, by Laura Muyldermans and Bas van den Hout, 2022, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de velde Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Wij Zijn Ruimte advisory board in the exhibition space Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Conclave UGent in the exhibition space Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Summer school by a2o architecten in the exhibition space Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Summer school by a2o architecten in the exhibition space Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Summer school by a2o architecten in the exhibition space Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Project: House of Time. Designed by raumlabor berlin & Brugge(n) voor jongeren, commissioned by Triënnale Brugge Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Project: House of Time. Designed by raumlabor berlin & Brugge(n) voor jongeren, commissioned by Triënnale Brugge. Photo: Tom Leentjes / House of Time Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Project: House of Time. Designed by raumlabor berlin & Brugge(n) voor jongeren, commissioned by Triënnale Brugge Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Project: House of Time. Designed by raumlabor berlin & Brugge(n) voor jongeren, commissioned by Triënnale Brugge Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Project: House of Time. Designed by raumlabor berlin & Brugge(n) voor jongeren, commissioned by Triënnale Brugge Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Narrative: Circular Material Hubs Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Narrative: Circular Material Hubs Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Narrative: Circular Material Hubs Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Future Places Forum in exhibition PREFIGURATIONS, 2022, Brussels. Photo: Bob van Mol Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Exhibition PREFIGURATIONS, 2022, Brussels. Photo: Jonas Roosens Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Exhibition PREFIGURATIONS, 2022, Brussels. Photo: Jonas Roosens Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Exhibition PREFIGURATIONS, 2022, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Exhibition PREFIGURATIONS, 2022, Brussels. Photo: Jonas Roosens Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Exhibition PREFIGURATIONS, 2022, Brussels. Photo: Jonas Roosens Image Exhibition: PREFIGURATIONS
Harvest Festival, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Harvest Festival, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Harvest Festival, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Harvest Festival, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Harvest Festival, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Harvest Festival, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Harvest Festival, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Harvest Festival, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Harvest Festival, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Harvest Festival, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Program booklet Harvest Festival, June 2023 Text Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Visiting the neighbourhood oven at Parckfarm, Brussels Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Visiting the neighbourhood oven at Parckfarm, Brussels Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Visiting the neighbourhood oven at Parckfarm, Brussels Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Route and program Harvest Festival Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Route for Iedereen Gids(t) ('Everybody's a guide') walk Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Stamp card for the Otterbeek neighbourhood festivities Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Tivolitafel: Round table discussion about food in the city, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Tivolitafel: Round table discussion about food in the city, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Tivolitafel: Round table discussion about food in the city, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Tivolitafel: Round table discussion about food in the city, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Tivolitafel: Round table discussion about food in the city, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Tivolitafel: Round table discussion about food in the city, 2023, Mechelen. Photo: Raymond Mallentjer Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Otterbeek neighbourhood festivities, 2022, Mechelen Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Iedereen Gids(t) ('Everybody's a guide') walk, 2022, Mechelen Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Iedereen Gids(t) ('Everybody's a guide') walk, 2022, Mechelen Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Iedereen Gids(t) ('Everybody's a guide') walk, 2022, Mechelen Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Iedereen Gids(t) ('Everybody's a guide') walk, 2022, Mechelen Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Iedereen Gids(t) ('Everybody's a guide') walk, 2022, Mechelen Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Iedereen Gids(t) ('Everybody's a guide') walk, 2022, Mechelen Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Eten'), illustations by Tilde Potoms Image Tuin van Eten ('Garden of Food')
Breeding Place Cultureghem, MUS-E Belgium vzw, Pool is Cool vzw, Brede School, SAAMO Brussel vzw, FilterCaféFiltré Atelier vzw, Molenbeek Rebels Basketball vzw, Nakama vzw, Kuregem Boxing Academy vzw, photo: Bryan Herrezeel Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Breeding Place Hoofdstedelijke Kunstacademie, AIF+ vzw, MetX Moving Music, photo: Bryan Herrezeel Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Breeding Place Werkplaats Walter, MUS-E Belgium, photo: Bryan Herrezeel Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Breeding Place Kuumba, Fora vzw, Internationaal Comité vzw, photo: Bryan Herrezeel Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Breeding Place Passa Porta vzw, Klankverbond vzw, photo: Bryan Herrezeel Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Breeding Place Ket&Co, De Molenketjes, D'Broej Centrum West/Overkop, BS Molenbeek, Labolobo, photo: Bryan Herrezeel Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Breeding Place Liga voor Mensenrechten, FMDO, Ligue des droits humains, photo: Bryan Herrezeel Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Working sessions in preparation of the candidatures, photo: Dieter Leyssen Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Working sessions in preparation of the candidatures, photo: Dieter Leyssen Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Working sessions in preparation of the candidatures, photo: Yannick Roels Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Illustration Breeding Places Brussels Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Intervision at Liga voor Mensenrechten Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Intervision at De Hovenier Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Intervision at Globe Aroma Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Intervision at Globe Aroma Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Intervision at Globe Aroma Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Working sheets: organisation and actors + socio-spatial embeddedness Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Matchmaking session, 2 December 2021 Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Matchmaking session, 2 December 2021 Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Matchmaking session, 2 December 2021 Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Matchmaking session, 2 December 2021 Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Matchmaking session, 2 December 2021 Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Contributing to a future-oriented approach Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Facilitating multifunctional use of space Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Stimulating (inter)sectoral collaboration Image Breeding Places in Brussels
Publication: Atlas 'Werken aan Water' (in Dutch) Text Atlas: Working on Water
XL: Water district Image Atlas: Working on Water
L: Water street Image Atlas: Working on Water
M: Water neighbours Image Atlas: Working on Water
S: Water home Image Atlas: Working on Water
Reader's guide: Water challenges Image Atlas: Working on Water
Water neighbours: Levers and inspirational examples Image Atlas: Working on Water
Water neighbours: Measures and opportunities Image Atlas: Working on Water
Water neighbours: Location in the valley Image Atlas: Working on Water
Water neighbours: Illustration Image Atlas: Working on Water
Water neighbours: Overview Image Atlas: Working on Water
Water neighbours: Water challenges Image Atlas: Working on Water
Atlas: Working on Water Image Atlas: Working on Water
Get started with the atlas, which is full of inspirational types of projects Image Atlas: Working on Water
We have to engage everyone in working on a sponge landscape Image Atlas: Working on Water
We have to engage everyone in working on a sponge landscape Image Atlas: Working on Water
Action is already being taken on different fronts Image Atlas: Working on Water
Action is already being taken on different fronts Image Atlas: Working on Water
The water challenges are visible in our daily lives Image Atlas: Working on Water
The water challenges are visible in our daily lives Image Atlas: Working on Water
School Streets: Building on a city with clean air and safe streets Text School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Reference projects: Here people are breathing... Text School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Inauguration School street Rue du Marais/Canon Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Inauguration School street Rue du Marais/Canon Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Inauguration School street Rue du Marais/Canon Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Inauguration School street Rue du Marais/Canon Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Inauguration School street Rue du Marais/Canon Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
First test with School environments in Rue de Flandres Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
First test with School environments in Rue de l'Aurore Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Test with School quarter Rue de l'Aurore during Mobility Week, september 2021 Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Test with School quarter Rue de l'Aurore during Mobility Week, september 2021 Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Test with School quarter Rue de l'Aurore during Mobility Week, september 2021 Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Test with School quarter Rue de l'Aurore during Mobility Week, september 2021 Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Inauguration School quarter Rue du Marais/Canon during Mobility Week, 15 september 2022 Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Inauguration School quarter Rue du Marais/Canon during Mobility Week, 15 september 2022 Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Inauguration School quarter Rue du Marais/Canon during Mobility Week, 15 september 2022 Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Inauguration School quarter Rue du Marais/Canon during Mobility Week, 15 september 2022 Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Inauguration School quarter Rue du Marais/Canon during Mobility Week, 15 september 2022 Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Inauguration School quarter Rue du Marais/Canon during Mobility Week, 15 september 2022 Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Inauguration School quarter Rue du Marais/Canon during Mobility Week, 15 september 2022 Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Inauguration School quarter Rue du Marais/Canon during Mobility Week, 15 september 2022 Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Preparations for the inauguration of School quarter Rue du Canon / Marais Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Graphic identity School Streets © Something Els Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Circulation scheme Rue de Flandres / Rue de la Clé (to be realised) Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Circulation scheme Triangel district (since 15 May 2023) Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Circulation scheme Rue du Marais/Canon (sinds 16 September 2022) Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Guidance process with schools and residents in setting up and implementing School Quarters Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Guidance process with schools and residents in setting up and implementing School Quarters Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Guidance process with schools and residents in setting up and implementing School Quarters Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
The new car-free schoolyards in Rue du Canon in use, 2022, City of Brussels Image School Streets: more breathing space for Brussels schoolchildren
Parcours 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM Image You Are Here Image The Great Transformation
Delta Atelier as innovative knowledge and action platform: building on 3 years of experiment Text Delta Atelier
Positive energy districts, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image JPI Cities4PEDs: City instruments and neighbourhood dynamics for 'Positive Energy Districts'
Positive energy districts, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image JPI Cities4PEDs: City instruments and neighbourhood dynamics for 'Positive Energy Districts'
Detail illustration from Scenario 2 Image Soil+Land Stewardship
Detail illustration from Scenario 1 'Save Our Soil' Image Soil+Land Stewardship
Detail illustration from Scenario 2 'We Are Soil' Image Soil+Land Stewardship
Detail illustration from Scenario 3 'Operation Soil' Image Soil+Land Stewardship
Publication 'The Future of Soil and Land Stewardship' (EN) Text Soil+Land Stewardship
Publication 'De Toekomst van 'Soil+Land Stewardship'' (NL) Text Soil+Land Stewardship
Use of publication and posters 'Soil + Land Stewardship' Video Soil+Land Stewardship
Publication 'The Future of Soil and Land Stewardship' Image Soil+Land Stewardship
Entrepreneurs working with the natural processes of the soil, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021
 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Soil life as it is, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021  Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Gardening to please your soil, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021
 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Soil management on a neighbourhood scale, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021
 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Entrepreneurs working with the natural processes of the soil, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021
 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
What if we aligned land use and soil properties?, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021
 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Bart Backaert of the Parks and Maintenance service of the city of Aalst, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Biological farmer Nico Vandevannet of the Levende Aarde, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Walter Op De Beeck, coordinator of the Buurtmoestuinenproject of the City of Leuven, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Introduction ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Video Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Everybody is a soil steward, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Video Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Frank Petit Jean of the Vereniging voor Ecologisch Tuinieren (VELT) about the limited knowledge on soil life, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Frank Petit Jean of the Vereniging voor Ecologisch Tuinieren (VELT) about the limited knowledge on soil life, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Frank Petit Jean of the Vereniging voor Ecologisch Tuinieren (VELT) about the limited knowledge on soil life, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Frank Petit Jean of the Vereniging voor Ecologisch Tuinieren (VELT) about the limited knowledge on soil life, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Rainer Baritz of the European Environment Agency about the fragmentation of soil policies, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Rainer Baritz of the European Environment Agency about the fragmentation of soil policies, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Rainer Baritz of the European Environment Agency about the fragmentation of soil policies, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Rainer Baritz of the European Environment Agency about the fragmentation of soil policies, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
From desert green to carbon gardens..., ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
... with less labour and more biodiversity!, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
We do not feed the plant, but the soil life..., ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
... with organic material, that we harvast from our (urban) landscape, ‘Soil stewards in the spotlight’, 2021 Image Soil Caretakers in the Spotlight
Poster Scenario 1 'Save Our Soil' Image Soil+Land Stewardship
Poster Scenario 1 'Save Our Soil' Image Soil+Land Stewardship
Poster Scenario 2 'We Are Soil' Image Soil+Land Stewardship
Poster Scenario 2 'We Are Soil' Image Soil+Land Stewardship
Poster Scenario 3 'Operation Soil' Image Soil+Land Stewardship
Poster Scenario 3 'Operation Soil' Image Soil+Land Stewardship
Plan of action Image The Great Transformation
Portraits: #4 Kurt Video The Great Transformation
Portraits: #6 Sophie Video The Great Transformation
Livestream recording #1: BUILDING A SOCIETAL WORKSPACE Video The Great Transformation
Walking workshop about Energy Districts, Northern District Brussels, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image The Great Transformation
Walking workshop about Energy Districts, Northern District Brussels, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image The Great Transformation
Walking workshop about Energy Districts, Northern District Brussels, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image The Great Transformation
Walking workshop about Energy Districts, Northern District Brussels, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image The Great Transformation
Walking workshop about Energy Districts, Northern District Brussels, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image The Great Transformation
Walking workshop about Energy Districts, Northern District Brussels, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image The Great Transformation
Walking workshop about Energy Districts, Northern District Brussels, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image The Great Transformation
Walking workshop about Energy Districts, Northern District Brussels, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image The Great Transformation
Walking workshop about Energy Districts, Northern District Brussels, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image The Great Transformation
Walking workshop about Energy Districts, Northern District Brussels, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image The Great Transformation
Walking workshop about Energy Districts, Northern District Brussels, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image The Great Transformation
City Deal Public Space, a platform for cooperation between Dutch municipalities Image City Deal Public Space
How do we go about integrating transitions such as mobility, biodiversity and energy in our public space? Image of the City of Amsterdam Image City Deal Public Space
The creation of an integral public space is primarily an underground challenge. Image of the City of Rotterdam Image City Deal Public Space
Summer tour through the City of Amsterdam where City Deal participants can learn from good practices and exchange experiences. Image of the City Deal, City of Amsterdam. Image City Deal Public Space
Six development teams work on three levels. Atelier Master Team poster Image City Deal Public Space
City Deal Public Space. Introductory video. Video City Deal Public Space
Guided tour of Singelpark. Summer tour in Leiden. Video City Deal Public Space
The Dordtwijk area as a City Park XXL. Summer tour in Dordrecht. Video City Deal Public Space
Text City Deal Public Space
Trailer for the interactive documentary ‘Circular (City) Ports’ Video Circular (City) Ports
Aerial view of Reyeroord, 2021, Rotterdam. Photo: Urban Development Department — Photo: Urban Development Department, Rotterdam, 2021 Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
Output session' Rotterdam's Urban Management of the Future, 2021, strategic learning trajectories. Illustration: De Betekenaar Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
Output Session' Learning Trajectory 1: Providing management tools, 2021. Illustration: De Betekenaar Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
Output Session' Learning Trajectory 2: Participatory neighbourhood management and Learning Trajectory 3: Cooperating with other actors, 2021. Illustration: De Betekenaar Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
Output Session' Learning Trajectory 4: Temporary interventions, 2021. Illustration: De Betekenaar Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
Output Session' Learning Trajectory 5: Extensive design, 2021. Illustration: De Betekenaar Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
Output Session' Learning Trajectory 6: Varying intensity of use, 2021. Illustration: De Betekenaar Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
Output Session' Learning Trajectory 7: Projects as Pieces of the Puzzle, 2021. Illustration: De Betekenaar Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
Illustration of the 7 City Projects, 2021. City Makers Conference Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
Overview of the 7 City Projects, 2021. City Makers Conference Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
7 City Projects Rotterdam: An impression of Feyenoord City, 2021. Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
7 City Projects Rotterdam: An impression of the renewed Rijnhaven Park, 2021. Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
7 City Projects Rotterdam: An impression of the renewed Schouwburgplein, 2021. Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
7 City Projects Rotterdam: An impression of Maashaven Park, 2021. Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
7 City Projects Rotterdam: An impression of Hofbogen Park, 2021. Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
7 City Projects Rotterdam: An impression of the Westblaak - Green Lung, 2021. Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
7 City Projects Rotterdam: An impression of the Hofplein - Green Lung, 2021. Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
7 City Projects Rotterdam: An impression of Alexanderplein, 2021. Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
Benefits sheet 7 City Projects, 2021. City Makers Conference Image Rotterdam's urban management of the future
Atlas From 7 case interviews to recurring strategies and PED relevant aspects - Cities4Peds, 2021 Text JPI Cities4PEDs: City instruments and neighbourhood dynamics for 'Positive Energy Districts' Link
Goals and relevant aspects of a common PED definition - Cities4Peds, 2021 Text JPI Cities4PEDs: City instruments and neighbourhood dynamics for 'Positive Energy Districts' Link
Take Care! - (On)zichtbare zorg als sociaal-ruimtelijk vraagstuk Text Atelier series Take Care!
Verkenning kwalitatief en haalbaar woonmodel Antwerpen - Deel 3: Woonstrategieën — Verkenning kwalitatief en haalbaar woonmodel Antwerpen - Deel 3: Woonstrategieën Text Qualitative and feasible Antwerp housing model
The balance between qualitative housing and affordability Image Qualitative and feasible Antwerp housing model
Area development based on six transition challenges Image Qualitative and feasible Antwerp housing model
References for urban development Image Qualitative and feasible Antwerp housing model
Building blocks for urban development Image Qualitative and feasible Antwerp housing model
Where do the transitions land in Antwerp? Image Qualitative and feasible Antwerp housing model
Exhibition banner 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', 2022, Sara Thewissen Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition view 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', Lamot, Mechelen, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition view 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', Lamot, Mechelen, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition view 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', Lamot, Mechelen, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition view 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', Lamot, Mechelen, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition view 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', Lamot, Mechelen, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition view 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', Lamot, Mechelen, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition view 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', Lamot, Mechelen, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition view 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', Lamot, Mechelen, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition view 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', Lamot, Mechelen, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition booklet 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk' (language: Dutch) Text Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Dok Noord -- Oude Dokken -- Project subsidy 2010, Ghent, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Station forecourt -- Station area -- Project subsidy 2004, Roeselare, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
The City Garden -- Concept subsidy 2002, Project subsidy 2006, Ronse, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Hastingsstraat -- Scheldekop -- Project subsidy 2008, Oudenaarde, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Litter campaign -- RSL op Post -- Project subsidy 2018, Roeselare, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Sint-Aldegondis dock -- MAS -- Project subsidy 2006, Antwerp, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Solidary Neighbourhood supermarket SupermerKade -- Muide-Meulestede -- Concept subsidy 2014, Project subsidy 2021, Ghent, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Municipal Art School -- Turnova -- Concept subsidy 2005, Project subsidy 2008, Turnhout, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Leieboorden -- Living by the Leie -- Concept subsidy 2008, Project subsidy 2010, Deinze, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Busstop IGLO -- IGLO -- Project subsidy 2008, Antwerp, 2022, Bas Bogaerts Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition guide 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk' Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Colloquium 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', 28 April 2022 Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Transformation portrait - Ghent - Bertrand Lafontaine Video Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition guide 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', 2022 Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition guide 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', 2022 Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition guide 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', 2022 Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Exhibition guide 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', 2022 Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Colloquium 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', 28 April 2022 Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Colloquium 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', 28 April 2022 Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Colloquium 'Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk', 28 April 2022 Image Exhibition: Stadsvernieuwing is mensenwerk
Collage 'Building an Agroecological Urbanism', 2022 — Three 'agroecologists' to mobilise urban planners and farmers around shared building blocks Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Screenshot of online resource 'Building an Agroecological Urbanism' Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Screenshot of online resource 'Building an Agroecological Urbanism' Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Screenshot of online resource 'Building an Agroecological Urbanism' Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Screenshot of online resource 'Building an Agroecological Urbanism' Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Screenshot of online resource 'Building an Agroecological Urbanism' Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Screenshot of online resource 'Building an Agroecological Urbanism' Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Visualisation of the historical evolution of the relation between urbanism and agriculture in Belgium  Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Interview with Pajottenlander farmer Tijs Boelens on the urban-rural divide, 2021. Video: Tijs Boelens Video Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Working session, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Working session, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Working session, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Working session, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Working session, 2021. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Working session, 2019. Photo: Lies Engelen Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Working session, 2019. Photo: Lies Engelen Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Working session, 2019. Photo: Lies Engelen Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Working session, 2019. Photo: Lies Engelen Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Working session, 2019. Photo: Lies Engelen Image Towards an Agroecological Urbanism
Street protest Filter Café Filtré — School: Emile André (Brussels) Image Air for Schools
Activity report You Are Here Next Generation, school year 2019-2020. Text You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Laura Muyldermans, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Laura Muyldermans, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Laura Muyldermans, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Laura Muyldermans, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Laura Muyldermans, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Laura Muyldermans Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Paul Robbrecht, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Paul Robbrecht, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Paul Robbrecht Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Paul Robbrecht, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Paul Robbrecht Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Pieterjan Ginckels, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Pieterjan Ginckels, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Pieterjan Ginckels, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Pieterjan Ginckels, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Pieterjan Ginckels Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Pieterjan Ginckels, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Pieterjan Ginckels Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Pieterjan Ginckels, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Pieterjan Ginckels Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, WAUW, Atelier, 2019, Photo: WAUW Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, WAUW, Atelier, 2019, Photo: WAUW Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, WAUW, Atelier, 2019, Photo: WAUW Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, WAUW, Atelier, 2019, Photo: WAUW Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Atelier Scheldeman, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Atelier Scheldeman, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Atelier Scheldeman, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Atelier Scheldeman, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Lies De Meyer Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, 2019, With support from The Flemish Government, Coordination Brussels Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, WAUW, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Lies De Meyer Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Elly Van Eeghem, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
Educational trajectory 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
You Are Here Next Generation, Elly Van Eeghem, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Elly Van Eeghem Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Elly Van Eeghem, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Elly Van Eeghem Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Elly Van Eeghem, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Elly Van Eeghem, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Elly Van Eeghem, Atelier, 2019, Photo: Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Atelier, 2019, Photo: ConstructLab Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Atelier, 2019, Photo: ConstructLab Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Atelier, 2019, Photo: ConstructLab Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Atelier, 2019, Photo: ConstructLab Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Atelier, 2019, Photo: ConstructLab Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Atelier, 2019, Photo: ConstructLab Image You Are Here Next Generation
You Are Here Next Generation, Atelier, 2019, Photo: ConstructLab Image You Are Here Next Generation
First Atelier You Are Here Next Generation, Brussels, Photo:Olympe Tits — First Atelier You Are Here Next Generation, Brussels, Photo:Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
— First Atelier You Are Here Next Generation, Brussels, Photo:Olympe Tits Image You Are Here Next Generation
Healthy Agriculture Video Delta Atelier
A Shared Mobility System Video Delta Atelier
Renewable Energy Landscape Video Delta Atelier
Space for Biodiversity and Water Video Delta Atelier
'(re) Productive City', animated film, You Are Here, 2018 — The transition to a circular economy represents an opportunity to transform our cities into circular and sustainable cities. The animated film shows how we can accelerate this transformation through highly specific projects and reduce the impact of economic activities on our planet.   Video You Are Here, Delta Atelier
Caring Environment Video You Are Here, Delta Atelier
Portrait Evi Swinnen, Timelab, P2P Video You Are Here
Maarten Gielen, Rotor, interview, You Are Here, 2018 — Maarten Gielen is one of the pioneers in Europe in the field of the circular economy. Rotor harvests materials from buildings destined for demolition to reuse them elsewhere. The materials are kept as close as possible to their original state so that minimal energy is lost.   Video You Are Here
Picture Series, Atelier Brussels, 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts —     Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Air quality in Brussels, 2018. Photo: Filter Café Filtré —       Image You Are Here
—     Image You Are Here
Een agenda voor Muide Meulestede morgen Text Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Retable depicting the 'Smarter Agro' — Bovenbouw and Architecture Workroom
Image Open Space Offensive
Unused space between open landscape and narrow stone road, Kortrijksestraat. Photo: Lavigna Wouters Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Participation moment, 2015, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
The Circularity gap: between ambitious goals and first movers Image Circular (City) Ports
Illustration of the Circular Building Blocks Image Circular (City) Ports
Process scheme research trajectory Circular (City)Ports Image Circular (City) Ports
Mental shift towards circularity Image Circular (City) Ports
Vlaanderen breekt uit Video Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Proeftuinen Ontharding - werkboek Text Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
OVK - Demonstratieproject Merelbeke, Samenvatting rapport Anders Mobiel Text IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied Link
OVK - Demonstratieproject Lievegem, Eindrapport Text IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied Link
OVK - Demonstratieproject Eeklo, Principehandboek Energiewijk Eeklo Text IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied Link
OVK - Demonstration project Eeklo Video IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
OVK - Demonstration project Lievegem Video IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
OVK - Demonstration project Merelbeke Video IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Zoom 3: Direct station environment Image Socio spatial research Gent Sint-Pieters
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 4 ‘Circular building blocks’, 18.11.2019, Brussels, Photo: Lies Engelen Image Circular (City) Ports
Evence Coppéelaan, Genk Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
De Zevensprong, Leuven Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
De Zevensprong, Leuven Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Farmer empties field Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
VIIO Borgloon, a2o architects. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Workshop on 'Environmental Quality', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Workshop in collaboration with ILVO and INBO Image Water+Land+Scape
Drought and flooding in Flanders is becoming increasingly severe Image Water+Land+Scape
We are jointly constructing climate-robust water landscapes from the bottom-up. Image Water+Land+Scape
The programme team integrates the objectives Image Water+Land+Scape
The coalitions are mapping out the problems together with experts Image Water+Land+Scape
The 9 actors in the 'Water+Land+Scape' programme team Image Water+Land+Scape
Members of the programme team place their own objectives on the table Image Water+Land+Scape
Delta Atelier Stedelijk Beheer, “10 punten voor het beheer van de toekomst” — Together with the 'Kopgroep Stedelijk Beheer', AW is investigating how a social 'by-catch' can be generated when the sewers are repaired or replaced. The unimaginable budgets that have been set aside - totalling 15 billion euros annually in the Netherlands for the management of public space - can at the same time make it possible to achieve the social, sustainability and circularity objectives. These new funding mechanisms will be needed to accelerate the transitions we are facing.  Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Reweaving the Urban Carpet, publication Text IABR-Atelier BrabantStad Link
The Ambition of the Territory - Publication Text The Ambition of the Territory – publication, The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition Link
Project - Source de friche, Ooze & Marjetica Potrc, 2012, Brussel. Photo: Ooze Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Installation view 'Building for Brussels', 2012, Brussels Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Landscape of Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Campaign image 'Proud local residents', 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
A historical and socio-spatial analysis of the site's unique character. Photo: Ferraris map, 1777 Image Baudelo Ghent
View of the Baudelo area in the historic heart of Ghent city centre. Bottom right is the existing Baudelo building that will make way for a new construction. Image Baudelo Ghent
A dynamic and open organisational culture — A dynamic and open structure requires a process-oriented approach, in which there is continuous consultation, based on the memorandum of ambition and the aforementioned three aspects - programme, neighbourhood and management, or the shared ambitions are achieved. Image Baudelo Ghent
Five design principles for the future Baudelo building Image Baudelo Ghent
A spatial translation of all individual and collective needs and expectations to produce a single, coordinated programme of requirements Image Baudelo Ghent
Pentagone Sud: An urban project for the southern pentagon Text Pentagone Sud
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — The Future is a Practice Image You Are Here
Installation view 'Building for Brussels', 2012, Brussels. Photo: Jeroen Verrecht Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Bruxelles - Cards, 2012. Photo: Jeroen Verrecht Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Workshop 'Shared Mobility, Shared Space', 2018, WTC I. Image Pentagone Sud
Workshop 'Shared Mobility, Shared Space', 2018, WTC I. Image Pentagone Sud
Workshop 'Shared Mobility, Shared Space', 2018, WTC I. Image Pentagone Sud
Workshop 'Shared Mobility, Shared Space', 2018, WTC I. Image Pentagone Sud
Workshop 'Shared Mobility, Shared Space', 2018, WTC I. — Presentation: Eric Corijn (Cosmopolis, VUB) Image Pentagone Sud
Workshop 'Shared Mobility, Shared Space', 2018, WTC I. Image Pentagone Sud
The Atelier Series provides important momentum and a collective indicator for continuing to gradually exchange and build up knowledge within the care and space domains. Image Atelier series Take Care!
A socio-spatial approach serves as a lever to integrate care more effectively in society. Image Atelier series Take Care!
New coalitions of policy-makers, researchers, care professionals, care users and designers collectively fine-tune the challenge and strive for breakthroughs on the ground. Image Atelier series Take Care!
The Take Care! Atelier Series was created to bundle knowledge from different domains and levels of knowledge and collectively determine the next steps. Image Atelier series Take Care!
There is a discernible Missing Link between ambitious objectives and innovative experiments to design and organise a caring society. This results in the need for a new method. Image Atelier series Take Care!
Image Atelier series Take Care!
Results of workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Image: Architectuurplatform Terwecoren Verdickt  — Realistic dream scenario: In the future, according to the Good Move plan, Keizer Karellaan, just like other main axes in the city, will need to be unburdened, in which pedestrians, bikes, cars and public transport will co-exist on an equal footing. Keizer Karel will acquire a new, multi-modal street profile with a central, green promenade, flanked in both directions by a wide cycling path, a driving strip for public transport and one for (electric) cars and freight transport. Image Air for Schools
Results of workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Image: Architectuurplatform Terwecoren Verdickt  — Realistic dream scenario: The Basilix site borders the Sint-Agatha-Berchem train station that transports you to Brussels North Station in ten minutes and the Groene Wandeling (Green Walk) guides walkers or cyclists along parks, forests and river valleys to virtually all the municipalities around Brussels. We can vividly imagine that these modern city gateways are the ideal places for new urban development, devoting special attention to an agreeable and safe public space. Consider new apartments, and why not an organic market selling locally-produced food from the farming area of the Zavelenberg? Image Air for Schools
Results of workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Image: Architectuurplatform Terwecoren Verdickt  Image Air for Schools
Results of workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Image: Architectuurplatform Terwecoren Verdickt  — Realistic dream scenario: We reserve a more important role for freight logistics to and from the city. After all, they are increasingly determining the economy of the future. The transfer points on the outskirts of the city can become places where large-scale freight transport can distribute its load via smaller, electric freight vehicles or bikes that subsequently end up in an efficient rotating system through the city. Image Air for Schools
Results of workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Image: Architectuurplatform Terwecoren Verdickt  — Realistic dream scenario: Thanks to the transfer point at Basilix, commuters can reach the centre using a high-speed tram or bus, or by bike. This means the tunnel can abandon its function as an urban highway for through traffic, and focus on transport that benefits from a direct underground connection to the city centre: freight logistics and a fast electric bus line. Image Air for Schools
Results of workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Image: Architectuurplatform Terwecoren Verdickt  — Realistic dream scenario: A multi-modal transfer point including a park & ride service is developed on the car park of Carrefour and the Basilix Shopping centre where incoming traffic flows of cars can transfer from the motorway to shared cars, bikes, public transport or alternative transport modes to access the city. Image Air for Schools
Results of workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Image: Architectuurplatform Terwecoren Verdickt  — Filter Café Filtré and Architecture Workroom Brussels designed a series of realistic dream scenarios for one of the most polluting axes in Brussels: Keizer Karellaan. Image Air for Schools
Workshop 2 'Canal - Sainctelette', 2019, Pianofabriek, Sint-Gillis Image Air for Schools
A collective organisational model — The collective organisational model for the Baudelo building is based on a dynamic collaboration and interaction between the organisations themselves, the neighbourhood, related organisations and the different City services. Image Baudelo Ghent
Ambitienota - Baudelo Text Baudelo Ghent Link
Baudelo Text Baudelo Ghent
Rising Waters (FR) Text Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Rising Waters (NL) Text Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Rising Waters (EN) Text Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Image Water+Land+Scape
De open ruimte werken Text Open Space Platform, The Open Space Movement
Open Space Offensive Text Open Space Platform, Open Space Offensive Link
Exhibition component 'IABR–Atelier East Flanders Core Region', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Ivo Haarman for IABR — Research into the future of the urbanised area around Ghent by studio Paula Vigano, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'IABR–2018–THE MISSING LINK', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Ivo Haarman for IABR — Research into M4H as a breeding ground for the circular manufacturing industry by 1010au commissioned by IABR, the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Rotterdam Port Authority, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'IABR–2018–THE MISSING LINK', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Ivo Haarman for IABR — Research into M4H as a breeding ground for the circular manufacturing industry by 1010au commissioned by IABR, the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Rotterdam Port Authority, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'IABR–2018–THE MISSING LINK', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Ivo Haarman for IABR — Research into new building typologies for the energy transition by CIVIC, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'IABR–2018–THE MISSING LINK', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Ivo Haarman for IABR — Research into new building typologies for the energy transition by CIVIC, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'IABR–2018–THE MISSING LINK', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Ivo Haarman for IABR — Research into new building typologies for the energy transition by CIVIC, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–2018–THE MISSING LINK', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Research into new building typologies for the energy transition by CIVIC, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Research into new building typologies for the energy transition by CIVIC, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Six steps to bridge The Missing Link, 2018 — Overview of the different steps cited for bridging The Missing Link, Chloé Nachtergael for AWB Image Delta Atelier
Conceptsubsidie Spoor Oost Eindrapport Text Antwerp Spoor Oost Link
Making City Arnavutköy, Istanbul Text IABR–Atelier Istanbul Link
Video Atelier Istanbul - IABR Video IABR–Atelier Istanbul
Parkdesign Cureghem Video G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
CIrcular (City)Ports_ report WS4 Text Circular (City) Ports
Circular (City) Ports_Workbook 2_ Buildings Blocks Text Circular (City) Ports
Circular (City) Ports_Shaping Future Changes Text Circular (City) Ports
Report Online Webinars_Circular Port Projects Text Circular (City) Ports
Four thematics Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Four thematics_Thematic 4: Strong city center Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Four thematics_Thematic 3: Accessible city Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Four thematics_Thematic 2: Vital city Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Four thematics_Thematic 1: City and landscape Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Installation view 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Research into M4H as a breeding ground for the circular manufacturing industry by 1010au commissioned by IABR, the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Rotterdam Port Authority, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Research into M4H as a breeding ground for the circular manufacturing industry by 1010au commissioned by IABR, the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Rotterdam Port Authority, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Research into M4H as a breeding ground for the circular manufacturing industry by 1010au commissioned by IABR, the municipality of Rotterdam and the Rotterdam Port Authority, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Research into M4H as a breeding ground for the circular manufacturing industry by 1010au commissioned by IABR, the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Rotterdam Port Authority, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Research into new building typologies for the energy transition by CIVIC, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Ivo Haarman for IABR — Research into M4H as a breeding ground for the circular manufacturing industry by 1010au commissioned by IABR, the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Rotterdam Port Authority, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Research into M4H as a breeding ground for the circular manufacturing industry by 1010au commissioned by IABR, the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Rotterdam Port Authority, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Research into new building typologies for the energy transition by CIVIC, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Research into new building typologies for the energy transition by CIVIC, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Transition Chamber 'Renewable energy landscape', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam — Bundling innovative practices on different levels of scale to arrive at a single narrative in the IABR 2018 exhibition, Graphic design: De Ronners Image Delta Atelier
A+ Freespace (De opstand van Eva) Text IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
A+ Freespace (La révolte d'Ève) Text IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
The next big thing will be a lot of small things Text Delta Atelier
Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Online Delta Atelier Conferentie - Stedelijk Beheer (23/06/2020) Video Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Guided tour for kids, 2012, Brussel — "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Partners of The Missing Link in the Delta of the Low Lands, Photo: Architecture Workroom Brussels Image You Are Here, Delta Atelier
Kortrijk 2025. De stad die we kunnen willen, publication, 2018. — In Kortrijk, we organised an ambitious participative project together with the city council, in which hundreds of citizens jointly decided the future of their city. The city's many abandoned industrial buildings are assigned a new purpose to accommodate the urban economy of the future.      Text Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want. Link
The Missing Link — We have set ourselves ambitious goals. Nevertheless, the future is difficult to imagine in terms of quality gains. The path to the future is uncertain. That is the ‘missing link’: we know what to do, but we don't know how to get there.   Image You Are Here
De Lage Landen 2020-2100, 2014-2017 — In the publication De Lage Landen 2020-2100 we look a century further into the future. New production technologies such as CAD/CAM represent an opportunity to transform the current logistics chain of production in low-wage countries into a short chain. From now on, production will take place where and when it is needed.    Text Low countries 2020-2100 Link
Work models for the Productive City, research by design, Plusoffice + WRKSHPS, Atelier Brussels, 2016 — How do we design space for the many businesses in productive districts? The Tinker Tower makes production prominently visible in the public space. It celebrates industry in the city and restores the pride of manufacturing.    Text Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis Link
Urban Metabolism of the Brussels Region - Interview with Olv Klijn of Fabric, 2016. — Fabric considers a city to be a living 'metabolism'. The ultimate goal is to create a circular city. This is a city where all the different flows are optimally aligned and as few precious raw and other materials and energy as possible are lost.    Video Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
A Good City Has Industry, Visitor Guide, 2016. — Visitor guide from A Good City Has Industry, with ten rules of thumb for building the productive city.     Text Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry Link
Urban Economy Video, Victor Vroegindeweij, Building for Brussels exhibition, BOZAR, 2010 — Why does the dominant urban development culture drive the local manufacturing economy and logistics out of the city? While the rate of unemployment in cities is so high, and the city is the main market for goods?    Video Building for Brussels – exhibition
Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Image The Ambition of the Territory – publication
Comparative study of 11 ports related to circular initiatives and strategies Image Circular (City) Ports
Image Low countries 2020-2100
Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Principle 2: A house with multiple front doors Image Baudelo Ghent
Principle 4: Hybrid spaces Image Baudelo Ghent
Principle 1: Room for the neighbourhood Image Baudelo Ghent
Cluster 5: the entrance — Providing a separate front door for each organisation is not desirable with the aim of designing a collective building that offers the opportunity for encounters, unexpected cross-pollination or collective activities. On the other hand, a large entrance with a public counter impedes the anonymity or atmosphere of informality that several organisations are looking for. The solution lies somewhere between the two, with alternating reception clusters, a more informal or shared entrance hall and individual front doors. Image Baudelo Ghent
Cluster 6: the technical rooms — A number of technical rooms can also be shared. The parking area, storage and sanitary facilities can best be organised using a collective perspective for practical reasons. Image Baudelo Ghent
Detailed spatial configuration plan — Lastly, the shared clusters are positioned in relation to the clearly defined private spaces and hybrid, semi-public transition areas. Image Baudelo Ghent
Five design principles for the future Baudelo building — Five guiding design principles serve as a framework for drafting the project definition Image Baudelo Ghent
Principle 1: Room for the neighbourhood — The objective is a building that is optimally embedded in its environment and is as open and accessible as possible to the neighbourhood. Image Baudelo Ghent
Principle 2: A house with multiple front doors — The building requires a well-thought-out design for the entrance(s) and guiding the corresponding visitor flows, which is closely related to the building's 'face'. Designing for diverse target audiences, for which a more or less public character is desirable: some easily accessible and quasi invisible, others rather formal, recognisable and explicitly visible, is quite a challenge. Image Baudelo Ghent
Principle 3: An intelligent ruin — It is important that the building is designed in such a way that in the future it can be expanded without any problems and adapted to the changing needs and requirements of the diverse organisations that occupy it. Moreover, this kind of vision implies that a building is achieved that allows different levels of finish and appropriation by the diverse users. Image Baudelo Ghent
Principle 3: An intelligent ruin Image Baudelo Ghent
Principle 4 :Hybrid spaces — Where possible the Baudelo project creates spaces that are not earmarked, enabling unexpected use, a lively character and spontaneous encounters or collaboration. Hybrid spaces stimulate creativity and appropriation of the building. Use of the hybrid spaces is not pre-structured, and can change over time. Image Baudelo Ghent
Principle 4: Hybrid spaces Image Baudelo Ghent
Principle 5: Quality of use and quality of life — The design for the Baudelo project takes into account emotional indicators that are important for the effective operations and image of the organisations, but that are not purely measurable. These usage values can be shaped by applying certain materials, by light penetration, by the acoustics, the view, ceiling height, compactness of the space, etc. It sometimes concerns subjective values too, such as homeliness, security, roughness, professionalism, an inviting character, privacy and avoiding the atmosphere of a hospital, etc. Image Baudelo Ghent
Principle 5: Quality of use and quality of life Image Baudelo Ghent
Aspects of good management — A dynamic organisational model is based on a number of aspects that facilitate good, collective management, including the substantive programme (1); a healthy exchange and understanding with the neighbourhood (2); and day-to-day management (3). Image Baudelo Ghent
— Hypothetical synergy diagrams served as the foundation for engaging in the debate about the collective organisation, based on a number of possible future scenarios for Baudelo. The above diagram illustrates the possible degrees of involvement of the different Baudelo organisations and organisations in the neighbourhood for the 'Baudelo as a safe haven' scenario. Image Baudelo Ghent
Image Baudelo Ghent
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Field testimony by architect Michiel Verhaegen (Astor vzw/Osar). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — One of the round-table talks involved in the search for socio-spatial breakthroughs, moderated by Els Vervloesem (AWB). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — One of the round-table talks involved in the search for socio-spatial breakthroughs, moderated by Griet Roets (Ghent University). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Programme Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — One of the round-table talks involved in the search for socio-spatial breakthroughs, moderated by Griet Roets (Ghent University). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Conclusions of the round-table talks presented by Els Vervloesem (AWB) and Christophe Cousaert (VIPA). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Welcome and introduction by Els Vervloesem (AWB). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Programme Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Presentation of the Care Pilot Projects by Stijn De Vleeschouwer (Flemish Government Architect Team). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020), Photo: Sien Verstraeten Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Presentation about neighbourhood-based (front line) care by Veerle Vyncke and Sara Willems (in the photo) based on their study at Ghent University and their experience in district healthcare centres. Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Presentation of the study of neighbourhood initiatives by Chantal Vanoeteren (HumanCities) on behalf of Vicinia. Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Presentation of the study into the ageing population in the countryside by Emma Volckaert (P.PUL, KULeuven). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Presentation by Stefan Van Eeckhout (Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen (Care Company Antwerp)) on organising caring neighbourhoods in the city. Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Presentation by Stefan Van Eeckhout (Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen (Care Company Antwerp)) on organising caring neighbourhoods in the city. Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — One of the round-table talks involved in the search for socio-spatial breakthroughs, moderated by Els Vervloesem (AWB). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — One of the round-table talks involved in the search for socio-spatial breakthroughs, moderated by Griet Roets (Ghent University). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Aperitif event. Image Atelier series Take Care!
Shared clusters — List of all spaces that could potentially be shared in accordance with a number of clusters Image Baudelo Ghent
Spatial configuration plan — The spatial configuration reveals the arrangement of the different clusters and individual organisations in relation to one another Image Baudelo Ghent
Cluster 1: the kitchen — The kitchen is a promising shared factor in a number of ways for the organisations and the neighbourhood of Baudelo: ranging from a public social restaurant, a shared staff kitchen, to a kitchen workshop. Image Baudelo Ghent
Cluster 2: the office space — Many of the requested office spaces are private, but there are lots of opportunities for sharing office space, especially at the Huis van de Jeugd, via individual work, project, discussion and meeting rooms that can be reserved. Image Baudelo Ghent
Cluster 3: the workshops — The Huis van de Jeugd has a large number of multifunctional spaces (creative spaces, rehearsal rooms, presentation spaces) that could be used by all organisations in the Baudelo building, as well as by the neighbourhood. Possibly with support based on social-artistic work. In addition the bike workshop and the workplace of the youth residential centre offer opportunities to involve the other organisations in the neighbourhood. Image Baudelo Ghent
Cluster 4: the outdoor space — Despite the proximity of the park, the majority of the organisations demand individual or collective outdoor space (whether or not closed off).This is interesting for two reasons. On the one hand it allows vulnerable people to withdraw without having to immediately seek out the public sphere. It is also interesting for limiting the potential nuisance to the neighbourhood. Image Baudelo Ghent
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020). Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Stefan Van Eeckhout from Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen (Care Company Antwerp) on bottlenecks related to organising caring neighbourhoods in the city. Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 4, Care for the Neighbourhood (27 February 2020). Photo: Sien Verstraeten — One of the round-table talks involved in the search for socio-spatial breakthroughs, moderated by prof Griet Roets (Ghent University). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Hosted by Els Vervloesem from Architecture Workroom. Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Presentation based on the policy by Minister Wouter Beke. Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Presentation based on the research field by professor Griet Roets from Ghent University, Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy. Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Presentation based on the research field by professor Griet Roets from Ghent University, Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy. Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Field testimony by Dries Cautreels (Heder vzw). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Field testimony by Dries Cautreels (Heder vzw). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Field testimony by artist, theatre maker and researcher Simon Allemeersch (Rabotatelier). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Atelier 1, The Socialisation of Care (12 December 2019), Photo: Sien Verstraeten — Field testimony by artist, theatre maker and researcher Simon Allemeersch (Rabotatelier). Image Atelier series Take Care!
Project:Geïntegreerde ontharding Redingenhof Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Ontharding Oostakkerdorp, Betonschr(a)ap Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: GruunRant Onthardt Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: De robuuste klimaatstraat Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Infiltratie in co-creatie Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Ontharding en waterberging in de vallei van de Kleine Nete  Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Groen in plaats van grijs Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Zuurstof voor de Vogelzangbeek Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Ontharden Zenneweide Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Van grijs naar groen speelparadijs Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Froen Hart voor Zolder Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Transformatie van de Evence Coppéelaan Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Desealing in action. School VBS KBK Sint-Paulus Kortrijk, Photo: Cedric Ryckaert Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Desealing in action. School VBS KBK Sint-Paulus Kortrijk, Photo: Cedric Ryckaert Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Desealing in action. De Kleine Nete, Photo: Wout Opdekamp Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Desealing in action. School De Zevensprong, Photo: Floor Jacoby Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Desealing in action. School De Zevensprong, Photo: Floor Jacoby Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Desealing in action. School De Zevensprong, Photo: Floor Jacoby Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Har(d)t voor groen Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Transitie varkenssite naar eetbare pluktuin Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Speelgroenplaats - een droom van een speelplaats Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Omgevingsontwerp Markt 23, Kerktuin Wetteren Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: De Smet De Naeyerpark, Betonschr(a)ap Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: Gummarushof Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Project: De Zevensprong onthardt Image Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Future-oriented map: Functional interconnection and management Image Socio spatial research Gent Sint-Pieters
Future-oriented map: Meeting and connection Image Socio spatial research Gent Sint-Pieters
Zoom 1: Sint-Pieters Noord Image Socio spatial research Gent Sint-Pieters
Zoom 2: Sint-Pieters Zuid Image Socio spatial research Gent Sint-Pieters
Action point 5: new housing typologies Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Line of action 3 points of action — Action points: 1 - logistic hub, incubators and test sites, 2 - educational cluster, 3 - hybrid activities, 4 - housing in smaller centres, 5 - new housing typologies Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Visualisation of line of action 4: energy and circularity Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Analysis map of the deployability of energy in the District — The map shows a gradient for both housing / living plots and productivity that corresponds to the different energy forms and needs. The darker the area, the greater the possibility of using different forms of energy. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 1: space for energy Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 2: need for a robust energy grid Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 4: power banks Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 5: water-related sorting centres Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Line of action 4 points of action — Action points: 1 - space for energy, 2 - need for a robust energy grid, 3 - room for heat grids, 4 - power banks, 5 - water-related sorting centres Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Neighbourhood visit in Zoetermeer — The four pilot districts were explored via a neighbourhood portrait and a neighbourhood visit. In Meerzicht a large portion of self-managed green stands out. A number of citizens manage a portion of green via management contracts, which produces these great results. Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Neighbourhood visit in Leiden — The four pilot districts were explored via a neighbourhood portrait with a neighbourhood visit. Leiden Zuid-West is characterised by a large amount of hardened surface with a lot of fragmented and sometimes under-utilised green space. Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Neighbourhood visit in Rotterdam — The four pilot districts were explored via a neighbourhood portrait with a neighbourhood visit. In Reyeroord several participatory projects were launched via Stadups. For example, in the Coop neighbourhood pilots have been conducted with new forms of recycled paving. Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Neighbourhood visit in Leiden — The four pilot districts were explored via a neighbourhood portrait and a neighbourhood visit. Leiden Zuid-West is characterised by a large amount of hardened surface with a lot of fragmented and sometimes under-utilised green space. Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Neighbourhood visit in Almere — The four pilot districts were explored via a neighbourhood portrait and a neighbourhood visit. Almere stands out due to the multitude of highly complex mobility infrastructure, with a separate bus and bicycle route. Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Workshop II Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Workshop II Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Workshop II Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Workshop II Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Workshop II Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Workshop II Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Workshop II Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Satellite photo project area Image Socio spatial research Gent Sint-Pieters
Workshop II Image Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Line of action 4 aims to position the District as a strong environment in terms of energy and circularity. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Process diagram phase 1 'Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District' — The first phase of the project ran from April to October 2019. Knowledge, ideas and dreams about the region were gathered during the various work sessions and consultations and processed to produce the draft work agenda containing four lines of action. The work agenda is to be refined in a subsequent phase. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Methodology per line of action — The lines of action in the work agenda adopt a particular methodology. After supplying the existing situation with initiatives and visions, the agenda points for change were provided via three work tracks. Afterwards an analysis was produced of the area according to a certain approach, related to the theme of the line of action. This analysis map forms the basis for determining the points of action, which are the first steps in localising the agenda points for change in the District. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Process diagram beginning of phase 2 — The starting point for the process in phase 2 is the final chapter of the draft work agenda. This is indicative and is determined in consultation with the partner administrators of the District. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Visualisation of line of action 1: accessibility and connections Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Analysis map of the District's accessibility — The map shows a gradient for both housing / living plots and productivity that corresponds to the accessibility of these plots according to different means of transport. The darker the area, the better the accessibility. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 1: the missing link in shared mobility Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 2: the station of the future Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 3: closely connected housing, living and working Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 4: new connections in the rural area Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 5: the fast-track strategy Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Line of action 1 points of action — Action points: 1 - the missing link in shared mobility, 2 - the station of the future, 3 - closely connected housing, living and working, 4 - new connections in the rural area, 5 - the fast-track strategy Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Visualisation of line of action 2: appealing living landscape Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Analysis map and the impact of green structures in the District — The map shows a gradient for both housing / living plots and productivity that corresponds to the availability, accessibility, size and impact of existing green structures. The darker the area, the greater the number of different types of green that are present and within reach. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 1: landscapes for the region Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 2: small, locked-in green spaces Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 3: industrial landscapes Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 4: an identity for the countryside Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 5: gateway to the landscape Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Line of action 2 points of action — Action points: 1 - landscapes for the region, 2 - small, locked-in green spaces, 3 - industrial landscapes, 4 - an identity for the countryside, 5 - gateway to the landscape Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Visualisation of line of action 3: housing, labour market and training Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Analysis map of the availability of vacant parcels in the District — The map shows a gradient for both housing / living plots and productivity that corresponds to the presence and quantity of vacant, undeveloped plots. The darker the area, the more undeveloped plots present in the neighbourhood. These plots could form the basis for implementing missing facilities at important sites, the open space outside industrial and residential centres was not taken into account. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 1: logistic hubs, incubators and test sites Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 2: educational cluster Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 3: hybrid activities Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Action point 4: housing in smaller centres Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Walk 'Mobility in the North District', 2018 Image Pentagone Sud
Walk 'Mobility in the North District', 2018 Image Pentagone Sud
Walk 'Mobility in the North District', 2018 Image Pentagone Sud
Walk 'Mobility in the North District', 2018 Image Pentagone Sud
Walk 'Mobility in the North District', 2018 — The walk ended with a visit to the exhibition on slow mobility as part of 'You Are Here' in the WTC tower. Image Pentagone Sud
The North Sea Port District is made up of the six adjoining municipalities and the two provinces around North Sea Port. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
The merger of the Port of Ghent and Zeeland Seaports resulting in North Sea Port marks the starting point for viewing the District as a single cross-border region. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
North Sea Port is characterised by diverse activities and a major ambition with regard to sustainability, which requires specific workforces. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
As the region surrounding the port, the North Sea Port District plays a crucial role in finding these workers, providing them with accommodation and a good quality of life. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
The District can serve as a model of how to cope with the climate transitions in the Delta. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
The District has historic connections that transcend the existing land border. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
The District has different types of environments comprising villages, cities and landscapes; the aim is to identify complementarity in this diversity. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
The District is a project with a total vision, which focuses on cross-border cooperation and co-development of the port and the environment. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Line of action 1 on the work agenda concentrates on the District's accessibility and connections. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Line of action 2 seeks work points to create a District with an appealing living landscape. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Line of action 3 explores options in the District related to housing, the labour market and training. Image Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Model of Brussels as metropolitan centre: BSI-BCO. Image Pentagone Sud
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Slow mobility as instigator for a city project. Image Pentagone Sud
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Shared Mobility, Shared Space. Models: BSI-BCO, Bye Bye Kleine Ring Image Pentagone Sud
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde — Model: Bye Bye Kleine Ring Image Pentagone Sud
Strategic junction: Rue des Six Jetons — Four primary schools, two secondary schools and one location of the Erasmus College of Higher Educationare located along the Rue des Six Jetons. The majority of students travel to school on foot, by bicycle or public transport. Since the introduction of the pedestrian zone, the southern part of the Rue des Six Jetons is part of the city's small parking loop resulting in heavy traffic. The intersection with the Rue Van Artevelde is problematic and there are no bicycle paths. However, the area holds a major asset: the Fontainas Park is already used by several schools in the area. During the current reconstruction, additional facilities are being built, such as a nursery, catering facilities and an underground sports hall. A transformation of the Place du Jardin aux Fleurs - Rue des Six Jetons - Fontainas axis is imperative. We convert the intersections with Rue Van Artevelde and Place Fontainas into mobi points where we can switch between different transport modes. In the existing parking buildings, the most accessible floor is reserved for bicycle parking. The Rue des Six Jetons will be a residential area that connects school and park. A vegetable garden project in the park near Anneessens Funck, managed by the school, strengthens the relationship between school and park. The ‘greening’ of the park will be extended to the construction of the nearby intersections, such as Place Fontainas and Place du Jardin aux Fleurs. Image Pentagone Sud
Strategic junction: area of Gare de Bruxelles-Chapelle — Today, the Gare de la Chapelle’s underpasses and facades are dreary and underused. However, examples such as Le Viaduc des Arts in Paris or the Hofbogen in Rotterdam show countless possibilities for such spaces. By using the accommodation for catering and other functions, it becomes a lively place in the evening. Surrounding actors can use the public space. Think of an evening market with the unsold goods of Les Tanneurs or a Table d´hôte organized by Recyclart. During the day it becomes a place for games and sports for the students of the surrounding schools. So the tunnels and the station's facades can be connected to the other developments on the site and together form a large multifunctional pool in the district. Image Pentagone Sud
Strategic junction: Place Poelaert — Today, the elevator at the Place Poelaert is a real bottleneck. To encourage the use of the alternative slope, a redevelopment is required. Parking spaces make way for a green promenade with the best view on the city. It will be a place to hang out and rest while looking out over the city. Image Pentagone Sud
Future imaginery: Rues de Capucins — The Rue des Capucins is a cross street between the Rue Haute and the Rue Blaes. Today it is a narrow street, completely paved and dominated by parked vehicles. Young people on their way to school or to the green inner area Image Pentagone Sud
Future imaginery: Rue Haute — The Rue Haute has the narrow profile of a one-way street and forms, together with the Rue Blaes, an access loop for car traffic, ensuring accessibility for retailers located in both streets to load and unload their products. However, the street is crossed by soft traffic axes in several places. A number of schools and facilities are also located on this street, but with little space at their entrance. However, limiting car traffic in one direction and installing markings and wide traffic islands at the intersections will create priority space for pedestrians. Small interventions such as flower boxes, lighting and give-way road markings make it clear that this is a destination where cars are just guests. So retailers can be smoothly supplied with goods, while it is also clear that cars are guests at intersections and front yards of facilities. Image Pentagone Sud
Future imaginery: Rue des Alexiens — Today, the Rue des Alexiens is part of the small parking ring. Bicycle lanes are marked in two directions, but are embedded in the street. The Sint-Joris primary school is currently working on the school buildings and their access. A large, open, new school entrance is provided along the Rue des Alexiens. When car traffic is limited to one-way traffic, the vacant space can be transformed into an elevated, two-way bicycle path. At the height of the entrance to the school, a wide traffic island can provide a safe crossing. A wider sidewalk and the widening of the school access provide space for waiting parents and children. By integrating play elements into the public domain, the routes from school to home become a trail full of experiences. When the current parking strips are constructed to be permeable to water with tree sections in between them, the rainwater from the sidewalk can be drained to this green strip. A green strip along the school wall can offer different qualitative elements and the school can create a vegetable garden with an educational function on its roof or on the new playground. Image Pentagone Sud
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — From left to right: Salima Abu Jeriban, Wout Baert, Barbara Roosen, Veerle De Vos Image Pentagone Sud
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Wout Baert (Fietsberaad) Image Pentagone Sud
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Annekatrien Verdickt (Filter Café Filtré) Image Pentagone Sud
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — From left to right: Wout Baert, Barbara Roosen, Veerle De Vos Image Pentagone Sud
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Wout Baert (Fietsberaad) Image Pentagone Sud
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Barbara Roosen (Wegenwerken, Uhasselt) Image Pentagone Sud
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Moderator: Veerle De Vos (VRT) Image Pentagone Sud
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Pascal Smet (former Brussels minister of Mobility and Public Works) Image Pentagone Sud
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Pentagone Sud
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Eric Corijn (Cosmopolis, VUB) Image Pentagone Sud
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Roeland Dudal (AWB) Image Pentagone Sud
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Annemie Maes (Groen) Image Pentagone Sud
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
School campaign at the 'Charles Quint' site, 2019, Keizer-Karellaan, Koekelberg Image Air for Schools
School campaign at the 'Charles Quint' site, 2019, Keizer-Karellaan, Koekelberg Image Air for Schools
School campaign at the 'Charles Quint' site, 2019, Keizer-Karellaan, Koekelberg Image Air for Schools
School campaign at the 'Charles Quint' site, 2019, Keizer-Karellaan, Koekelberg Image Air for Schools
School campaign at the 'Charles Quint' site, 2019, Keizer-Karellaan, Koekelberg Image Air for Schools
School campaign at the 'Charles Quint' site, 2019, Keizer-Karellaan, Koekelberg Image Air for Schools
School campaign at the 'Charles Quint' site, 2019, Keizer-Karellaan, Koekelberg Image Air for Schools
School campaign at the 'Charles Quint' site, 2019, Keizer-Karellaan, Koekelberg Image Air for Schools
Handover of the results of the 'Charles Quint' workshop, 2019, Keizer-Karellaan, Koekelberg Image Air for Schools
Handover of the results of the 'Charles Quint' workshop, 2019, Keizer-Karellaan, Koekelberg Image Air for Schools
Handover of the results of the 'Charles Quint' workshop, 2019, Keizer-Karellaan, Koekelberg Image Air for Schools
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde — Model of Brussels as metropolitan centre: BSI-BCO (above). Models of alternative future images: Bye Bye Kleine Ring (below). Image Pentagone Sud
Results of workshop 2 'Canal - Sainctelette', 2019, . Photo: Image: Architectuurplatform Terwecoren Verdickt  — Could we link the next major investment along the canal to strengthening the relationship between the public space and the water? Should we lower the quay as a whole in some places, give it a sloping design, or increase the water level? These are questions put to consultancies that take into account the infrastructure above and below ground, the buffer function of the canal and the cost of such interventions. Image Air for Schools
Results of workshop 2 'Canal - Sainctelette', 2019, . Photo: Image: Architectuurplatform Terwecoren Verdickt  — The two-way cycle path along the side of Molenbeek is saturated. A wide range of transport modes is forced to exist side by side. This is why from now on, the motorway along Koolmijnenkaai/Henegouwenkaai gives priority to cyclists. It has become a cycling street, the likes of which have been already existed for some time in Ghent and Leuven: cars adapt to the pace of the cyclist. Image Air for Schools
Results of workshop 2 'Canal - Sainctelette', 2019, . Photo: Image: Architectuurplatform Terwecoren Verdickt  — Parking in the city is only possible on the outskirts or in the stacked parking buildings; parking is disappearing from the street scene. If we take this as our basis, space is created along both sides of the canal for a diverse range of play areas, space for deliveries along the water, a terrace for adjacent catering establishments or shared vegetable containers. Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Hanne Mangelschots (AWB) Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lore Vantomme (Brussels Mobility) Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 3 'Charles Quint', 2019, Ex-Actiris. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 2 'Canal - Sainctelette', 2019, Pianofabriek, Sint-Gillis Image Air for Schools
Workshop 2 'Canal - Sainctelette', 2019, Pianofabriek, Sint-Gillis Image Air for Schools
Workshop 2 'Canal - Sainctelette', 2019, Pianofabriek, Sint-Gillis Image Air for Schools
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Wout Baert (Fietsberaad) Image Air for Schools
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Annekatrien Verdickt (Filter Café Filtré) Image Air for Schools
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — From left to right: Wout Baert, Barbara Roosen, Veerle De Vos Image Air for Schools
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Wout Baert (Fietsberaad) Image Air for Schools
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — From left to right: Salima Abu Jeriban, Wout Baert, Barbara Roosen, Veerle De Vos Image Air for Schools
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Moderator: Veerle De Vos (VRT) Image Air for Schools
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Barbara Roosen (Wegenwerken, UHasselt) Image Air for Schools
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Air for Schools
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Eric Corijn (Cosmopolis, VUB) Image Air for Schools
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Roeland Dudal (AWB) Image Air for Schools
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Annemie Maes (Groen) Image Air for Schools
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Slow mobility makes a city run faster and healthier Image Air for Schools
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde — Air For Schools Image Air for Schools
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde — A rug featuring a map of the air quality in Brussels, was used during the Filter Café Filtré campaigns Image Air for Schools
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — A rug featuring a map of the air quality in Brussels, was used during the Filter Café Filtré campaigns Image Air for Schools
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde — Call for schools to design the city of tomorrow Image Air for Schools
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde — Air For Schools Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde — Annekatrien Verdickt (Filter Café Filtré) Image Air for Schools
Workshop 1 'school environments', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Air for Schools
Street protest Filter Café Filtré — Wondelgem (Ghent) Image Air for Schools
Street protest Filter Café Filtré — School: 't Speelscholeke (Antwerp) Image Air for Schools
Street protest Filter Café Filtré Image Air for Schools
Street protest Filter Café Filtré Image Air for Schools
Street protest Filter Café Filtré Image Air for Schools
Street protest Filter Café Filtré Image Air for Schools
Street protest Filter Café Filtré Image Air for Schools
Street protest Filter Café Filtré Image Air for Schools
Street protest Filter Café Filtré Image Air for Schools
Street protest Filter Café Filtré Image Air for Schools
Street protest Filter Café Filtré Image Air for Schools
Street protest Filter Café Filtré — School: De Kleine Wereldburger (Antwerp) Image Air for Schools
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Photo: Bob Van Mol — Pascal Smet (former Brussels minister of Mobility and Public Works) Image Air for Schools
Public debate 'Circular City Harbours', Lecture Program You Are Here, 23.10.2018, WTC I, Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 2 ‘Benchmarking: learning from each other’, 13.03.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 2 ‘Benchmarking: learning from each other’, 13.03.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 2 ‘Benchmarking: learning from each other’, 13.03.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 2 ‘Benchmarking: learning from each other’, 13.03.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 2 ‘Benchmarking: learning from each other’, 13.03.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 2 ‘Benchmarking: learning from each other’, 13.03.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 2 ‘Benchmarking: learning from each other’, 13.03.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working session 2 ‘Benchmarking: learning from each other’, 13.03.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working Session 3 ‘Benchmarking: wrap-up and next steps’, 02.04.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working Session 3 ‘Benchmarking: wrap-up and next steps’, 02.04.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working Session 3 ‘Benchmarking: wrap-up and next steps’, 02.04.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working Session 3 ‘Benchmarking: wrap-up and next steps’, 02.04.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working Session 3 ‘Benchmarking: wrap-up and next steps’, 02.04.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working Session 3 ‘Benchmarking: wrap-up and next steps’, 02.04.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working Session 3 ‘Benchmarking: wrap-up and next steps’, 02.04.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working Session 3 ‘Benchmarking: wrap-up and next steps’, 02.04.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Working Session 3 ‘Benchmarking: wrap-up and next steps’, 02.04.2019, Brussels, Photo: Miles Fischler Image Circular (City) Ports
Excursion in Brussels, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Excursion in Brussels, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Proposals of change for the neigbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Proposals of change for the neigbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Proposals of change for the neigbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Proposals of change for the neigbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Proposals of change for the neigbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Proposals of change for the neigbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Proposals of change for the neigbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Proposals of change for the neigbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Proposals of change for the neigbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Labelling and categorising practices Image Circular (City) Ports
Synthesis diagram of the comparative study of the 11 ports, in relation to the analysed practices and their activities Image Circular (City) Ports
Public debate 'Circular City Harbours', Lecture Program You Are Here, 23.10.2018, WTC I, Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Circular (City) Ports
Public debate 'Circular City Harbours', Lecture Program You Are Here, 23.10.2018, WTC I, Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Circular (City) Ports
Public debate 'Circular City Harbours', Lecture Program You Are Here, 23.10.2018, WTC I, Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Circular (City) Ports
Public debate 'Circular City Harbours', Lecture Program You Are Here, 23.10.2018, WTC I, Photo: Bob Van Mol Image Circular (City) Ports
Presentation of intermediate results to the neighbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Presentation of intermediate results to the neighbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Presentation of intermediate results to the neighbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Presentation of intermediate results to the neighbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Presentation of intermediate results to the neighbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Presentation of intermediate results to the neighbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Presentation of intermediate results to the neighbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Presentation of intermediate results to the neighbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Presentation of intermediate results to the neighbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Presentation of intermediate results to the neighbourhood, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Excursion in Brussels, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Excursion in Brussels, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Excursion in Brussels, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Excursion in Brussels, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Campaign image 'Proud local residents', 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Campaign image 'Proud local residents', 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Campaign image 'Proud local residents', 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Campaign image 'Proud local residents', 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Campaign image 'Proud local residents', 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2015, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2015, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2015, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Participation moment, 2015, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
View on Muide-Meulestede, 2016, Gent. Photo: Sis Pillen Image Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
The Ambition of the Territory Belgian Pavilion, 13th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia 2012 Text The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition Link
Proeftuinen Droogte Text Pilot projects Drought Link
Kopgroep Stedelijk Beheer - het Webinar Video Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Kopgroep Stedelijk Beheer - het werkboek Text Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future Link
Kopgroep Stedelijk Beheer - de synthese Text Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future Link
Call for action: Proeftuinen Ontharding Text Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing Link
Building for Brussels Overview — At present, Brussels is facing some major social challenges. In the coming years the population will continue to grow, and an increased focus on issues such as jobs, mobility, and public amenities like schools and sporting infrastructure is required. The Building for Brussels exhibition argues that a powerful architectural and urban planning policy can provide answers to these challenges. The current situation offers an opportunity for Brussels to clearly define its ambitions and build the city of tomorrow. In its search for answers, Building for Brussels is looking to other major European cities. In recent years, cities like Madrid, Zürich, Hamburg and Rotterdam have implemented effective policies geared towards modernisation and improving quality of life. Radical urban transformations have boosted economic development, created jobs, facilitated access to public transport, enabled sufficient affordable housing, and regenerated the urban framework and public space.  Building for Brussels examines how high-quality architectural and urban planning projects can offer answers to the social challenges of the capital of Europe. Using models, films, plans and photographs the exhibition presents a selection of projects designed by highly reputed as well as emerging architects such as Rem Koolhaas/Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Peter Zumthor, MVRDV, Richard Rogers, Lacaton Vassal, Christ & Gantenbein and Office Kersten Geers David Van Severen. The exhibition looks at the potential meaning of these visions and projects for the most pressing challenges Brussels is facing. Video Building for Brussels – exhibition
Building for Brussels - Demography — During Belgium's EU presidency, the Brussels Region seeks out European expertise for the architecture of future urban developments. This exhibition looks at some outstanding projects in European cities and considers their relevance to the challenges facing Brussels: demographic growth, mobility, public services, new industries, and, last but not least, accommodation for international institutions.   Video Building for Brussels – exhibition
Building for Brussels - Mobility — During Belgium's EU presidency, the Brussels Region seeks out European expertise for the architecture of future urban developments. This exhibition looks at some outstanding projects in European cities and considers their relevance to the challenges facing Brussels: demographic growth, mobility, public services, new industries, and, last but not least, accommodation for international institutions.   Video Building for Brussels – exhibition
Building for Brussels - Public Services — During Belgium's EU presidency, the Brussels Region seeks out European expertise for the architecture of future urban developments. This exhibition looks at some outstanding projects in European cities and considers their relevance to the challenges facing Brussels: demographic growth, mobility, public services, new industries, and, last but not least, accommodation for international institutions.   Video Building for Brussels – exhibition
Building for Brussels - New Districts — During Belgium's EU presidency, the Brussels Region seeks out European expertise for the architecture of future urban developments. This exhibition looks at some outstanding projects in European cities and considers their relevance to the challenges facing Brussels: demographic growth, mobility, public services, new industries, and, last but not least, accommodation for international institutions. Video Building for Brussels – exhibition
The Future is Here on WTC-I, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — Test Image You Are Here
Opening of the exhibition 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. © BOZAR. Photo: Renaud Schrobiltgen Image A Good City Has Industry
Kopgroep Stedelijk Beheer (NL) Video Lead Group in Urban Management – 10 keys for the management of the future
Presentation of closing event Text Pilot Projects Productive Landscape Link
IABR 2018-2020- The Missing Link (NL) Text Delta Atelier, IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Circular City Ports - Workbook 1 Text Circular (City) Ports Link
Circular City Ports - Lessons Learned Text Circular (City) Ports Link
IABR 2018-2020- The Missing Link Text Delta Atelier, IABR–2018 – The Missing Link Link
ONTHARDINGSFORUM Video Trajectory Pilot Projects Desealing
Parcours 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image The Ambition of the Territory – exhibition
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image The Ambition of the Territory – publication
Image The Ambition of the Territory – publication
Image The Ambition of the Territory – publication
Image The Ambition of the Territory – publication
Image The Ambition of the Territory – publication
Image The Ambition of the Territory – publication
Image The Ambition of the Territory – publication
Image The Ambition of the Territory – publication
Image The Ambition of the Territory – publication
Image The Ambition of the Territory – publication
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Regeneration of Zeebrugge
Image Kortrijk Leiedal
Image Kortrijk Leiedal
Image Kortrijk Leiedal
Image Kortrijk Leiedal
Image Kortrijk Leiedal
Image Kortrijk Leiedal
Image Kortrijk Leiedal
Image Kortrijk Leiedal
Image Kortrijk Leiedal
Image Kortrijk Leiedal
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image Designing the Future
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image Designing the Future
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Image From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Portrait Mathieu Berger, Metrolab, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here Next Generation, You Are Here
The project of De-fragmentation, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here Next Generation, You Are Here
Educational trajectory 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Hugo Image You Are Here Next Generation, You Are Here
Educational trajectory 'You Are Here' Image You Are Here Next Generation, You Are Here
Educational trajectory 'You Are Here' Image You Are Here Next Generation, You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Yann Bertrand — The Big Energy Transformation Image You Are Here
Conversation with Practices, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Conversation with Innovation Platforms, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Mobility is an Urban Project, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Marjolein Guldentops Image You Are Here Next Generation, You Are Here
Guided tour 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here Next Generation, You Are Here
The World at Risk globe, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here Next Generation, You Are Here
Educational trajectory 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here Next Generation, You Are Here
Educational trajectory 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here Next Generation, You Are Here
Educational trajectory 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here Next Generation, You Are Here
Educational trajectory 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here Next Generation, You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — The Future is Here Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Water+Land+Scape Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — Animation 'Space for Biodiversity and Water' Image You Are Here
Guided tour with lunch, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — The project of De-fragmentation Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — Capitals of the Low Lands Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — The City as a Sponge Image You Are Here
Delta Atelier Conference, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Yann Bertrand Image You Are Here
Delta Atelier Conference, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Yann Bertrand Image You Are Here
Call for Action 'Air for Schools', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Workshop 'Air for Schools', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Workshop 'Air for Schools', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Recylart Pavilion, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Palabre, l'AUC, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Palabre, l'AUC, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Manifesto 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — The Future is a Practice Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — The Future is a Practice Image You Are Here
Recylart Pavilion, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Lobby of the WTC-I, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Palabre, l'AUC, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — The Future is a Practice Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — The Future is a Practice Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — The Future is a Practice Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — The Future is a Practice Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — The Future is a Practice Image You Are Here
Workshop 'Water+Land+Scape', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Workshop 'Water+Land+Scape', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Workshop 'Water+Land+Scape', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Steps to hack The Missing Link, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van De Velde — Working exhibition The Future is Here Image You Are Here
Workshop 'Air for Schools', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Annekatrien Verdickt (Filter-Café-Filtré) Image You Are Here
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Pascal Smet Image You Are Here
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Eric Corijn Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Yann Bertrand — Circular City Harbours Image You Are Here
World Transformation Session 'The Qualities of Affordable Densification', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Yann Bertrand Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — The Big Energy Transformation Image You Are Here
World Transformation Session 'Circular City Harbours', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Nadia Casabella (1010au) Image You Are Here
World Transformation Session 'Circular City Harbours', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Marco Vermeulen (studiomarcovermeulen) Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Circular City Harbours Image You Are Here
World Transformation Session 'Circular City Harbours', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — The Project of De-fragmentation Image You Are Here
World Transformation Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Dirk Sijmons (H+N+S) Image You Are Here
Conversation with Innovation Platforms, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Evi Swinnen (Timelab) Image You Are Here
Conversation with Innovation Platforms, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Democracy through action table Image You Are Here
World Transformation Session 'The Big Energy Transformation', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Yann Bertrand — Paul Gerretsen (Vereniging Deltametropool) Image You Are Here
Debate World Transformation Session The Big Energy Transformation, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Yann Bertrand Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — The Big Energy Transformation Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — The Project of De-fragmentation Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Air quality in Brussels Image You Are Here
Guided tour 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Mobility is an Urban Project Image You Are Here
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Roeland Dudal (AWB) Image You Are Here
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Barbara Roosen (Trage Wegen) Image You Are Here
World Transformation Session 'Mobility is an Urban Project', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Wout Baert (Fietsberaad) Image You Are Here
Opening 'You Are Here' (part 2), 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Conversation with Practices, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Jeremy Till Image You Are Here
Debate 'Conversation with Practices', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Conversation with Innovation Platforms, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Conversation with Innovation Platforms, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Henk Ovink Image You Are Here
Leo Van Broeck interviewed by Ruth Joos, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Speech by Minister of Culture Sven Gatz, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Showing of Manhattan, Brussels by Kwinten Gernay, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Marjolein Guldentops Image You Are Here
Conversation with Practices, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Yann Bertrand Image You Are Here
Conversation with Practices, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Yann Bertrand Image You Are Here
Recyclart Artist Talk, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Recyclart Artist Talk, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Conversation with Practices, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Exhibition guide 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
Parcours 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
Exhibition guide 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
Parcours 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
Parcours 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
Parcours 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
The Future is Here on WTC-I, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
Parcours 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
Parcours 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
The Future is Here, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
You Are Here manifesto, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
Parcours 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
Exhibition guide 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Max Creasy and OK–RM — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
Conversation with Innovation Platforms, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Conversation with Innovation Platforms, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Circular City Harbours , 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Degrowth Scenario Atelier East-Flemish Core Area, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Tower Rotterdam Central District by CIVIC architects, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Climate Districts, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Actions and new professions for circular harbours, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Leporello Test-site M4H+, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Water on earth, globe models, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Re-allotment Wondelgem by Bovenbouw, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
The construction sites of the Delta, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Intro-panel The Future is Here, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Parcours 'You Are Here', Photo: Tim Van de Velde — Graphic design: OK-RM Image You Are Here
Intervention Pool is Cool, 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Transitions in the Delta of the Low Lands, Photo: Architecture Workroom Brussels Image You Are Here
Manifesto 'You Are Here' Image You Are Here
Workshop 'Water+Land+Scape', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Workshop 'Air for Schools', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image You Are Here
Educational trajectory 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Installation view 'You Are Here', 2018, WTC I. Photo: Bob Van Mol Image You Are Here
Socio-geographical mapping: Diversity origin, 2017 — Cartography: Christiaan Kesteloot Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Photo series: neighborhood portraits Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Photo series: neighborhood portraits Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Photo series: neighborhood portraits Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Photo series: neighborhood portraits Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Photo series: neighborhood portraits Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Photo series: neighborhood portraits. Photo: Ludo Mariën Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Photo series: neighborhood portraits. Photo: Ludo Mariën Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Photo series: neighborhood portraits. Photo: Ludo Mariën Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Photo series: neighborhood portraits. Photo: Ludo Mariën Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Photo series: neighborhood portraits. Photo: Ludo Mariën Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Photo series: neighborhood portraits. Photo: Ludo Mariën Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Photo series: neighborhood portraits Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Socio-geographic mapping: Overview socio-geographic mapping according to different themes: diploma, age, origin, activity, housing size, housing market, , . Photo: Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Socio-geographical mapping: Diversity of the Housing Market, 2015 — Cartography: Christiaan Kesteloot Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Socio-geographic mapping: Diversity Housing Size, 2015 — Cartography: Christiaan Kesteloot Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Socio-geographic mapping: Average relocation balance, 2011-2015 — Cartography: Christiaan Kesteloot Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Socio-geographic mapping: Average relocation intensity 2011-2015 — Cartography: Christiaan Kesteloot Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Socio-geographic mapping: Diversity of ages, 2017 — Cartography: Christiaan Kesteloot Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Socio-geographic mapping: Average internal migration balance, 2011-2015 — Cartography: Christiaan Kesteloot Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Socio-geographic mapping: Average external migration balance, 2011-2015 — Cartography: Christiaan Kesteloot Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Socio-geographical mapping: Diversity certification, 2011 — Cartography: Christiaan Kesteloot Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Socio-geographical mapping: Diversity activity, 2014 — Cartography: Christiaan Kesteloot Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Learning panorama. To share Image Genk – concept study
Learning panorama. To connect Image Genk – concept study
Learning panorama. Synthesis map Image Genk – concept study
From regional node to local cross-linking Image Genk – concept study
Working-process. Workshops with various users and city staff Image Genk – concept study
Working-process. Workshop with professionals from the City of Genk and the schools with experts Image Genk – concept study
Working-process. First change proposals in the picture Image Genk – concept study
Working-process. Layout of the learning panorama Image Genk – concept study
Working-process. The collection of data on the current situation Image Genk – concept study
Routes, places and meetings. The neighborhood connection in Wilrijk Hoogte. Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
This diagram shows how to work on three tracks, each time to strengthen the neighbor's connection through concrete recommendations: 1. the bottom layer shows the basic spatial infrastructure or the 'space around the house' 2. the intermediate layer i — Diagram showing how to work on three tracks, each time to strengthen the neighbor's connection through concrete recommendations. 1. the bottom layer shows the basic spatial infrastructure or the 'space around the house' 2. the intermediate layer is about activating existing and new centralities based on 'being at home in the neighborhood', coupled with installing antennas 3. the top layer shows the need for a complementary level of policy on the district scale, with the associated development of an action program Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Places and encounters in Oud Berchem Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Places and encounters in Deurne Noord Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Heistraat Burenhulp: Help with daily tasks Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Heistraat Burenhulp: Deep social support Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Heistraat Burenhulp: Who has the key from whom? Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
City debate: Mapping liveliness in neighborhoods. Photo: Frederik Beyens Image Antwerp mapping the liveability of neighbourhoods
Learning landscapes in section. Edge 3: The edge as a mediator between living and going school Image Genk – concept study
Learning landscapes in section. Edge 1: The last mile Image Genk – concept study
Learning landscapes in section. The 2000 Image Genk – concept study
Learning landscapes in section. Edge 2: Extraordinary becomes common and vice versa Image Genk – concept study
Learning landscapes in section. The 4000 Image Genk – concept study
Workshop with professionals from the City of Genk and the schools with experts Image Genk – concept study
Changes imagined on a model Image Genk – concept study
Workshops with various users and city staff Image Genk – concept study
Image essay. Photo: Maarten Thijs Image Genk – concept study
Image essay. Photo: Maarten Thijs Image Genk – concept study
Image essay. Photo: Maarten Thijs Image Genk – concept study
Image essay. Photo: Maarten Thijs Image Genk – concept study
Image essay. Photo: Maarten Thijs Image Genk – concept study
Image essay. Photo: Maarten Thijs Image Genk – concept study
Image essay. Photo: Maarten Thijs Image Genk – concept study
Image essay. Photo: Maarten Thijs Image Genk – concept study
Aerial site Image Genk – concept study
Learning panorama. To do Image Genk – concept study
Exhibition component 'Transition Chamber Healthy Agriculture', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Bundling innovative practices on different scales to arrive at a single narrative, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition 'IABR–2018–THE MISSING LINK', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'Caring living environments', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Bundling innovative practices on different scales to arrive at a single narrative, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'The Turn', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Transition between the Wunderkammer and the Ateliers and Transition Chambers: here Eve offers the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the visitor is faced with the choice 'do we assume responsibility for creating the turn?' Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'The Turn', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Transition between the Wunderkammer and the Ateliers and Transition Chambers: here Eve offers the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the visitor is faced with the choice 'do we assume responsibility for creating the turn?' Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'The Turn', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Transition between the Wunderkammer and the Ateliers and Transition Chambers: here Eve offers the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the visitor is faced with the choice 'do we assume responsibility for creating the turn?' Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Learning panorama. Synthesis map Image Genk – concept study
Exhibition 'IABR–2018–THE MISSING LINK', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Access to the HAKA building on the side of Vierhavenstraat, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Opening weekend 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Opening weekend 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Presentation of the results of the IABR–Atelier Rotterdam Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Opening weekend 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Interactive presentation of the results of the IABR–Atelier Rotterdam Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Opening weekend 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Introduction by the curators Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Opening weekend 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Introduction by the curators Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Opening weekend 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Introduction by the curator Floris Alkemade Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'The Viewpoints', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Film by Marieke van der Lippe, which provides insight into the work agenda and the sum of standpoints by the curators Floris Alkemade, Leo Van Broeck and Joachim Declerck Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities: Asia', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Research into water-related challenges in Southeast Asia, of which the IABR and AWB are joint initiators, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'Six transitions', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Bundling innovative practices in six transition chambers where a common narrative is told on different scales, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'Transition Chamber Space for biodiversity and water', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Bundling innovative practices on different scales to arrive at a single narrative, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'Transition Chamber Healthy Agriculture', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Bundling innovative practices on different scales to arrive at a single narrative, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition component 'Transition Chamber Renewable Energy Landscape', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Bundling innovative practices on different scales to arrive at a single narrative, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition 'IABR–2018–THE MISSING LINK', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Colophon, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Opening weekend 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Introduction by curators Joachim Declerck and Floris Alkemade (from left to right) Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Opening weekend 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Interactive presentation of the results of the IABR–Atelier Rotterdam Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–The Turn', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Transition between the Wunderkammer and the Ateliers and Transition Chambers: here Eve offers the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the visitor is faced with the choice 'do we assume responsibility for creating the turn?' Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–The Turn', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Transition between the Wunderkammer and the Ateliers and Transition Chambers: here Eve offers the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the visitor is faced with the choice 'do we assume responsibility for creating the turn?' Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition map 'IABR–2018–THE MISSING LINK', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: — Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition map 'IABR–2018–THE MISSING LINK', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: — Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Exhibition map 'IABR–2018–THE MISSING LINK', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: — Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Opening weekend 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Introduction by IABR director George Brugmans and the three curators, Floris Alkemade, Leo Van Broack and Joachim Declerck (from left to right) Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Opening weekend 'IABR–2018', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Poster 'Our future in the delta, the delta of the future', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam — Campaign picture for 'IABR–2018–THE MISSING LINK', Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–Transition Chamber Healthy Agriculture', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Bundling innovative practices on different scales to arrive at a single narrative, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–Transition Chamber Renewable Energy Landscape', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Bundling innovative practices on different scales to arrive at a single narrative, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–The Wunderkammer', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Collection of objects by visual artists Caroline Ruijgrok and Wouter Klein Velderman that express an ambition towards circularity and increased sustainability – from energy-efficient shower heads, electric cars, insulation systems and solar panels to new forms of food production, wind turbines or even entire cities – and simultaneously depicting their limitations Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–The Wunderkammer', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Collection of objects by visual artists Caroline Ruijgrok and Wouter Klein Velderman that express an ambition towards circularity and increased sustainability – from energy-efficient shower heads, electric cars, insulation systems and solar panels to new forms of food production, wind turbines or even entire cities – and simultaneously depicting their limitations Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–Transition Chamber (Re)productive city', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Bundling innovative practices on different scales to arrive at a single narrative, Scenography: B-ILD, Graphic design: De Ronners Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Installation view 'IABR–The Turn', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn for IABR — Transition between the Wunderkammer and the Ateliers and Transition Chambers: here Eve offers the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the visitor is faced with the choice 'do we assume responsibility for creating the turn?' Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Work conference III 'Peer-to-peer knowledge and action platform', 2019, Atelier Bouwmeester, Brussel. Photo: Thomas Legrève — Plenary meeting during which the participating practices update one another on their progress and draw joint conclusions Image Delta Atelier
Work conference III 'Peer-to-peer knowledge and action platform', 2019, Atelier Bouwmeester, Brussel. Photo: Thomas Legrève — Plenary meeting during which the participating practices update one another on their progress and draw joint conclusions Image Delta Atelier
Work conference III 'Peer-to-peer knowledge and action platform', 2019, Atelier Bouwmeester, Brussel. Photo: Thomas Legrève — Plenary meeting during which the participating practices update one another on their progress and draw joint conclusions Image Delta Atelier
Work conference II 'Framework of work programmes for the Delta', 2018, WTC I, Brussel. Photo: Yann Bertrand for You Are Here — Plenary meeting with different work tables for jointly fine-tuning the agenda of the two-year work trajectory Image Delta Atelier
Work conference II 'Framework of work programmes for the Delta', 2018, WTC I, Brussel. Photo: Yann Bertrand for You Are Here — Guided tour of the You are Here exhibition Image Delta Atelier
Work conference II 'Framework of work programmes for the Delta', 2018, WTC I, Brussel. Photo: Yann Bertrand for You Are Here — Guided tour of the You are Here exhibition Image Delta Atelier
Work conference II 'Framework of work programmes for the Delta', 2018, WTC I, Brussel. Photo: Yann Bertrand for You Are Here — Plenary meeting with different work tables for jointly fine-tuning the agenda of the two-year work trajectory Image Delta Atelier
Work conference III 'Peer-to-peer knowledge and action platform', 2019, Atelier Bouwmeester, Brussel. Photo: Thomas Legrève — Plenary meeting during which the participating practices update one another on their progress and draw joint conclusions Image Delta Atelier
Work conference III 'Peer-to-peer knowledge and action platform', 2019, Atelier Bouwmeester, Brussel. Photo: Thomas Legrève — Plenary meeting during which the participating practices update one another on their progress and draw joint conclusions Image Delta Atelier
Work conference III 'Peer-to-peer knowledge and action platform', 2019, Atelier Bouwmeester, Brussel. Photo: Thomas Legrève — Plenary meeting during which the participating practices update one another on their progress and draw joint conclusions Image Delta Atelier
Work conference III 'Peer-to-peer knowledge and action platform', 2019, Atelier Bouwmeester, Brussel. Photo: Thomas Legrève — Plenary meeting during which the participating practices update one another on their progress and draw joint conclusions Image Delta Atelier
Work conference III 'Peer-to-peer knowledge and action platform', 2019, Atelier Bouwmeester, Brussel. Photo: Thomas Legrève — Plenary meeting during which the participating practices update one another on their progress and draw joint conclusions Image Delta Atelier
Work conference III 'Peer-to-peer knowledge and action platform', 2019, Atelier Bouwmeester, Brussel. Photo: Thomas Legrève — Plenary meeting during which the participating practices update one another on their progress and draw joint conclusions Image Delta Atelier
Work conference III 'Peer-to-peer knowledge and action platform', 2019, Atelier Bouwmeester, Brussel. Photo: Thomas Legrève — Plenary meeting during which the participating practices update one another on their progress and draw joint conclusions Image Delta Atelier
Work conference III 'Peer-to-peer knowledge and action platform', 2019, Atelier Bouwmeester, Brussel. Photo: Thomas Legrève — Plenary meeting during which the participating practices update one another on their progress and draw joint conclusions Image Delta Atelier
Work conference III 'Peer-to-peer knowledge and action platform', 2019, Atelier Bouwmeester, Brussel. Photo: Thomas Legrève — Plenary meeting during which the participating practices update one another on their progress and draw joint conclusions Image Delta Atelier
Work conference II 'Framework of work programmes for the Delta', 2018, WTC I, Brussel. Photo: Yann Bertrand for You Are Here — Plenary meeting with different work tables for jointly fine-tuning the agenda of the two-year work trajectory Image Delta Atelier
Work conference II 'Framework of work programmes for the Delta', 2018, WTC I, Brussel. Photo: Yann Bertrand for You Are Here — Plenary meeting with different work tables for jointly fine-tuning the agenda of the two-year work trajectory Image Delta Atelier
Work conference II 'Framework of work programmes for the Delta', 2018, WTC I, Brussel. Photo: Yann Bertrand for You Are Here — Plenary meeting with different work tables for jointly fine-tuning the agenda of the two-year work trajectory Image Delta Atelier
Work conference II 'Framework of work programmes for the Delta', 2018, WTC I, Brussel. Photo: Yann Bertrand for You Are Here — Plenary meeting with different work tables for jointly fine-tuning the agenda of the two-year work trajectory Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Guided tour of the IABR exhibition Image Delta Atelier
Intervision session 'Management of infrastructure and soil', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak for IABR — One of the eight thematic intervision workshops during IABR-2023 Image Delta Atelier
Transition Chamber 'A new mobility system', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam — Bundling innovative practices on different levels of scale to arrive at a single narrative in the IABR 2018 exhibition, Graphic design: De Ronners Image Delta Atelier
Transition Chamber 'Caring living environments', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam — Bundling innovative practices on different levels of scale to arrive at a single narrative in the IABR 2018 exhibition, Graphic design: De Ronners Image Delta Atelier
Transition Chamber 'Space for water and biodiversity', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam — Bundling innovative practices on different levels of scale to arrive at a single narrative in the IABR 2018 exhibition, Graphic design: De Ronners Image Delta Atelier
Transition Chamber '(Re)productive city', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam — Bundling innovative practices on different levels of scale to arrive at a single narrative in the IABR 2018 exhibition, Graphic design: De Ronners Image Delta Atelier
Transition Chamber 'Healthy agriculture', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam — Bundling innovative practices on different levels of scale to arrive at a single narrative in the IABR 2018 exhibition, Graphic design: De Ronners Image Delta Atelier
Work conference II 'Framework of work programmes for the Delta', 2018, WTC I, Brussel. Photo: Yann Bertrand for You Are Here — Plenary meeting with different work tables for jointly fine-tuning the agenda of the two-year work trajectory Image Delta Atelier
Work conference II 'Framework of work programmes for the Delta', 2018, WTC I, Brussel. Photo: Yann Bertrand for You Are Here — Plenary meeting with different work tables for jointly fine-tuning the agenda of the two-year work trajectory Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2025 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2026 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2027 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2028 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2029 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2030 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2031 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2032 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2033 Image Delta Atelier
Intervision session 'Space for water and biodiversity', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Nadine van den Berg for IABR — One of the eight thematic intervision workshops during IABR-2021 Image Delta Atelier
Intervision session 'Space for water and biodiversity', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Nadine van den Berg for IABR — One of the eight thematic intervision workshops during IABR-2022 Image Delta Atelier
Intervision session 'Healthy agriculture', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Nadine van den Berg for IABR — One of the eight thematic intervision workshops during IABR-2023 Image Delta Atelier
Plenary conclusion intervision sessions, 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Nadine van den Berg for IABR — Confrontation of two intervision sessions at the end of the day by the three curators of IABR–2018 Image Delta Atelier
Plenary conclusion intervision sessions, 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Nadine van den Berg for IABR — Confrontation of two intervision sessions at the end of the day by the three curators of IABR–2019 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2020 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2021 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2022 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2023 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference I 'Synergies between transition leaps and keys', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — Plenary meeting with different work tables at the intersection between different themes and levers with the aim of exploring which breakthrough processes can be tackled during the period 2018-2024 Image Delta Atelier
An open research agenda' scheme, 2017 — Framework for organising and structuring the sharing of diverse and specific knowledge and approaches, with a series of relevant transition leaps (vertical) and keys (horizontal), building on two decades of design and scientific transition research but always open to fine-tuning Image Delta Atelier
Timeline 'A two-year evolving work programme', 2017 — Cooperation project between 2018 and 2020 (and beyond) from which insights, opportunities and new coalitions can emerge, a platform for new implementation mechanisms and new commissioning Image Delta Atelier
The Missing Link' scheme, 2017 — The large gap between the many innovative experiments on the one hand and the many important agreements and objectives on the other: the greatest creative challenge of our time Image Delta Atelier
Intervision session 'Management of infrastructure and soil', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak for IABR — One of the eight thematic intervision workshops during IABR-2018 Image Delta Atelier
Context of the IABR–2018 work biennale, 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak for IABR Image Delta Atelier
Intervision session 'Management of infrastructure and soil', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak for IABR — One of the eight thematic intervision workshops during IABR-2018 Image Delta Atelier
Intervision session 'Caring living environments', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak for IABR — One of the eight thematic intervision workshops during IABR-2019 Image Delta Atelier
Intervision session 'Caring living environments', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak for IABR — One of the eight thematic intervision workshops during IABR-2020 Image Delta Atelier
Context of the IABR–2018 work biennale, 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak for IABR Image Delta Atelier
Intervision session 'Space for water and biodiversity', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Nadine van den Berg for IABR — One of the eight thematic intervision workshops during IABR-2020 Image Delta Atelier
Intervision session 'Management of infrastructure and soil', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak for IABR — One of the eight thematic intervision workshops during IABR-2018 Image Delta Atelier
Intervision session 'Caring living environments', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak for IABR — One of the eight thematic intervision workshops during IABR-2018 Image Delta Atelier
Plenary conclusion intervision sessions, 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Nadine van den Berg for IABR — Confrontation of two intervision sessions at the end of the day by the three curators of IABR–2018 Image Delta Atelier
Intervision session '(Re)productive city', 2018, HAKA, Rotterdam. Photo: Fred Ernst for IABR — One of the eight thematic intervision workshops during IABR-2018 Image Delta Atelier
Work conference II 'Framework of work programmes for the Delta', 2018, WTC I, Brussel. Photo: Yann Bertrand for You Are Here — Plenary meeting with different work tables for jointly fine-tuning the agenda of the two-year work trajectory Image Delta Atelier
Project data sheet 'Mapping local substance flows', 2018 — One of the promising projects jointly cited during the second work conference on 5 and 6 July 2018, PulsApp proposal for the Delta Atelier Image Delta Atelier
Conclusions intervision session 'A new mobility system', 2018 — Different levels of scale on which work is carried out in relation to 'The Missing Link' in the field of mobility Image Delta Atelier
The Missing Link' scheme, 2017 — The large gap between the many innovative experiments on the one hand and the many important agreements and objectives on the other: the greatest creative challenge of our time Image Delta Atelier
The 'how' issue' scheme, 2017 — We know it has to be done, and we know enough about what must change. The key question is 'how'. How are we going to re-think the organisation and the use of space, make space, so that we can fundamentally adapt our way of life? And how do we make the change quickly enough? Image Delta Atelier
An open research agenda' scheme, 2017 — Framework for organising and structuring the sharing of diverse and specific knowledge and approaches, with a series of relevant transition leaps (vertical) and keys (horizontal), building on two decades of design and scientific transition research but always open to fine-tuning Image Delta Atelier
Waterplein Rotterdam, 2013. Photo: Ossip van Duivenbode — Project: De Urbanisten The Water Square is a project that was developed in close collaboration with the local community: many stakeholders such as students and local residents took part in three workshops which examined the possible uses of the square, the desired atmosphere, and the way in which rainwater would impact it. Three pools collect the rainwater: two shallow pools collect water for the nearby environment as soon as it rains, while a deeper pool only fills up when it rains over a longer period. After rain, the water of the two shallow pools flows into a system that gradually infiltrates underground. The groundwater supply is therefore maintained, even during dry periods. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Lea River Park: a combination of spatial, property and programmatic opportunities in East London has made it possible, with a limited budget, to rediscover a forgotten valley through the creation of a 235ha network of parks, 2007 — Illustration: 5th Studio Through the Design for London approach, Greater London has set landscaping at the heart of its development plans. The aim is to create a green infrastructure that mitigates the impact of climate change and meets local demand for landscape features. The success of this approach depends on significant investment in the involvement of strategic planning professionals, and in the setting up and monitoring of multi-stakeholder projects. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Parc system of Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, satellite image, 2018 — In the United States in the 19th century, Frederick Law Olmsted invented the ‘parks system’ by connecting natural elements around city centres into one continuous park. The example of Minneapolis, as in many other American cities, shows that these park systems are now at the centre of the urban sprawl, helping to solve hydrology problems while providing a qualitative green space. Providing for parks has made it possible to create coherent and connected spaces offering opportunities to multiple users, while combining aesthetic and ecological functions. The links that now exist on both a small and large scale follow a philosophy of inclusion and accessibility that is firmly rooted in the urban character of everyday life. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Illustration of the opportunities for integrated water management at the scale of a Brussels building bloc — In the wake of increased flooding risks and the impact on our residents’ quality of life, water management that is innovative and integrated with urban development is essential. Awareness and collaboration are two of the keywords to the success of the forthcoming visions and proposals. The challenge presented by water requires us to create a new cultural standard for urban transformation projects: like the many layers of a Russian doll, an interdependence of scale is required. In reality, small projects cannot guarantee a viable global network in the same way that a project on the scale of a city (or valley) cannot provide for the specific needs of individual parks or streets. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Illustration of the opportunities for integrated water management at the scale of a Brussels neighbourhood — Technical solutions that were used in the past are no longer sufficient. Preserving the biodiversity that is essential to our environment requires innovative spatial strategies supported by proactive cooperation between different stakeholders at different levels of intervention. Methods for capturing, retaining or filtering as well as solutions covering entire plots and construction planning for built up areas are the key constituents for starting new planning methods. However, it should not be forgotten that civil and political partnerships at different levels within the region, also have an essential role to play in the effective execution of the different proposals. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Illustration of the opportunities for integrated water management at the scale of the Brussels-Capital Region — Understanding the importance of the valley as the underlying structure of the urban landscape, it appears necessary to present projects and solutions which aim to resolve water-sensitive issues in a systematic and integrated way: from the water tank on a patio to the green roof, from gardens encircling inhabited areas to recreational fountains in public spaces, from river basins to lost rivers that have finally been uncovered. All of these elements, and no doubt others in the future, garner their strength from their synergetic capabilities and their role as effective and sustainable methods in a near future. It is now urgent to take ownership of water, to start a process of learning by doing, in all its forms and at multiple scales, in order to launch pilot projects that are capable of scaling up through a kind of viral transformation. No doubt the key to success for a sustainable city, resilient to the challenges of the future, lies in the combined effects of the application and accumula¬tion of this ensemble of small projects. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Illustration of the opportunities for integrated water management at the scale of the Brussels metropolitan region — What role will water have in Brussels in the future, not only as a driver of local urban and landscape development, but equally as a key factor in positioning the European capital as a model city, from one of the most densely constructed areas of the continent? The answer will not only be found in technical solutions for water management, nor in a purely local solution, but also in private and public spaces. Faced with climate change, protecting open spaces dedicated to natural biotopes is essential within densely populated urban settlements in order to guarantee the future prosperity of living conditions. Urban projects that demonstrate their innovation and understanding of the challenges are required in order to develop a true expertise that enables to preserve the quality and quantity of waterways and groundwater aquifers, a first step towards attaining regional and European calls. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Object, 2018 — Drawing: Latitude Platform Storm water retention tanks, storage tanks, rain gardens, ponds, natural pools, constructed wetlands, wetlands, rainwater flowerbeds, trees, watercourses, drainage ditches, swales, infiltration trenches, parking spot dams and water retention paving, trenches, roofs. These are the samples of objects that are spreading across the Brussels landscape, all of them created for slowing, retaining, and processing the region’s rainwater. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Element, 2018 — Drawing: Latitude Platform Inhabited by these objects; streets, squares, parks, industrial, commercial and household lots turn into devices that can detain, retain, and process (rain) water as much as possible before adding it to the supply system or allowing it to flow into the waste system. They are the urban elements of Brussels that outline what transformations each recurrent space type and the space handler should undergo in relation to the treatment of water. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Water vs. Urban, 2018 — Drawing: Latitude Platform Shrinking, expanding, splitting, multiplying, hybrids, pairing, objects and elements that slow, retain and process water in the Maelbeek valley, specifically in Place Flagey and the surrounding area, can take many forms. Beyond technical aspects, new partnerships and synergies thrive alongside hard work of individuals, corporations, public institutions and other parties. This new (obsessive) practice of water care is unfolding, redefining the conception, form, and experience of the urban scape. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Brussels’ Wet City Elements, 2018 — Map: Latitude Platform The proliferation of wet city elements across the landscape of Brussels is progressing rapidly. Square kilometres of urban space (both in the public and private domain) and a multitude of landowners are involved. This exceptional product stands as an imaginary force of a shared urban care for water: it is this common understanding that water is an invaluable resource that holds the fragmented socio-ecological geography together. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
The Ukkelbeek Valley, a network of streams that have disappeared beneath the streets, and a forgotten terrain. — Map: JNC International The JNC–Petizon team proposes to create a new urban landscape through a valley whose river has long since disappeared beneath the streets. The challenge of this landscape project is threefold: to reintegrate the cycle of water into the city by infiltrating at a city block level; to maximise the ecological potential of public spaces through a green and blue network; to restore access to water in public spaces by enabling clear water to surge up from the bottom of the valley. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
FILTER GARDENS, or how to reintegrate the water cycle into the city. — Image: JNC International, from video installation developed in collaboration with Landscale, Yannick Jacquet and Thomas Vaquié The approach is based around a series of blocks on the plateaux on either side of the Ukkelbeek Valley, by developing infiltration gardens, adapting to the context and the different typologies of the urban fabric. Filter gardens consist of a combination of green roofs and communal gardens within blocks made up of hollows and troughs. The total capacity of the FILTER GARDENS should allow for absorption and contain 70% of so-called ‘normal’ rains, as well as exceptional rains (with a return time of twenty years), with a discharge to the sewer of less than one litre per second. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
NEW WATERSCAPE, or how to restore access to water as a common right in a shared space, while raising public awareness of solidarity in water management. — Image: JNC International, from video installation developed in collaboration with Landscale, Yannick Jacquet and Thomas Vaquié The objective of these NEW WATERSCAPES is to bring the Ukkelbeek stream back into the open through a new urban space at the bottom of the valley, collecting the waters of the blue network developing on either side of the latter. We propose the redevelopment of the Rue de Stalle, Avenue De Fré segment, thus allowing the Ukkelbeek to regain its rights in the public space, while allowing it to expand following the flow of meteorological events, offering the public the full range of functions and services– playful and recreational, educational, ecological and climatic–provided by water in an urban landscape. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
WATER CATCHERS – Sponge Parks, Porous Dam, Cooling Marsh, Water Mesh — Drawing: Taktyk The proposal’s concept can be read at least three ways: the first is to assess its fragments as the prototypes of emerging landscapes; the second is to consider them as samples that evoke the implacable elements of each landscape; the last is to assimilate them as a global network that invites visitors to understand the interconnections and desired interdependence between each space. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
WATER CATCHERS – Design strategies for emerging landscapes — Drawing: Taktyk A careful observation of the open space typologies in Forest leads Taktyk to develop four landscape typologies of reference. Climate change adaptation strategies are tested for each of them, next to a toolbox for water management at regional level, which will have to be amended over time by exploring other opportunities. In this pre-operational perspective, the WATER CATCHERS proposal is based on possible synergies amongst stakeholders, resources and actions that Taktyk has begun to identify in the course of this research. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
WATER CATCHERS – Regional replicability — Drawing: Taktyk Regional mapping has three objectives: it firstly quantitatively measures the spatial footprint of the identified landscape typologies; secondly it proposes a fresh vision of the potential of empty urban spaces within the first ring, and shows the importance of railway networks and parks; and finally, it recommends the inclusion of the productive town in the mapping of water, green and nature networks. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Principle of Biospheric Urbanism — Drawing: Bureau Bas Smets A new “Biospheric Urbanism” must position itself between geology and meteorology. The Molenbeek drainage basin project is an illustration of this urbanism between the sky and the earth, improving the eco-systemic performances of the landscape while increasing its living space. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Masterplan of the Molenbeek catchment basins by 2100 — Drawing: Bureau Bas Smets A study of the geological composition of the Molenbeek catchment basin reveals three different layers. In the valley, the central river runs along a clay bed to which all the rainwater is drawn. Around it, a layer of alluvium forms a very fertile soil. On the hillsides, a sandy layer allows the infiltration of water. These three strips, drawn along the catchment basin like three horizons, allow the emergence of a new urbanism rooted in the geological layers in order to better respond to climate issues. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Principles for the development of the 3 zones — Drawing: Bureau Bas Smets A specific approach for each of the Molenbeek catchment basin strips would maintain the quality of its ecosystem while allowing the design of an urban project responding to the needs of population growth. We propose a long-term transformation for a radical change in 2100. The actions that would be focused on these three strips, drawn along the drainage basin like three horizons, would allow for the emergence of a new urbanism rooted in the geological layer in order to better respond to climate issues. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Aerial view of the territorial project for the Molenbeek catchment basins — Photomontage: Bureau Bas Smets Like so many other cities, Brussels grew up around a river, on land that the river had shaped. The fertile soil fed its inhabitants, while water connected them to the territory beyond. The transformation of the city into a metropolis led to an expansion of the building footprint. Water was pushed back, and the soil was made impermeable. Today, the design of the metropolis must rethink its cohabitation with water and its substrate. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
The Exemplary Landscape of Brussels, 2016 — Map: Bureau Bas Smets Research on potential landscapes of the Brussels metropolitan region enables us to create a new vision of the future. This is structured around the four underlying landscapes that define the territory: the Valley of Parallel Infrastructures, the Network of Constructed Parks, the Protected Forests and Productive Fields and the Landscape of Tributaries. Together, they form an exemplary landscape that plays an active role in the development of the city. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Making a visible source, together , 2018. Photo: Bruno Dias Ventura — Project: Latitude Platform The rainwater tank is on the second floor on a mur mitoyen in Forest (Brussels) and has a capacity of 510 litres. It is replenished by rainwater that falls on the roofs of the two neighbouring households. After storms, the buffered water is slowly released: one half feeds a storage tank in Eric and Anne’s basement and the other half refills the inflatable tank located under the patio of François and Pernilla’s garden. This rainwater tank was designed in the frame of Ilot d'Eau, a collaborative design project developed into a series of workshops organised by Latitude Platform. It operates as pilot for other similar situations in Brussels and elsewhere. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert — Publication: Robert Louis Stevenson, ‘An Inland Voyage’, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2014; 1878). Film: Coordination Senne & Escaut sans frontière, Peter Lombaert, ‘Descente de la Senne’, in ‘TV Brussels: compilatie afvaart van de Zenne’ (1998). In 1878, Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson travelled by canoe down the canals linking Antwerp and Paris in a journey that would culminate in one of his first travelogues. In the first part of his account, Stevenson describes the heavily industrialised areas that marked the Belgian landscape at the time. A century later, Peter Lombaert travelled down the Senne by kayak and condemned the appalling levels of pollution in the rivers. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert — Installation: Taktyk, ‘Water Catchers design strategies for emerging landscapes’ (2018), proposal for the Forest valley. In order to build a more resilient city, changing gardens, streets and town squares will not be enough. It is essential to ensure the inclusion of larger urban spaces, parks, infrastructures, unused land and dormant city areas, which represent a significant opportunity to create new landscaping corridors on a regional scale. The hydrographic characteristics and the traces of industrial and cultural heritage can be used to develop locally adapted solutions. Through their research, Taktyk started thinking about these spaces which, once interwoven across the city, become a sizeable resource, capable of absorbing problems linked to the rainwater cycle. The proposal identifies different topological landscapes (the railway infrastructure, industrial zones, historical parks) in the Forest hillsides as well as strategies for climatic adaptation tested on this scale. Finally, they have also looked at the conditions required to reproduce this on a regional scale and have created an evolving toolbox which identifies the possible partnerships which could create immediate opportunities for pilot projects resulting in synergies between ‘city park’ and ‘productive city’. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert — Installation: Bureau Bas Smets, ‘Augmented landscapes – In search of a Biospheric Urbanism’ (2018), proposal for the Molenbeek valley. A better understanding of the valleys, inhabited areas and built-up areas will create the foundation upon which tomorrow's urban planning will be based. Population growth and environmental conservation, both inevitable in urban areas, create conflict and a need for negotiation. Rather than focus on the difficult debates between urban growth and spaces dedicated for nature, Bureau Bas Smets suggests using the forces of urbanisation and population growth to build a new urban planning method which effectively donates a structural space which maximises the permeability of the ground, stimulates the biodiversity of waterways and reduces the consumption of natural resources. Bureau Bas Smets has created an alternative model for living, through a landscaping proposal covering the Molenbeek basin in its entirety. The geographical scope of the project places high-density buildings on the outskirts and clears a central wetland in order to offer new recreational and commercial possibilities for an adapted and shared usage. The proposal focuses on the interface between climatic effects and the geological aspects of the valley, with an objective of creating a new "Urban Biosphere". Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert — Film: A Storyrunner production commissioned by Architecture Workroom Brussels, ‘Portrait: Henk Ovink’ (2018). In 2015, Henk Ovink was appointed by the Dutch Cabinet as the first Watergezant (the Dutch government’s special envoy on water affairs). As ambassador for water, he is charged with raising international awareness of the major importance of water-related issues, particularly in urban areas. As indicated in the recent report of the Nederlands Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (Dutch Federal Environment Plan Bureau), there is an urgent need for an integrated approach to water management in order to limit climate and water-related risks. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert — Installation: JNC International – Petizon, ‘New Ukkelbeek Valley’ (2018), proposal for the Ukkelbeek valley. In its current fragmented and reduced form, Brussels’ hydrographic network can no longer fulfil its full natural role of promoting increased biodiversity and the essential processes of evacuation or, conversely, retention of water during rainstorms. The JNC – Petitzon team has proposed the development of a technical system which is complementary to the natural network, and which would operate like a machine, protecting the Ukkelbeek valley from floods and increasing the quality of water, all whilst creating new urban areas. The Ukkelbeek River has long since disappeared underground, but the historical river network can still be traced through the path taken by certain roads and urban parklands. This landscaping approach aims at reintegrating the water network into the city by uncovering the positive elements of the slopes and riverbeds of the historic valley. This approach elicits a very different conception of what a city can be, demonstrating that freeing up space for a technical system can actually lead to a radical improvement in the quality of urban environments. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert — Prints: Brussels Environment Water Department, ‘Plan de Gestion de l’Eau de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale 2016-2021’ (2017). The Water Management Plan aims to respond to the challenges of water management in Brussels. On the basis of the latest findings, it sets the environmental objectives to be met at local and regional level. The plan is updated every six years. It can moreover be consulted by any member of the public, who can draw up a list of comments for submission to the regional authorities. Many local associations in the region in particular have taken part in discussions concerning certain issues in the document. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert — Film: Christian Barani & Bas Smets, ‘BRUXELLES 50°N–4°E’ (2017). Realised for the exhibition Agora 2017 – Augmented Landscapes in collaboration with landscape architect Bas Smets, Christian Barani’s filmed sequences dive the visitor in the Molenbeek valley. In search of a resilient territory, the film suggests that the city’s capacity of transformation could stem from a precise projection of the landscape, that stays however ungraspable in its entirety. The image of a metropolitan city emerges from the linear structure of the valley generated by its parks, forests, swamps and farmland. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert — Installation: Gauthier Oushoorn, ‘Grid (Plan chest A1)’ (2018). In an attempt to define an unstable landscape through the introduction of a rigid geometry, Oushoorn is working on an installation designed for the Thorntonbank wind farm, 19km off the Belgian coast. This long-term project stems from the artist’s visual fascination with a specific moment experienced while cleaning a wheelbarrow containing water that was swirling around in the bottom. In order to capture and define this volume of water, he installed a metal grate and filmed the movement of the liquid. Pursuing his investigation, Oushoorn placed a metal grate in a chest of drawers, each one of which contained a grate with a different pattern. The unpredictability of water is confronted with the rigidity of what the human mind requires to put order into something it cannot organise. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Rivers and catchment areas in the valleys of the Brussels-Capital Region, 2018 — In the Brussels-Capital Region, it is the tributaries of the Senne river that shape the valleys from which the urban fabric rises. Today, however, these urban areas do not benefit from their proximity to water. On the contrary, the dense urban areas surrounding the Senne River is suffering the most from the mounting repercussions of insufficient ingress and retention of the rainwater runoff into the lakes and reservoirs feeding the river. Actions to improve the quality of the entire hydrographic basin will have to focus on the tributaries in the surrounding hills, designating the valley as the defining element of the urban space. Source: Bruxelles Environnement. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Drainage and water supply network of the Brussels-Capital Region, 2018 — The tributaries flowing in the Brussels-Capital Region shape its sewerage network that include two wastewater treatment plants. Instead of reusing rain and wastewater, water is disposed as quickly as possible through a dense sewer system. The drainage system, partially in disrepair and insufficient in scale, and the lack of a network separating clean and dirty water, increases the risk of overflow as well as increasing the volumes that need to pass through treatment plants. Waste products, discharges and substances which leak into clean water and seep into the ground are polluting our waterways, lakes and underground aquifers and putting the balance of entire ecosystems in danger. Simultaneously most of Brussels’ fresh water is imported from outside the city borders, almost entirely from Wallonia. Source: Bruxelles Environnement, SBGE-BMWB, Vivaqua. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Hazards and risk of flooding, potential rainwater infiltration areas, and topography of the Brussels-Capital Region, 2018 — In Brussels, floods are a frequent phenomenon, being caused by periods of exceptionally intense rainfall (particularly in summer) as well as hard soil sealing, due to an increasing urbanisation. During heavy rainfall the city’s hard-surface slopes lead the water to the lower valley areas. This is the only time when the natural water system suddenly becomes tangible in the city. Source: Bruxelles Environnement. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
The Senne river basin, 2018 — The Brussels hydrographic network is part of the Senne river basin, whose source is close to the commune of Soignies and flows for about 100km until it joins the River Dyle in Zennegat. Whereas the Canal appears at Seneffe, crosses Brussels and Willebroek and finally flows into the Escaut at Wintam in Flanders. Source: Bruxelles Environnement. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Illustration of the main constituents of the Brussels river system in 1777 — The meandering waterways, between which Broucsella (‘bruoc’ meaning ‘swamp’, and ‘sella’ meaning ‘habitation’) was built in the Middle Ages, led to the rural village becoming the prosperous city we know today. First dug in the 16th century, the Willebroek Canal attracted industry to the region and contributed to the economic and demographic growth of the country. Source: Bruxelles Environnement. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Illustration of the main constituents of the Brussels river system in 1875 — The Senne, which was transformed into the Willebroek Canal was extended towards Charleroi then Antwerp, thus connecting Brussels to the sea to ease navigation and drive the development of trades and commerce which led to the industrialisation of the city. For sanitary and urban planning reasons, and in order to fight against flooding; swamps and ponds were gradually drained, rivers were turned into open-air sewers, then covered, before finally ending up as the reduced and fragmented water network that we know today. Source: Bruxelles Environnement. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Illustration of the main constituents of the Brussels river system in 1999 — In order to support the continued development of urban activities, the covering of the Senne and the construction of the canal were conducted in parallel to projects for water drainage and distribution networks, at a time when this posed a threat from both a sanitation and flooding point of view. The "Blue Network", launched by the Brussels Region in 1999, aims to recognise the importance of water within its territory, notably through the reconnection of watercourses, lakes and wetlands which all form part of the historical hydrographic network. Source: Bruxelles Environnement. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Illustration of the main constituents of the Brussels river system in 2021 — Over the past centuries, the natural watercourses gradually disappeared from the landscape, for sanitary and economic reasons. It is only with todays’ increasing ecological knowledge that the restoration of historical networks is now recommended. This represents a real impetus for the completed projects and future operations. This can only happen within the constraints of integration into the social and spatial realities of the modern city, where inevitably both the natural and artificial are combined. Source: Bruxelles Environnement. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert — Prototype: City Mine(d), ‘Pacco-test’ (2016). The Pacco-test was implemented in order to allow everyone to control water quality in the city and to be able to intervene in the event of worrying pollution levels. The development of an innovative device to measure water quality became a social urban experience that brought together people from the community, politics, the world of business, the ‘maker community’ and the scientific sector. This allowed the formulation of an innovative vision of water policy: collective environmental management. This prototype is part of an experimental process that is still being fine-tuned. Bathing cap: POOL IS COOL, ‘Soon we will swim together under the blue sky!’ (2017). Since 2015, the POOL IS COOL organisation – a platform made up of citizens and experts – has been developing its own research in parallel in order to assess open-air swimming opportunities in the Brussels Region, but also to raise public awareness of issues related to the biodiversity of the local environment. Glass vials: IBGE, ‘Quality test samples’ (2018). The control of groundwater is conducted through sampling and artificial groundwater re-permeation. Since the end of the 1980s, groundwater aquifers have been regularly monitored under the entire surface of the Brussels region. In 2012, no fewer than forty-eight piezometers (an instrument used to measure the compressibility of liquids) make up a network for measuring underground aqueous phenomena. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert — Installation: Latitude Platform, ‘Every Space Counts’ (2018), proposal for the Maelbeek valley. Everyone has a role to play in the reintegration of water in the urban landscape. Whereas retention of rainwater traditionally occurs via large scale works within the infrastructure (such as storm water basins), there is a need for alternative and complementary approaches (such as rainwater harvesting tanks), or those linked to individual buildings and land (such as a green/ living roofs). For Latitude Platform, every centimetre of space counts as every drop of rainwater counts. Combining the analysis of ground permeability with information on its usage has allowed them to analyse the entire surface of the Brussels Region as if it were being used to drive storage, retention and treatment of rainwater. This hypothesis has led them to imagine, within the Maelbeek valley, what would happen if rain was a tangible object that fell on the landscape and lived within the urban environment in the manner of a transmitted virus. New partnerships, in particular social and ecological, and aspects of the urban wetlands would come to the fore as part of a real collective drive for water. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition poster of ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’ in the framework of the Brussels Urban Landscape Biennial (BULB), 2nd edition held at Bozar, 2018 — Graphic design: Loop Studio Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert — Film: Superflex, ‘Flooded McDonald’s’ (2009). The trio of Danish artists ‘Superflex’ (Rasmus Nielsen, Jakob Fenger et Bjørnstjerne Christiansen) depict a critique of the rising tide of consumerism that has overrun our daily lives. Stripped of any human presence, this 20-minute video, first presented at the South London Gallery (UK), combines humour with a disturbing atmosphere. A work that marks the slow destruction of a site as the water comes rushing in. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert — Entrance Hall. Graphic design: Loop Studio Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Exhibition view ‘Rising Waters – Shaping our Gardens, Streets and Urban Valleys’, 2018, Bozar. Photo: Philippe De Gobert — Installation: Andrea Caretto & Raffaella Spagna, Être galet (2011), ‘Essai de rectification_tuyau en terre crue’ (2011). ‘Être galet’ is a work made up of objects found and assembled by the artists on the bank of the River Rhone. These are fragments of man-made materials (polyurethane foam, siporex, polystyrene, light concrete, etc.), which, once carried and reshaped by the river, blend in with the small stones. The domestication of the river–in particular through its system of dams and locks–has curtailed its strength, reduced the speed of the waters, and its capacity to form new pebbles. Like fossils, the real pebbles bear witness to a river landscape that no longer exists. The artificial stones are therefore paradoxically the “real” stones of the contemporary landscape of the Rhone. The landscape of the Rhone Valley depends to a large extent on something that we never see because it lies underground. ‘Essai de rectification_tuyau en terre crue’ is a tube made of mud bricks (adobe), the traditional building technique of typical houses of the Rhone Valley. It represents the keystone of the vast invisible infrastructure (pipeline) managed by SPMR (Société du Pipeline Méditerranée Rhône), connecting Marseille and Lyon underground, and shaping the landscape of the Rhone Valley. Image Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Productive park Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Strategy Landscape building Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Dead-end street in allotment with a view of open countryside, Koorntas. Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Landscape construction Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Strategy Campus tower Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Inaccessible front of business park Van Marcke, Weggevoerdenlaan Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Campus tower Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Strategy Green veins Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Undefined and paved open space along busy approach road, Doorniksesteenweg. Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Green veins Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Map Quality 1: Kortrijk is an entrepreneurial city. Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Map Quality 3: Kortrijk is a green-blue city. Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Map Quality 2: Kortrijk is a connected city. Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Photo series: The East Flanders Core Region. Photo: Sis Pillen Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Photo series: The East Flanders Core Region. Photo: Sis Pillen Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Photo series: The East Flanders Core Region. Photo: Sis Pillen Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Photo series: The East Flanders Core Region. Photo: Filip Claus Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Photo series: The East Flanders Core Region. Photo: Filip Claus Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Photo series: The East Flanders Core Region. Photo: Filip Claus Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Photo series: The East Flanders Core Region. Photo: Filip Claus Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Welcome by Alderman for Building and Living, Wout Maddens, Urban debate 1 in Budafabriek on March 9, 2017. Photo: Gerald Van Rafelghem Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Vote on the spatial principles of the five strategies, Urban Debate 3 in Depart on October 24, 2017. Photo: Mieke Clarissimo. Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Setting of one of the 33 debate tables around which various A0 posters were used with almost 300 citizens, Urban debatet 2 in Budafabriek on 16 and 18 May 2017. Photo: Tony Decruyenaere, 2017 Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Map. Excessive legal development potential Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Map. From confetti to city magnet Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Map. Strategies can be used in multiple ways Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Strategy Bicycle gate Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Strategy Productive park Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Derelict sites within a building block on Mewaf site, Kleine Iepersestraat. Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Bicycle gate Image Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
The IABR–Atelier Flanders Core Region focuses on three tracks Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Test trajectory: 3 Demonstration projects Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Learning trajectory: mapping 6 transitions Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Scenario development by Studio Paola Viganò. Exhibition 'You Are Here'. Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Scenario development by Studio Paola Viganò. 'Cradle to Cradle' scenario. Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Scenario development by Studio Paola Viganò. 'Deep Ecology' scenario. Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Scenario development by Studio Paola Viganò. 'Degrowth' scenario. Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Scenario development by Studio Paola Viganò. Exhibition Rotterdam. Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Scenario development by Studio Paola Viganò. Model. Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Photo series: Learning environment. Debates, workshops, lectures, etc. Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Photo series: Learning environment. Debates, workshops, lectures, etc. Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Photo series: Learning environment. Debates, workshops, lectures, etc. Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Photo series: Learning environment. Debates, workshops, lectures, etc. Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Photo series: Learning environment. Debates, workshops, lectures, etc. Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Photo series: Learning environment. Debates, workshops, lectures, etc. Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Photo series: Learning environment. Debates, workshops, lectures, etc. Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
The East Flanders Core Region Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
A population increase of 15-25% is expected by 2050 Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
The IABR–Atelier East Flanders Core Region is a free space for thought Image IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Common relocation movements in and around Torhout. Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Torhout does not only have one center but has several centers: meeting places where one or many user groups come together. Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Daily inflow from non-Torhout residents to Torhout. Image Torhout experiential and identity study
The wide landscape around Torhout is an important asset. Image Torhout experiential and identity study
The city of Torhout has a large number of potential development sites of a certain scale, which are strategically located in the city center. Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Torhout has different magnets that attract various user groups and people from inside and outside Torhout. In addition, there is a lot of potential to improve the fordance of the center through green piercing. The strategic development locations can Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Beeldessay Torhout. Photo: Marie-Françoise Plissart Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Walking guide and photo album: Torhout In Zicht - Walk along hidden places. Photo: Stephanie Specht — Graphic design: Studio Specht Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Walking guide and photo album: Torhout In Zicht - Walk along hidden places. Photo: Stephanie Specht — Graphic design: Studio Specht Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Exhibition: Torhout In Zicht. Photo: Jeroen Verrecht — Scenography: Office 8888 Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Exhibition: Torhout In Zicht. Photo: Jeroen Verrecht — Scenography: Office 8888 Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Exhibition: Torhout In Zicht. Photo: Jeroen Verrecht — Scenography: Office 8888 Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Exhibition: Torhout In Zicht — Scenography: Office 8888 Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Exhibition: Torhout In Zicht — Scenography: Office 8888 Image Torhout experiential and identity study
Diagram 'Cross-border research team' — Three teams with their own focus in the Netherlands, Flanders and Brussels Image Low countries 2020-2100
Diagram 'Working method' — Step-by-step future and retrospective look between our shared history, actions within a feasible period of time in 2020 and long-term ambitions for 2100 Image Low countries 2020-2100
Illustration 'Three strategies for the transition to renewable energy', 2017 — Chain of three types of areas in which the existing situation can be seen at the top and the situation after the transition to renewable energy at the bottom (one of the four transitions addressed in the publication) Image Low countries 2020-2100
Cartography 'Transition to renewable energy', 2017 — Current organisation of the energy supply in relation to the potential energy yield in the Low Countries Image Low countries 2020-2100
Diagrams 'Twelve strategies for the Low Countries', 2017 — Overview of the various spatial strategies studied in the four chapters (Renewable energy, Shared mobility, Healthy agriculture, Circular economy) Image Low countries 2020-2100
Photo 'Cross-border team of clients' — Coalition between Flemish and Dutch planning authorities and master builder teams Image Low countries 2020-2100
Chennai, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Chennai by Architecture Workroom Brussels, FABRICations and 100 Resilient Cities in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Chennai, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Chennai by Architecture Workroom Brussels, FABRICations and 100 Resilient Cities in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Khulna, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Khulna by Architecture Workroom and FABRICations in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Khulna, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Khulna by Architecture Workroom and FABRICations in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Khulna, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Khulna by Architecture Workroom and FABRICations in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Khulna, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Khulna by Architecture Workroom and FABRICations in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Khulna, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Khulna by Architecture Workroom and FABRICations in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Semarang, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Semarang by Architecture Workroom, Deltares, FABRICations and 100 Resilient Cities in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Semarang, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Semarang by Architecture Workroom, Deltares, FABRICations and 100 Resilient Cities in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Semarang, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Semarang by Architecture Workroom, Deltares, FABRICations and 100 Resilient Cities in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Semarang, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Semarang by Architecture Workroom, Deltares, FABRICations and 100 Resilient Cities in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Semarang, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Semarang by Architecture Workroom, Deltares, FABRICations and 100 Resilient Cities in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Setting the Scene for a Call for Action, 2018 — Graphic Design: Gestalte Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Towards a Proactive Approach, 2018 — There are many existing experiments and initiatives that try to combine water and urban challenges, but these often do not add up to bring fundamental change. Instead of non-responsive or re-active approaches, what is needed is a proactive approach that does not wait for a crisis to occur in order to respond, but instead formulates resilient solutions able to prevent crisis and act taking the complexity of its effects into account. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Water as Leverage: A Transformative Process, 2018 — Water as Leverage aims to support a transformative process for pre-project preparation that develop local expertise into concrete solutions with global resonance. Starting in the city regions of Chennai, Khul¬na and Semarang, we aim to build up an adaptable methodology that can become a foundation for subse¬quent coalitions with other cities where similar challenges are at stake, and where local solutions can define global strategies and vice versa. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Focus on Three Coastal Cities in South and Southeast Asia, 2018 — Three partner cities in Asia have been selected for the many challenges they offer both in terms of urban scale and water systems: Chennai in India, Khulna in Bangladesh and Semarang in Indonesia. Not only do they stand out because of the great diversity of water-related issues, they are also interested in starting a design-oriented collaborative process. Map: FABRICations. Graphic Design: Gestalte Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Chennai, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Chennai by Architecture Workroom Brussels, FABRICations and 100 Resilient Cities in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Khulna, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Khulna by Architecture Workroom and FABRICations in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Semarang, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Semarang by Architecture Workroom, Deltares, FABRICations and 100 Resilient Cities in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Water is Both the Problem and the Solution, 2018 — Since water-related issues affect the world’s most challenging goals, it has the unique capacity of being a crucial part of the solution in reaching our goals. Tackling these issues offers an opportunity to develop more sustainable and resilient solutions at multiple scale and fronts simultaneously. Water can therefore function as lever¬age for impactful and catalytic change and can help turn risks into rewards. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Hotspot Landscapes: Clusters of Risks and Challenges, 2018 — The impact of a dynamic water system on urban centres in the coastal region translates into cascading effects of water issues from inland to coast. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Water as Leverage: A Transformative Process, 2018 — Water as Leverage aims to support a transformative process for pre-project preparation that develop local expertise into concrete solutions with global resonance. Starting in the city regions of Chennai, Khul¬na and Semarang, we aim to build up an adaptable methodology that can become a foundation for subse¬quent coalitions with other cities where similar challenges are at stake, and where local solutions can define global strategies and vice versa. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Asia’s Coastal Region at Risk, 2018 — Nowhere on earth are water-related disasters as widespread and costly, both in terms of human life and loss of (social) wealth, as in South and Southeast Asia. The estimate of the global risk induced by multiple water-related hazards in relation to the amount of people affected in these areas shows that the most urgent problems are located in the urbanized deltas and coastal plains. Map: Architecture Workroom Brussels. Graphic Design: Gestalte Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Recurring Challenges in Asia’s Coastal Region, 2018 — A series of locations with recurring relevance in relation to their geographical location and water-related characteristics was examined to reveal the great diversity of water issues and the opportunity these locations thus also present. Map: Architecture Workroom Brussels & FABRICations. Graphic Design: Gestalte Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Focus on Three Coastal Cities in South and Southeast Asia, 2018 — Three partner cities in Asia have been selected for the many challenges they offer both in terms of urban scale and water systems: Chennai in India, Khulna in Bangladesh and Semarang in Indonesia. Not only do they stand out because of the great diversity of water-related issues, they are also interested in starting a design-oriented collaborative process. Map: FABRICations. Graphic Design: Gestalte Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Chennai: A Lake Metropolis by the Sea, 2018 — Chennai is the second-largest port in India and is located on the country’s southeastern coast. In addition to being an important trade centre, the city is also known for its healthcare, automotive, software export and chemical industries. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Khulna: A Pond City Amidst the Delta, 2018 — Khulna is part of the largest delta in the world: the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta. The largest part of this delta consists of a labyrinth of canals, swamps, lakes and flood plains and is mainly composed of alluvial soils, making it a very fertile region. Khulna is also the gateway to the Sundarbans: the world’s largest mangrove forest and the home of the royal Bengal tiger. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Semarang: A Sinking City between Coast and Hills, 2018 — Semarang is a port city on the northern coast of the Indonesian island of Java. Because of its central position, it is of strategic importance for domestic trade and transit. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Projects that are Embedded in a Complex Planning Context, 2018 — Water as Leverage’s aim is to deliver not only transformative and bankable projects, but also to strengthen local capacity to help carry these projects forward and engage in a range of interventions on all levels: from better overall governance plans to excellent projects implement¬ed in the complexity of the local planning scheme. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Strategically linking water issues to urban dynamics, 2018 — A series of concrete design questions or challenges touching upon city-specific issues were identified. They serve as potential approaches or pathways that could help the submitting teams to orient their proposals towards relevant project plans per city. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Chennai, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Chennai by Architecture Workroom Brussels, FABRICations and 100 Resilient Cities in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Chennai, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Chennai by Architecture Workroom Brussels, FABRICations and 100 Resilient Cities in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Chennai, 2017 — Photographs taken during fieldwork conducted in Chennai by Architecture Workroom Brussels, FABRICations and 100 Resilient Cities in October 2017. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Residential Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Productive Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Workshop 'Resilient Landscape', 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Landscape of Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Landscape of Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Landscape of Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Landscape of Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Landscape of Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Landscape of Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Landscape of Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Landscape of Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Landscape of Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Landscape of Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Landscape of Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Kanal-vision — © AWB & Thomas Desmedt Image Canal Plan Brussels
Canal-zone Brussels. Photo: Roel van Tour Image Canal Plan Brussels
New-industrial plan of Brussels 1910 — © ARAU Image Canal Plan Brussels
Panel 1 Image Canal Plan Brussels
Panel 2 Image Canal Plan Brussels
Panel 3 Image Canal Plan Brussels
Panel 4 Image Canal Plan Brussels
Panel 5 Image Canal Plan Brussels
Panel 6 Image Canal Plan Brussels
Landscape of Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Green Safari in Brussels and the outlying Flemish boroughs, 2013. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Atelier In Between
Aerial view of the Canal. Photo: Port of Brussels Image Canal Plan Brussels
Canal-zone Brussels. Photo: Roel van Tour Image Canal Plan Brussels
Abattoir of Anderlecht. Photo: Roel van Tour Image Canal Plan Brussels
Atelier 2 Image Eurometropolis Blue Space
Atelier 2 Image Eurometropolis Blue Space
Atelier 2 Image Eurometropolis Blue Space
Guided tour for kids, 2012, Brussel Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Guided tour for kids, 2012, Brussel Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Guided tour for kids, 2012, Brussel Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Guided tour for kids, 2012, Brussel Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Guided tour for kids, 2012, Brussel Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Guided tour for kids, 2012, Brussel Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Eurometropolitane Blue Space Image Eurometropolis Blue Space
Eurometropolitane Blue Space Image Eurometropolis Blue Space
Eurometropolitane Blue Space Image Eurometropolis Blue Space
Eurometropolitane Blue Space Image Eurometropolis Blue Space
Eurometropolitane Blue Space Image Eurometropolis Blue Space
Atelier 1 Image Eurometropolis Blue Space
Atelier 1 Image Eurometropolis Blue Space
Atelier 1 Image Eurometropolis Blue Space
Project- Curo Garden, Raumlabor, 2012, Brussel. Photo: Stefanie Declercq Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Project - Where is the dog of Erasmus?, Ralf Witthaus, 2012, Brussel. Photo: Harald Neumann Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Project- Le jardin de l'eskylier, Studio Basta & Wagon Landscaping, 2012, Brussel. Photo: Stefanie Declercq Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Project - Source de friche, Ooze & Marjetica Potrc, 2012, Brussel. Photo: Stefanie Declercq Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Project - Wastelanders, occupation of transformation, Jeanne van Heeswijk & Marcel van der Meijs, 2012, Brussel. Photo: Jeanne van Heeswijk Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Project - Le jardin de l'eskylier, Studio Basta & Wagon Landscaping , 2012, Brussel. Photo: Stefanie Declercq Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Project - Curo Garden, Raumlabor, 2012, Brussel. Photo: Stefanie Declercq Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Project - Plaine X70, Ost Collective & Studio public & Collectif Etc & Tiphaine Hameau, 2012, Brussel. Photo: Stefanie Declercq Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Project - Curo Garden, Raumlabor, 2012, Brussel. Photo: Stefanie Declercq Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Project - Where is the dog of Erasmus?, Ralf Witthaus, 2012, Brussel. Photo: Harald Neumann Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Project - Garden Bridges, 100Landschaftsarchitektur Thilo Folkerts (DE), 2012, Brussel. Photo: Stefanie Declercq Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Project - Open Empty Lot, Lara Almarcegui , 2012, Brussel. Photo: Stefanie Declercq Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Project - Source de friche, Ooze & Marjetica Potrc, 2012, Brussel. Photo: Stefanie Declercq Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Guided tour for kids, 2012, Brussel Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Event announcement GARDEN Parkdesign — © Karel Martens Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Project - Plaine X70, Ost Collective & Studio public & Collectif Etc & Tiphaine Hameau, 2012, Brussel. Photo: Stefanie Declercq Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Map festival GARDEN Parkdesign — © Karel & Aagje Martens Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Poster GARDEN Parkdesign — © Karel & Aagje Martens Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Participating artists and designers GARDEN Parkdesign — © Karel & Aagje Martens Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Garden at Erasmushogeschool. Photo: Stefanie Declercq Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
A+238 Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
A+238 Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
A+238 Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
A+238 Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
De Standaard Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
La Tribune de Bruxelles Image G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012
Studio 01 Working session — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 01 Working session — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 01 Working session — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 01 Working session — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 01 Working session — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 01 Working session — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 02 Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 02 Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 02 Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Publications Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Publications Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 01 - Site visit — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 01 - Site visit — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 01 - Site visit — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 01 - Site visit — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 01 - Site visit — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Site Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Site Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Site Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Site Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Site Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Site Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 01 Working session — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 01 Working session — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Studio 01 Working session — Studio 01 with Paola Viganò, Lars Lerup, Sven Stremke, Lodewijk Van Nieuwenhuijze, Pieter Schengenga, Ido Avissar, Erwan Bonduelle & Bart Vink Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Regional-strategy: Developing around the blue-network Image Atelier Eurometropolis
Local test of the potential of the blue-network strategy Image Atelier Eurometropolis
The “Rotor-Motor” - Eurometropole Image Atelier Eurometropolis
The “Rotor-Motor” - Eurometropole Image Atelier Eurometropolis
The “Rotor-Motor” - Eurometropole Image Atelier Eurometropolis
The “Rotor-Motor” - Eurometropole Image Atelier Eurometropolis
Announcement 'Architecture for Justice' Image Architecture for Justice
Installation view 'Architecture for Justice', 2011, Brussels Image Architecture for Justice
Installation view 'Architecture for Justice', 2011, Brussels Image Architecture for Justice
Installation view 'Architecture for Justice', 2011, Brussels Image Architecture for Justice
Installation view 'Architecture for Justice', 2011, Brussels Image Architecture for Justice
Installation view 'Architecture for Justice', 2011, Brussels Image Architecture for Justice
Announcement 'Architecture for Justice' Image Architecture for Justice
Land-cover — Corine Land cover, North Europe Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Built Space Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Recreation Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Food Production Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Biodiversity Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Water system Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Urban fabric and cities Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Timeline of Planning paradigms Image Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio
Vision for Istanbul — © 51n4e & H+N+S Image IABR–Atelier Istanbul
Site - Istanbul Image IABR–Atelier Istanbul
Site - Istanbul Image IABR–Atelier Istanbul
Site - Istanbul Image IABR–Atelier Istanbul
Site - Istanbul Image IABR–Atelier Istanbul
Vision - Istanbul — © 51n4e & H+N+S Image IABR–Atelier Istanbul
Future according to the current trend — © 51n4e & H+N+S Image IABR–Atelier Istanbul
Future according to our plan — © 51n4e & H+N+S Image IABR–Atelier Istanbul
Vision for Istanbul — © 51n4e & H+N+S Image IABR–Atelier Istanbul
Topography on site — © 51n4e & H+N+S Image IABR–Atelier Istanbul
Productive Space by Design' conference, 2014, Rotterdam. Photo: Maarten Laupman Image Productive Space By Design
Productive Space by Design' conference, 2014, Rotterdam. Photo: Maarten Laupman Image Productive Space By Design
Productive Space by Design' conference, 2014, Rotterdam. Photo: Maarten Laupman Image Productive Space By Design
Productive Space by Design' conference, 2014, Rotterdam. Photo: Maarten Laupman Image Productive Space By Design
Productive Space by Design' conference, 2014, Rotterdam. Photo: Maarten Laupman Image Productive Space By Design
Productive Space by Design' conference, 2014, Rotterdam. Photo: Maarten Laupman Image Productive Space By Design
International Atelier Eurometropolis Image Atelier Eurometropolis
International Atelier Eurometropolis Image Atelier Eurometropolis
International Atelier Eurometropolis Image Atelier Eurometropolis
International Atelier Eurometropolis Image Atelier Eurometropolis
Eurometropolis Map illustrating the waterways, green-blue projects, natural zones and the urbanization (AWB) Image Atelier Eurometropolis
Eurometropolis Map illustrating the industrial areas located along waterways, major infrastructures, and urbanization (AWB) Image Atelier Eurometropolis
Eurometropolis Map — The French part of the Eurometropolis is mainly focused around the Lille-Roubaix- Tourcoing conurbation when the medium scale urban areas follow a radio-concentric development. Image Atelier Eurometropolis
Installation view 'Making City', 2016, Rotterdam. Photo: Ossip Duivenbode Image IABR–2012–Making City
Installation view 'Making City', 2016, Rotterdam. Photo: Ossip Duivenbode Image IABR–2012–Making City
Installation view 'Making City', 2016, Rotterdam. Photo: Ossip Duivenbode Image IABR–2012–Making City
Installation view 'Making City', 2016, Rotterdam. Photo: Ossip Duivenbode Image IABR–2012–Making City
Installation view 'Making City', 2016, Rotterdam. Photo: Ossip Duivenbode Image IABR–2012–Making City
Installation view 'Making City', 2016, Rotterdam. Photo: Ossip Duivenbode Image IABR–2012–Making City
The Curatorial team Image IABR–2012–Making City
Urban Meeting - Making City Image IABR–2012–Making City
Graphic for the exhibition Image IABR–2012–Making City
Sao Paolo Image IABR–2012–Making City
Sao Paolo Image IABR–2012–Making City
Rotterdam Image IABR–2012–Making City
Istanbul Image IABR–2012–Making City
Istanbul Image IABR–2012–Making City
Moorselbaan cuts right through the project area: a utilitarian axis... Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Moorselbaan and porous KRO fabric as two tools Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
KRO will develop in a different way compared with the residential fabric along Moorselbaan under the urban pressure and as a result of the density Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
New construction projects span the area a short distance away between two poles and the centre Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Possible Trajectory Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Possible Trajectory Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Possible Trajectory Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Possible Trajectory Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Possible Trajectory Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Possible Trajectory Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Possible Trajectory Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
The project area occupies a central location in a district that is separated both physically (by a former industrial axis between the railway and Dender) and mentally, from Linkeroever. Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
The cheap heritage that remains is transformed into a fragile commercial fabric Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
… characterised by lots of vacant commercial space. The same as along the Dender Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Workshop, Sint-Godelieveabdij, 31/05/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Workshop, Sint-Godelieveabdij, 31/05/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
The Relaxed City - space to move Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
The Productive City - space to create Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
The Garden City - space to flourish Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
The Romantic City - space to seduce Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
The United City - space to share Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
The Resilient City - space to flow Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Concept city project Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Developing a Strategic Vision - Kern Rechteroever Aalst Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Developing a Strategic Vision - Kern Rechteroever Aalst Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Developing a Strategic Vision - Kern Rechteroever Aalst Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Pictures from the site Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Pictures from the site- Moorselbaan Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
City as the director of a complex process, but in association with actors from the district Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Question = Spatial: Moorselbaan + Carnival halls + commercial centre As well as collaboration between city services Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Possible Trajectory Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Possible Trajectory Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Possible Trajectory Image Kern Rechteroever Aalst
Workshop, Magdalenakerk, 10/06/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Workshop, Magdalenakerk, 10/06/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Workshop, Magdalenakerk, 10/06/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Workshop, Magdalenakerk, 10/06/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Workshop, Magdalenakerk, 10/06/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Workshop, Magdalenakerk, 10/06/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Workshop, Magdalenakerk, 10/06/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Workshop, Sint-Godelieveabdij, 31/05/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Workshop, Sint-Godelieveabdij, 31/05/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Workshop, Sint-Godelieveabdij, 31/05/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Workshop, Sint-Godelieveabdij, 31/05/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Workshop, Sint-Godelieveabdij, 31/05/2016, 2016, Bruges. Photo: Matthias Desmet, Stad Brugge Image Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges
Publication 'Changing cultures of planning— Rotterdam, Zurich, Nantes, Randstad, Bordeaux', 2012 Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Publication 'Changing cultures of planning— Rotterdam, Zurich, Nantes, Randstad, Bordeaux', 2012 Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Publication 'Changing cultures of planning— Rotterdam, Zurich, Nantes, Randstad, Bordeaux', 2012 Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Publication 'Changing cultures of planning— Rotterdam, Zurich, Nantes, Randstad, Bordeaux', 2012 Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Publication 'Changing cultures of planning— Rotterdam, Zurich, Nantes, Randstad, Bordeaux', 2012 Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Publication 'Changing cultures of planning— Rotterdam, Zurich, Nantes, Randstad, Bordeaux', 2012 Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Nantes , 2012 — © Alexandre Chemetoff Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Zürich West - 12 principles , 2012 — © Amt für Städtebau - Zürich Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Rotterdam AIR, Aldo Rossi , 2012 — © NAI Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Publication 'Changing cultures of planning', 2012, The Hague — Public launch and debate at STROOM Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Publication 'Changing cultures of planning', 2012, The Hague — Public launch and debate at STROOM Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Publication 'Changing cultures of planning', 2012, The Hague — Public launch and debate at STROOM Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Publication 'Changing cultures of planning', 2012, The Hague — Public launch and debate at STROOM Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Publication 'Changing cultures of planning', 2012, The Hague — Public launch and debate at STROOM Image Changing Cultures of Planning
Map of Mobility Fixtures in Flanders Image Towards visionary housing production
Map of inhabited areas in Flanders Image Towards visionary housing production
Empty lots for housing in Flanders — © RWO Vlaanderen Image Towards visionary housing production
Photo: Stefanie De Clercq Image Towards visionary housing production
Antwerp South metropolitan urban-axis Image Towards visionary housing production
Mechaniek van de woonproductie Image Towards visionary housing production
Championnat du Monde de Ricochets Fluorescents, La Folie Kilométre, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Championnat du Monde de Ricochets Fluorescents, La Folie Kilométre, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Championnat du Monde de Ricochets Fluorescents, La Folie Kilométre, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Championnat du Monde de Ricochets Fluorescents, La Folie Kilométre, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Championnat du Monde de Ricochets Fluorescents, La Folie Kilométre, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Championnat du Monde de Ricochets Fluorescents, La Folie Kilométre, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Championnat du Monde de Ricochets Fluorescents, La Folie Kilométre, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Championnat du Monde de Ricochets Fluorescents, La Folie Kilométre, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Championnat du Monde de Ricochets Fluorescents, La Folie Kilométre, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Championnat du Monde de Ricochets Fluorescents, La Folie Kilométre, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Championnat du Monde de Ricochets Fluorescents, La Folie Kilométre, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Guided Tour 'Festival Kanal Playground', 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Guided Tour 'Festival Kanal Playground', 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Musique Parabolique, Dennis Van Tilburg, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Musique Parabolique, Dennis Van Tilburg, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Musique Parabolique, Dennis Van Tilburg, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Streetzz, Wim Vandekeybus / Ultima Vez, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Streetzz, Wim Vandekeybus / Ultima Vez, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
BOULEvard - ON/OFF, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Roeland Dudal Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Championnat du Monde de Ricochets Fluorescents, La Folie Kilométre, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Championnat du Monde de Ricochets Fluorescents, La Folie Kilométre, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
BOULEvard - ON/OFF, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Musique Parabolique, Dennis Van tilburg, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Streetzz, Wim Vandekeybus / Ultima Vez, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Onderweg, Ann Weckx, Something Els, Geert Vaes, Tine Joris, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Onderweg, Ann Weckx, Something Els, Geert Vaes, Tine Joris, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Onderweg, Ann Weckx, Something Els, Geert Vaes, Tine Joris, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Primitive, Claire Croizé & Jozef Wouters, 2014, Brussels Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Guided Tour 'Festival Kanal Playground', 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Guided Tour 'Festival Kanal Playground', 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Guided Tour 'Festival Kanal Playground', 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Guided Tour 'Festival Kanal Playground', 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
BOULEvard - ON/OFF, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Guided Tour 'Festival Kanal Playground', 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Onderweg, Ann Weckx, Something Els, Geert Vaes, Tine Joris, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Onderweg, Ann Weckx, Something Els, Geert Vaes, Tine Joris, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Festival Center , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Festival Center , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Festival Center , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Roeland Dudal Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Dune at the Festival Center, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Roeland Dudal Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Festival Center , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Roeland Dudal Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Onderweg, Ann Weckx, Something Els, Geert Vaes, Tine Joris, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Onderweg, Ann Weckx, Something Els, Geert Vaes, Tine Joris, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Onderweg, Ann Weckx, Something Els, Geert Vaes, Tine Joris, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Onderweg, Ann Weckx, Something Els, Geert Vaes, Tine Joris, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Onderweg, Ann Weckx, Something Els, Geert Vaes, Tine Joris, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Onderweg, Ann Weckx, Something Els, Geert Vaes, Tine Joris, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Onderweg, Ann Weckx, Something Els, Geert Vaes, Tine Joris, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Onderweg, Ann Weckx, Something Els, Geert Vaes, Tine Joris, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Dune at the Festival Center, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Roeland Dudal Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
On the Way, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Constructing the Festival Center , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Roeland Dudal Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Festival Center , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Festival Center , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Festival Center , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Dune at the Festival Center, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Festival Center , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Festival Center , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Festival Center , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Festival Center , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Dune at the Festival Center, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Festival Center , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Piste Redux - Pieterjan Ginckels, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Olmo Peeters Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Piste Redux - Pieterjan Ginckels, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Olmo Peeters Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Mirette - Simon Bidal & Valentin Thévenot , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Piste Redux - Pieterjan Ginckels, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Piste Redux - Pieterjan Ginckels, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Saturn II - City Scape - Karl Van Welden , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Saturn II - City Scape - Karl Van Welden , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Sideline - Laura Muyldermans + Arian Schelstraete, 2014, Brussels Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Sideline - Laura Muyldermans + Arian Schelstraete, 2014, Brussels Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Sideline - Laura Muyldermans + Arian Schelstraete, 2014, Brussels Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Sideline - Laura Muyldermans + Arian Schelstraete, 2014, Brussels Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Sideline - Laura Muyldermans + Arian Schelstraete, 2014, Brussels Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Saturn II - City Scape - Karl Van Welden , 2014, Brussels. Photo: Roeland Dudal Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Piste Redux - Pieterjan Ginckels, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet - Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet - Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet - Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet - Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet - Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Canal Zone Brussels , 2011, Brussels Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Canal Zone Brussels , 2011, Brussels Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Canal Zone Brussels , 2011, Brussels Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Piste Redux - Pieterjan Ginckels, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Olmo Peeters Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet - Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet - Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet - Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet - Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Canal Zone Brussels , 2012, Brussels. Photo: Stefanie De Clercq Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Canal Zone Brussels , 2012, Brussels. Photo: Stefanie De Clercq Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Canal Zone Brussels , 2012, Brussels. Photo: Stefanie De Clercq Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Canal Zone Brussels , 2012, Brussels. Photo: Stefanie De Clercq Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Quai des Charbonnages, 2013, Brussels. Photo: ADT ATO Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Quai des Materiaux, 2013, Brussels. Photo: ADT ATO Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Canal Zone Brussels , 2013, Brussels. Photo: ADT ATO Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Canal Zone Brussels , 2013, Brussels. Photo: ADT ATO Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Canal Zone Brussels , 2013, Brussels. Photo: ADT ATO Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
A Different City Project (Brunch), 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
A Different City Project (Brunch), 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
A Different City Project (Brunch), 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Court-Circuit / Ketmet, Jan Laute & Lode Vranken, 2015, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Festival Kanal Play Ground
Temporary Bridge, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, 2014, Brussels Image BRIDGE
Temporary Bridge, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, 2014, Brussels Image BRIDGE
Temporary Bridge, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image BRIDGE
Temporary Bridge, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image BRIDGE
Temporary Bridge, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image BRIDGE
Temporary Bridge, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image BRIDGE
Temporary Bridge, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image BRIDGE
Temporary Bridge, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Jeroen Verrecht Image BRIDGE
Temporary Bridge, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Jeroen Verrecht Image BRIDGE
Temporary Bridge, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Jeroen Verrecht Image BRIDGE
Temporary Bridge, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Jeroen Verrecht Image BRIDGE
Temporary Bridge, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, 2014, Brussels. Photo: Jeroen Verrecht Image BRIDGE
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
Pilot project Agricultural Park Tuinen van Stene – Oostende, 2018. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Pilot project Urban Agriculture – Maasmechelen, 2018. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Pilot project Agrotopia, dakserre Inagro – Roeselare, 2018. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Pilot project De Kijfelaar – Noorderwijk, 2018. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Pilot project Agricultural Park Tuinen van Stene – Oostende, 2018. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Pilot project Urban Agriculture – Maasmechelen, 2018. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Pilot project Agrotopia, dakserre Inagro – Roeselare, 2018. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Spring, 1935, Jean Brusselmans Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
September Workshop Brussels, 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bo Vloors Image Urbanising in Place
You Are Here Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lecture by Dirk Sijmons (HNS) and debate with Brecht Goussey (BoerEnCompagnie) and Joris Relaes (ILVO) Image The Open Space Movement
You Are Here Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lecture by Dirk Sijmons (HNS) and debate with Brecht Goussey (BoerEnCompagnie) and Joris Relaes (ILVO) Image The Open Space Movement
You Are Here Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lecture by Dirk Sijmons (HNS) and debate with Brecht Goussey (BoerEnCompagnie) and Joris Relaes (ILVO) Image The Open Space Movement
Pilot project Hoeve de Waterkant – Herk-De-Stad, 2018. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Pilot project De Kijfelaar – Noorderwijk, 2018. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
The future is on the countryside, 2018 — ILVO, Team Vlaams Bouwmeester, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Departement Omgeving Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
De Kijfelaar, 2018 — ILVO, Team Vlaams Bouwmeester, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Departement Omgeving Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Agrotopia, 2018 — ILVO, Team Vlaams Bouwmeester, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Departement Omgeving Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Agricultural Park Tuinen van Stene, 2018 — ILVO, Team Vlaams Bouwmeester, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Departement Omgeving Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Hoeve de Waterkant, 2018 — ILVO, Team Vlaams Bouwmeester, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Departement Omgeving Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Urban Agriculture Maasmechelen, 2018 — ILVO, Team Vlaams Bouwmeester, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Departement Omgeving Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Pilot project Hoeve de Waterkant – Herk-De-Stad, 2018. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Pilot Projects Productive Landscape
Open Space Movement' Image The Open Space Movement
Families of Challenges' schematic diagram Image The Open Space Movement
Thematic workshops Image The Open Space Movement
Timeline 'Open Space Movement' Image The Open Space Movement
Task Families summary card Image The Open Space Movement
You Are Here Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lecture by Dirk Sijmons (HNS) and debate with Brecht Goussey (BoerEnCompagnie) and Joris Relaes (ILVO) Image The Open Space Movement
You Are Here Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lecture by Dirk Sijmons (HNS) and debate with Brecht Goussey (BoerEnCompagnie) and Joris Relaes (ILVO) Image The Open Space Movement
You Are Here Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lecture by Dirk Sijmons (HNS) and debate with Brecht Goussey (BoerEnCompagnie) and Joris Relaes (ILVO) Image The Open Space Movement
You Are Here Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lecture by Dirk Sijmons (HNS) and debate with Brecht Goussey (BoerEnCompagnie) and Joris Relaes (ILVO) Image The Open Space Movement
You Are Here Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lecture by Dirk Sijmons (HNS) and debate with Brecht Goussey (BoerEnCompagnie) and Joris Relaes (ILVO) Image The Open Space Movement
You Are Here Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lecture by Dirk Sijmons (HNS) and debate with Brecht Goussey (BoerEnCompagnie) and Joris Relaes (ILVO) Image The Open Space Movement
You Are Here Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lecture by Dirk Sijmons (HNS) and debate with Brecht Goussey (BoerEnCompagnie) and Joris Relaes (ILVO) Image The Open Space Movement
You Are Here Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lecture by Dirk Sijmons (HNS) and debate with Brecht Goussey (BoerEnCompagnie) and Joris Relaes (ILVO) Image The Open Space Movement
You Are Here Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lecture by Dirk Sijmons (HNS) and debate with Brecht Goussey (BoerEnCompagnie) and Joris Relaes (ILVO) Image The Open Space Movement
You Are Here Session 'Cultivation is Permanent Restoration', 2018, WTC 1. Photo: Bob Van Mol — Lecture by Dirk Sijmons (HNS) and debate with Brecht Goussey (BoerEnCompagnie) and Joris Relaes (ILVO) Image The Open Space Movement
Timeline 'Open Ruimte Beweging' Image The Open Space Movement
Provincial workshops seeking as many recurring challenges as possible Image The Open Space Movement
Proposals submitted by the Province of Antwerp Image Water+Land+Scape
Proposals submitted by the Province of Flemish Brabant Image Water+Land+Scape
Proposals submitted by the Province of East Flanders Image Water+Land+Scape
Proposals submitted by the Province of West Flanders Image Water+Land+Scape
'Source Protection' measures Image Water+Land+Scape
Overview drawing 'Source Protection' Image Water+Land+Scape
'Erosion' measures Image Water+Land+Scape
Overview drawing 'Erosion' Image Water+Land+Scape
'Water sensitive farming' measures Image Water+Land+Scape
Overview drawing 'Water sensitive farming' Image Water+Land+Scape
Overview drawing 'Salinisation' Image Water+Land+Scape
Different families of challenges Image Water+Land+Scape
One family of challenges Image Water+Land+Scape
'Salinisation' measures Image Water+Land+Scape
Launch of 'Open Space on the Offensive'. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Open Space Offensive
Timeline 'Water-Land-Scape' Image Water+Land+Scape
Family of challenges 'Source protection' Image Open Space Platform, Water+Land+Scape
Family of challenges 'Salinisation' Image Open Space Platform, Water+Land+Scape
Synthesis map Image Open Space Platform, Water+Land+Scape
Family of challenges 'Erosion' Image Open Space Platform, Water+Land+Scape
Family of challenges 'Water sensitive farming' Image Open Space Platform, Water+Land+Scape
Overlap map of objectives Image Open Space Platform, Water+Land+Scape
Map with the 14 selected initiatives Image Water+Land+Scape
Map with the 40 submitted initiatives Image Water+Land+Scape
Existing objectives (part 1) Image Water+Land+Scape
Existing objectives (part 2) Image Water+Land+Scape
Proposals submitted by the Province of Limburg Image Water+Land+Scape
Launch of 'Open Space on the Offensive'. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Open Space Offensive
Retable depicting 'Landscape Construction' — Bovenbouw and Architecture Workroom Image Open Space Offensive
Retable depicting 'Smarter Agri' — Bovenbouw and Architecture Workroom Image Open Space Offensive
Retable depicting 'Ambitious Landscapes' — Bovenbouw and Architecture Workroom Image Open Space Offensive
Retable depicting 'Open Space Infrastructure' — Bovenbouw and Architecture Workroom Image Open Space Offensive
Retable depicting 'Construction of the Urban Outskirts' — Bovenbouw and Architecture Workroom Image Open Space Offensive
Launch of 'Open Space on the Offensive'. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Open Space Offensive
Launch of 'Open Space on the Offensive'. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Open Space Offensive
Launch of 'Open Space on the Offensive'. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Open Space Offensive
Launch of 'Open Space on the Offensive'. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Open Space Offensive
Launch of 'Open Space on the Offensive'. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Open Space Offensive
Launch of 'Open Space on the Offensive'. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Open Space Offensive
Launch of 'Open Space on the Offensive'. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Open Space Offensive
Launch of 'Open Space on the Offensive'. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image Open Space Offensive
Master Class '120% Brussels', 2011, Brussels Image 120% Brussels
A multitude of actors, projects and initiatives Image Operation Open Space
Timeline 'Open Space Platform' Image Operation Open Space
Open space is of capital importance Image Operation Open Space
In need of a new method Image Operation Open Space
Transformative approach Image Operation Open Space
Timeline 'Open Space Offensive' Image Open Space Offensive
Exhibition Guide 'Building for Brussels', 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Exhibition Guide 'Building for Brussels', 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Exhibition Guide 'Building for Brussels', 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Exhibition Guide 'Building for Brussels', 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Exhibition Guide 'Building for Brussels', 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Exhibition Guide 'Building for Brussels', 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Exhibition Guide 'Building for Brussels', 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Master Class '120% Brussels', 2011, Brussels Image 120% Brussels
Master Class '120% Brussels', 2011, Brussels Image 120% Brussels
Master Class '120% Brussels', 2011, Brussels Image 120% Brussels
Master Class '120% Brussels', 2011, Brussels Image 120% Brussels
Master Class '120% Brussels', 2011, Brussels Image 120% Brussels
Master Class '120% Brussels', 2011, Brussels Image 120% Brussels
Master Class '120% Brussels', 2011, Brussels Image 120% Brussels
Master Class '120% Brussels', 2011, Brussels Image 120% Brussels
Master Class '120% Brussels', 2011, Brussels Image 120% Brussels
Master Class '120% Brussels', 2011, Brussels Image 120% Brussels
Installation view 'Building for Brussels', 2012, Brussels Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Installation view 'Building for Brussels', 2012, Brussels Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Installation view 'Building for Brussels', 2012, Brussels Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Installation view 'Building for Brussels', 2012, Brussels Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Installation view 'Building for Brussels', 2012, Brussels Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Installation view 'Building for Brussels', 2012, Brussels Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
`B' Bruxelles - Card, 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
`R' Bruxelles - Card, 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
`U' Bruxelles - Card, 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
`X' Bruxelles - Card, 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
`E' Bruxelles - Card, 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
`L' Bruxelles - Card, 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
`S' Bruxelles - Card, 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Exhibition Guide 'Building for Brussels', 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Exhibition Guide 'Building for Brussels', 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Exhibition Guide 'Building for Brussels', 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Exhibition Guide 'Building for Brussels', 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Exhibition Guide 'Building for Brussels', 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Exhibition Guide 'Building for Brussels', 2012 Image Building for Brussels – exhibition
Publication 'Building For Brussels' Image Building for Brussels – publication
Model 'Hof ter Lo' side of Spoor Oost, 2017 — Model by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Model 'Hof ter Lo' side of Spoor Oost, 2017 — Model by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Model 'Schijnpoort' side of Spoor Oost, 2017 — Model by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Model 'Schijnpoort' side of Spoor Oost, 2017 — Model by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Model 'Bahnhof' side of Spoor Oost, 2017 — Model by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Model 'Aquafin' side of Spoor Oost, 2017 — Model by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Context photo 'Spoor Oost', 2017, Spoor Oost, Antwerpen. Photo: 51N4E Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Context photo 'Spoor Oost', 2017, Spoor Oost, Antwerpen. Photo: 51N4E Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Context photo 'Spoor Oost', 2017, Spoor Oost, Antwerpen. Photo: 51N4E Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Context photo 'Spoor Oost', 2017, Spoor Oost, Antwerpen. Photo: 51N4E Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Context photo 'Spoor Oost', 2017, Spoor Oost, Antwerpen. Photo: 51N4E Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Context photo 'Spoor Oost', 2017, Spoor Oost, Antwerpen. Photo: 51N4E Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Context photo 'Spoor Oost', 2017, Spoor Oost, Antwerpen. Photo: 51N4E Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Workshop 'Spoor Oost', 2017 Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Workshop 'Spoor Oost', 2017 Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Workshop 'Spoor Oost', 2017 Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Publication 'Building For Brussels' Image Building for Brussels – publication
Publication 'Building For Brussels' Image Building for Brussels – publication
Publication 'Building For Brussels' Image Building for Brussels – publication
Publication 'Building For Brussels' Image Building for Brussels – publication
Publication 'Building For Brussels' Image Building for Brussels – publication
Publication 'Building For Brussels' Image Building for Brussels – publication
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Timeline of the productive Zennevallei development, 2017 Image Atelier Zennevallei
Timeline of the productive Zennevallei development, 2017 Image Atelier Zennevallei
Timeline of the productive Zennevallei development, 2017 Image Atelier Zennevallei
Timeline of the productive Zennevallei development, 2017 Image Atelier Zennevallei
Illustration 'water recreation and wheels', 2017 — Illustration by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Illustration 'shared atelier for the neighboorhoud', 2017 — Illustration by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Illustration 'urban shed for events', 2017 — Illustration by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Illustration 'aquafin and water recreation', 2017 — Illustration by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Illustration 'bicycle infrastructure', 2017 — Illustration by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Illustration 'reuse of rail infrastructure', 2017 — Illustration by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Illustration 'quay hangars for neigbourhood programs', 2017 — Illustration by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Illustration 'Entrance canopy Schijnpoortweg', 2017 — Illustration by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Illustration, 'cranes with water curtain', 2017 — Illustration by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Illustration 'Bahnhof voor youth clubs', 2017 — Illustration by 51N4E / Research by AWB, 51N4E & Simply Community Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Scenario 1: covering over the ring road, grafting on to soft connections and a series of programmes, 2017 Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Scenario 2: concentrating development and public programs on the 'Hof ter Lo' side, tunnelling below the track bed to the Borgerhout district upon the removal of the NMBS maintenance sidings, 2017 Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Scenario 3: new urban fabric as a link between two parts of the city, connecting districts and supralocal programmes, covering over the ring, removing the sidings, 2017, . Photo: Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Illustration 'Attractive framework and stage for events / anchor points for future developments', 2017 — Parking, Sinksefoor (fair), events Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Illustration 'Shelter for use and initiative from city and neighbourhood', 2017 Image Antwerp Spoor Oost
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Picture Series 'Atelier Zennevallei', 2017, Zennevallei. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Installation view ‘Atelier Zennevalei’, 2017, FeliXart museum Drogenbos Image Atelier Zennevallei
Research by design 'The Tinker Tower', Vergotedok Brussels. Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of the Brussels-Capital Region, Port of Brussels, Lommat, Gravobel Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Tinker Tower', Vergotedok Brussels. Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of the Brussels-Capital Region, Port of Brussels, Lommat, Gravobel Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Tinker Tower', Vergotedok Brussels. Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of the Brussels-Capital Region, Port of Brussels, Lommat, Gravobel Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Tinker Tower', Vergotedok Brussels. Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of the Brussels-Capital Region, Port of Brussels, Lommat, Gravobel Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Tinker Tower', Vergotedok Brussels. Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of the Brussels-Capital Region, Port of Brussels, Lommat, Gravobel Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Tinker Tower', Vergotedok Brussels. Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of the Brussels-Capital Region, Port of Brussels, Lommat, Gravobel Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Tinker Tower', Vergotedok Brussels. Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of the Brussels-Capital Region, Port of Brussels, Lommat, Gravobel Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Tinker Tower', Vergotedok Brussels. Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of the Brussels-Capital Region, Port of Brussels, Lommat, Gravobel Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design, business park Nossegem (Zaventem). Photo: URA — Commissioned by Departement Omgeving. In collaboration with Provincie Vlaams-Brabant, OVAM, VLAIO, Gharp, ASCO Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design, business park Nossegem (Zaventem). Photo: URA — Commissioned by Departement Omgeving. In collaboration with Provincie Vlaams-Brabant, OVAM, VLAIO, Gharp, ASCO Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design, business park Nossegem (Zaventem). Photo: URA — Commissioned by Departement Omgeving. In collaboration with Provincie Vlaams-Brabant, OVAM, VLAIO, Gharp, ASCO Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design, business park Nossegem (Zaventem). Photo: URA — Commissioned by Departement Omgeving. In collaboration with Provincie Vlaams-Brabant, OVAM, VLAIO, Gharp, ASCO Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Cut. Add on. Replace. Connect.', Buda (Vilvoorde), 2016, Buda (Vilvoorde/Machelen). Photo: SPACE-LAB.BE — Commissioned by POM Vlaams-Brabant, Provincie Vlaams-Brabant. In collaboration with OVAM, Ruimte Vlaanderen, VLAIO, Gemeente Vilvoorde, FIRMA, Gharp Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Connect (Connector), 2016, Buda (Vilvoorde/Machelen). Photo: SPACE-LAB.BE — Commissioned by POM Vlaams-Brabant, Provincie Vlaams-Brabant. In collaboration with OVAM, Ruimte Vlaanderen, VLAIO, Gemeente Vilvoorde, FIRMA, Gharp Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Add on (Firma), 2016, Buda (Vilvoorde/Machelen). Photo: SPACE-LAB.BE — Commissioned by POM Vlaams-Brabant, Provincie Vlaams-Brabant. In collaboration with OVAM, Ruimte Vlaanderen, VLAIO, Gemeente Vilvoorde, FIRMA, Gharp Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Replace (Fobrux), 2016, Buda (Vilvoorde/Machelen). Photo: SPACE-LAB.BE — Commissioned by POM Vlaams-Brabant, Provincie Vlaams-Brabant. In collaboration with OVAM, Ruimte Vlaanderen, VLAIO, Gemeente Vilvoorde, FIRMA, Gharp Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Fobrux, 2016, Buda (Vilvoorde/Machelen). Photo: SPACE-LAB.BE — Commissioned by POM Vlaams-Brabant, Provincie Vlaams-Brabant. In collaboration with OVAM, Ruimte Vlaanderen, VLAIO, Gemeente Vilvoorde, FIRMA, Gharp Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Cut (Harentsesteenweg), 2016, Buda (Vilvoorde/Machelen). Photo: SPACE-LAB.BE — Commissioned by POM Vlaams-Brabant, Provincie Vlaams-Brabant. In collaboration with OVAM, Ruimte Vlaanderen, VLAIO, Gemeente Vilvoorde, FIRMA, Gharp Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Maison du Quartier Productif', Biestebroek (Anderlecht) — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Maison du Quartier Productif', Biestebroek (Anderlecht). Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Maison du Quartier Productif', Biestebroek (Anderlecht). Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Maison du Quartier Productif', Biestebroek (Anderlecht). Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Maison du Quartier Productif', Biestebroek (Anderlecht). Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Work Palace', Biestebroek (Anderlecht). Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Atenor Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Work Palace', Biestebroek (Anderlecht). Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Atenor Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Work Palace', Biestebroek (Anderlecht). Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Atenor Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Work Palace', Biestebroek (Anderlecht). Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Atenor Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Work Palace', Biestebroek (Anderlecht). Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Atenor Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Work Palace', Biestebroek (Anderlecht). Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Atenor Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Work Palace', Biestebroek (Anderlecht). Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Atenor Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Work Palace', Biestebroek (Anderlecht). Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Atenor Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Metahub', Delta (Oudergem). Photo: CENTRAL/Maxime Delvaux/Eva Le Roi — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with, bMa, GOB. Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Metahub', Delta (Oudergem). Photo: CENTRAL/Maxime Delvaux/Eva Le Roi — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with, bMa, GOB. Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Metahub', Delta (Oudergem). Photo: CENTRAL/Maxime Delvaux/Eva Le Roi — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with, bMa, GOB. Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Metahub', Delta (Oudergem). Photo: CENTRAL/Maxime Delvaux/Eva Le Roi — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with, bMa, GOB. Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Metahub', Delta (Oudergem). Photo: CENTRAL/Maxime Delvaux/Eva Le Roi — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with, bMa, GOB. Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'The Tinker Tower', Vergotedok Brussels. Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with Canal team of the Brussels-Capital Region, Port of Brussels, Lommat, Gravobel Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting Bozar, 15/03/2016, 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Jonathan Ortegat — All the design offices, researchers, governments and other stakeholders involved in Atelier Brussels joined forces in several workshops Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting Bozar, 15/03/2016, 2016, BOZAR Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting Bozar, 15/03/2016, 2016, BOZAR Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting Bozar, 15/03/2016, 2016, BOZAR Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting Bozar, 15/03/2016, 2016, BOZAR Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Walk, 2016, Brussels — Guided by Jan Zaman (Departement Omgeving) Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting 2, 04/02/2016, 2016, Firma Vilvoorde — With Djamel Klouche (l’AUC & IABR–Atelier Rotterdam), Klaas Meesters (projectleider Labo XX – Werk, Stad Antwerpen), Freek Persyn (51N4E, Brussel), Mark Brearley (CASS Cities, London), Olv Klijn (FABRIC, Amsterdam) en Ward Verbakel (Plusoffice, Brussel) Moderator: Joachim Declerck (AWB) Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting 2, Workshop Urban Metabolism, 04/02/2017, 2016, Firma Vilvoorde Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Installation view 'IABR–2016', 2016, IABR, Rotterdam. Photo: Filip Dujardin — Atelier Brussels Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Installation view 'IABR–2016', 2016, IABR, Rotterdam. Photo: Filip Dujardin — Atelier Brussels Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Installation view 'IABR–2016', 2016, IABR, Rotterdam. Photo: Filip Dujardin — Atelier Brussels Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Installation view 'IABR–2016', 2016, IABR, Rotterdam. Photo: Filip Dujardin — Atelier Brussels Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Installation view 'IABR–2016', 2016, IABR, Rotterdam. Photo: Filip Dujardin — Atelier Brussels Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Installation view 'IABR–2016', 2016, IABR, Rotterdam. Photo: Filip Dujardin — Atelier Brussels Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Installation view 'IABR–2016', 2016, IABR, Rotterdam. Photo: Filip Dujardin — Atelier Brussels Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting IABR 02/06/2016, 2016, IABR, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak — With Kristiaan Borret (Bouwmeester Brussel), Peter Cabus (Departement Omgeving), Jan Zaman (Departement Omgeving), Ann Cuyckens (OVAM), Mark Brearley (Ateliermeester), Olv Klijn (Fabric), Radim Louda (Central), Yves Malysse (URA), Ward Verbakel (Plusoffice) en Marco Broekman (Atelier Rotterdam). Moderator: Joachim Declerck (AWB). Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting IABR 02/06/2016, 2016, IABR, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak — With Kristiaan Borret (Bouwmeester Brussel), Peter Cabus (Departement Omgeving), Jan Zaman (Departement Omgeving), Ann Cuyckens (OVAM), Mark Brearley (Ateliermeester), Olv Klijn (Fabric), Radim Louda (Central), Yves Malysse (URA), Ward Verbakel (Plusoffice) en Marco Broekman (Atelier Rotterdam). Moderator: Joachim Declerck (AWB). Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting IABR 02/06/2016, 2016, IABR, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak — With Kristiaan Borret (Bouwmeester Brussel), Peter Cabus (Departement Omgeving), Jan Zaman (Departement Omgeving), Ann Cuyckens (OVAM), Mark Brearley (Ateliermeester), Olv Klijn (Fabric), Radim Louda (Central), Yves Malysse (URA), Ward Verbakel (Plusoffice) en Marco Broekman (Atelier Rotterdam). Moderator: Joachim Declerck (AWB). Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting IABR 02/06/2016, 2016, IABR, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak — With Kristiaan Borret (Bouwmeester Brussel), Peter Cabus (Departement Omgeving), Jan Zaman (Departement Omgeving), Ann Cuyckens (OVAM), Mark Brearley (Ateliermeester), Olv Klijn (Fabric), Radim Louda (Central), Yves Malysse (URA), Ward Verbakel (Plusoffice) en Marco Broekman (Atelier Rotterdam). Moderator: Joachim Declerck (AWB). Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting IABR 02/06/2016, 2016, IABR, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak — With Kristiaan Borret (Bouwmeester Brussel), Peter Cabus (Departement Omgeving), Jan Zaman (Departement Omgeving), Ann Cuyckens (OVAM), Mark Brearley (Ateliermeester), Olv Klijn (Fabric), Radim Louda (Central), Yves Malysse (URA), Ward Verbakel (Plusoffice) en Marco Broekman (Atelier Rotterdam). Moderator: Joachim Declerck (AWB). Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting IABR 02/06/2016, 2016, IABR, Rotterdam. Photo: Hans Tak — With Kristiaan Borret (Bouwmeester Brussel), Peter Cabus (Departement Omgeving), Jan Zaman (Departement Omgeving), Ann Cuyckens (OVAM), Mark Brearley (Ateliermeester), Olv Klijn (Fabric), Radim Louda (Central), Yves Malysse (URA), Ward Verbakel (Plusoffice) en Marco Broekman (Atelier Rotterdam). Moderator: Joachim Declerck (AWB). Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Construction & demolition waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Construction & demolition waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Construction & demolition waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Construction & demolition waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Construction & demolition waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Construction & demolition waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Construction & demolition waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Construction & demolition waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Hinterhof', Masui (Schaarbeek), Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with the Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Brussel Leefmilieu, Gemeente Schaarbeek Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Hinterhof', Masui (Schaarbeek), Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with the Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Brussel Leefmilieu, Gemeente Schaarbeek Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Hinterhof', Masui (Schaarbeek), Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with the Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Brussel Leefmilieu, Gemeente Schaarbeek Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Hinterhof', Masui (Schaarbeek), Photo: Plusoffice/WRKSHP Collectif — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with the Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Brussel Leefmilieu, Gemeente Schaarbeek Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Rambla Productive', Birmingham (Anderlecht). Photo: CENTRAL/Maxime Delvaux/Eva Le Roi — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with the Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Vivaqua. Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Rambla Productive', Birmingham (Anderlecht). Photo: CENTRAL/Maxime Delvaux/Eva Le Roi — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with the Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Vivaqua. Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Rambla Productive', Birmingham (Anderlecht). Photo: CENTRAL/Maxime Delvaux/Eva Le Roi — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with the Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Vivaqua. Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Rambla Productive', Birmingham (Anderlecht). Photo: CENTRAL/Maxime Delvaux/Eva Le Roi — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with the Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Vivaqua. Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Rambla Productive', Birmingham (Anderlecht). Photo: CENTRAL/Maxime Delvaux/Eva Le Roi — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with the Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Vivaqua. Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Research by design 'Rambla Productive', Birmingham (Anderlecht). Photo: CENTRAL/Maxime Delvaux/Eva Le Roi — Commissioned by Brussels-Capital Region & Architecture Workroom Brussels. In collaboration with the Canal team of Brussels-Capital Region, Citydev, Vivaqua. Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Urban Meeting Bozar, 15/03/2016, 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Jonathan Ortegat — With Maarten Hajer (professor Urban Futures at University of Utrecht & curator IABR–2016), Mark Brearley (professor at the CASS institute & Ateliermaster of Atelier Brussels 2016), Bert Gellynck (1010au). Moderated by Joachim Declerck (AWB) Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Organic waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Organic waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Organic waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Organic waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Organic waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Organic waste, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Water, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Water, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Water, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Water, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Water, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Water, Urban metabolism & circular economy, Brussels Metropolitan Region. Photo: Fabric, ULB (LoUIsE en BATir), Circle Economy — Commissioned by OVAM Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Picture Series 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, Brussels. Photo: Bas Bogaerts Image Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular construction materials chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular construction materials chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular construction materials chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular construction materials chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular construction materials chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular construction materials chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular construction materials chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular construction materials chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular construction materials chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular construction materials chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular construction materials chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular agri-food chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular agri-food chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular agri-food chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular agri-food chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular agri-food chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular agri-food chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular agri-food chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular agri-food chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular agri-food chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular construction materials chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Debate, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view for the workshop on Agri-Food, 2018, IABR. Photo: Hans Tak Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Workshop ‘Energy District BoTu’, 2018, Bospolder-Tussendijken. Photo: Frank Hanswijk Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Workshop ‘Energy District BoTu’, 2018, Bospolder-Tussendijken. Photo: Frank Hanswijk Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Workshop ‘Energy District BoTu’, 2018, Bospolder-Tussendijken. Photo: Frank Hanswijk Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Workshop/Tour ‘Circular Construction M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Hans Tak Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Workshop/Tour ‘Circular Construction M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Hans Tak Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Workshop ‘M4H’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Hans Tak Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Workshop ‘M4H’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Workshop ‘Energy District BoTu’, 2018, Bospolder-Tussendijken Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Illustration ‘Professions in a circular textile chain’, 2018 — Illustration: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Test Site M4H+’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Models and research: 1010 Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Model of ‘New building typologies for the energy transition’ by Civic Architects, production: Adam Scales and Studio Woudstra Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Test Site M4H+’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Models and research: 1010 Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Model of Bospolder-Tussendijken and M4H, production: MadeByMistake Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Test Site M4H+’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Models and research: 1010 Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Model of ‘New building typologies for the energy transition’ by Civic Architects, production: Adam Scales and Studio Woudstra Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Model of Bospolder-Tussendijken and M4H, production: MadeByMistake Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Flowchart M4H ‘Energy’, 2018 — Scheme: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Flowchart M4H ‘Agri-food’, 2018 — Scheme: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Flowchart M4H ‘Textile’, 2018 — Scheme: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Flowchart M4H ‘Construction Materials’, 2018 — Scheme: 1010au Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Model of ‘New building typologies for the energy transition’ by Civic Architects, production: Adam Scales and Studio Woudstra Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Model of ‘New building typologies for the energy transition’ by Civic Architects, production: Adam Scales and Studio Woudstra Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Test Site M4H+’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Models and research: 1010 Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Model of Bospolder-Tussendijken and M4H, production: MadeByMistake Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Model of Bospolder-Tussendijken and M4H, production: MadeByMistake Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Test Site M4H+’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Models and research: 1010 Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Test Site M4H+’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Ivo Haarman — Models and research: 1010 Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Picture series ‘Energy District Bospolder-Tussendijken’, 2018, Photo: Frank Hanswijk Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Picture series ‘Energy District Bospolder-Tussendijken’, 2018, Photo: Frank Hanswijk Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Typological energy strategies for towers, 2018 — Civic architects Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Typological energy strategies for slabs, 2018 — Civic architects Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR-Test Site M4H’, 2018, M4H. Photo: Frank Hanswijk — Guiding Principles Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Workshop 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Jonathan Ortegat — All the design offices, researchers, governments and other stakeholders involved in Atelier Brussels joined forces in several workshops Image A Good City Has Industry
Presentation and debate 'Atelier Brussels', 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Jonathan Ortegat — With Maarten Hajer (professor Urban Futures at University of Utrecht & curator IABR–2016), Mark Brearley (professor at the CASS institute & Ateliermaster of Atelier Brussels 2016), Bert Gellynck (1010au). Moderated by Joachim Declerck (AWB) Image A Good City Has Industry
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn — Model of ‘New building typologies for the energy transition’ by Civic Architects, production: Adam Scales and Studio Woudstra Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn — Model of Bospolder-Tussendijken and M4H, production: MadeByMistake Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn — Model of ‘New building typologies for the energy transition’ by Civic Architects, production: Adam Scales and Studio Woudstra Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn — Model of Bospolder-Tussendijken and M4H, production: MadeByMistake Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Installation view ‘IABR–Atelier Rotterdam’, 2018, IABR. Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn — Model of Bospolder-Tussendijken and M4H, production: MadeByMistake Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Picture series ‘Energy District Bospolder-Tussendijken’, 2018, Photo: Frank Hanswijk Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Picture series ‘Energy District Bospolder-Tussendijken’, 2018, Photo: Frank Hanswijk Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Picture series ‘Energy District Bospolder-Tussendijken’, 2018, Photo: Frank Hanswijk Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Picture series ‘Energy District Bospolder-Tussendijken’, 2018, Photo: Frank Hanswijk Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Picture series ‘Energy District Bospolder-Tussendijken’, 2018, Photo: Frank Hanswijk Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Picture series ‘Energy District Bospolder-Tussendijken’, 2018, Photo: Frank Hanswijk Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Picture series ‘Energy District Bospolder-Tussendijken’, 2018, Photo: Frank Hanswijk Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Picture series ‘Energy District Bospolder-Tussendijken’, 2018, Photo: Frank Hanswijk Image IABR-Atelier Rotterdam
Debate 'Battle of the Productive Studio's', 2016, Firma Vilvoorde — Presentation and debate by several architecture student studio's working on the theme of the productive city, from different universities in Belgium Image A Good City Has Industry
Installation view 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image A Good City Has Industry
Installation view 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image A Good City Has Industry
Installation view 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image A Good City Has Industry
Installation view 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image A Good City Has Industry
Installation view 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image A Good City Has Industry
Installation view 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image A Good City Has Industry
Installation view 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image A Good City Has Industry
Installation view 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image A Good City Has Industry
Installation view 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Tim Van de Velde Image A Good City Has Industry
Installation view 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. Photo: Tim Van de Velde — Workshop by Mark Brearley (CASS institute London) and Jan Zaman (Departement Omgeving) with students from the CASS institute London (London Metropolitan University) Image A Good City Has Industry
Folder of the exhibition program, 2016 Image A Good City Has Industry
Opening of the exhibition 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. © BOZAR. Photo: Renaud Schrobiltgen Image A Good City Has Industry
Opening of the exhibition 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. © BOZAR. Photo: Renaud Schrobiltgen Image A Good City Has Industry
Opening of the exhibition 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. © BOZAR. Photo: Renaud Schrobiltgen Image A Good City Has Industry
Opening of the exhibition 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. © BOZAR. Photo: Renaud Schrobiltgen Image A Good City Has Industry
Opening of the exhibition 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. © BOZAR. Photo: Renaud Schrobiltgen Image A Good City Has Industry
Opening of the exhibition 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. © BOZAR. Photo: Renaud Schrobiltgen Image A Good City Has Industry
Opening of the exhibition 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. © BOZAR. Photo: Renaud Schrobiltgen Image A Good City Has Industry
Opening of the exhibition 'A Good City Has Industry', 2016, BOZAR. © BOZAR. Photo: Renaud Schrobiltgen Image A Good City Has Industry
Illustration, 'Maison de Quartier Productif at Biestebroeck, Anderlecht', 2016 — Plusoffice & WRKSHP collective Image A Good City Has Industry
Programma Muide Meulestede morgen Text Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
Atelier Muide Meulestede Morgen Text Gent Muide-Meulestede tomorrow
TOEKOMST ZEEBRUGGE VANDAAG EN MORGEN Text Regeneration of Zeebrugge Link
Het Mozaïek van Brabant Video IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
IABR-2014 URBAN BY NATURE Text IABR-Atelier BrabantStad
Call for action: Air for Schools Text Air for Schools Link
Call for action: Air for Schools (NL) Text Air for Schools
Cover Image- Pentagone Sud Image Pentagone Sud
Concept Werkagenda - North Sea Port District Text Towards a draft work agenda for the North Sea Port District Link
Towards a Proactive Approach, 2018 — There are many existing experiments and initiatives that try to combine water and urban challenges, but these often do not add up to bring fundamental change. Instead of non-responsive or re-active approaches, what is needed is a proactive approach that does not wait for a crisis to occur in order to respond, but instead formulates resilient solutions able to prevent crisis and act taking the complexity of its effects into account. Image Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
Interview Kristiaan Borret - A Good City Has Industry Video Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Interview Peter Cabus (Ruimte Vlaanderen) - A Good City Has Industry Video Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Open ruimte beweging Text The Open Space Movement Link
Ontwerp als hefboom voor verandering Video From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Nieuwe agenda noodzaakt nieuwe architectuurpraktijk Video From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Cultuur als vliegwiel voor innovatie Video From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
From Cure to Care: Transitions in Utrecht Healthy City — The population of Utrecht is among the healthiest in the Netherlands. There are, however, marked differences inside the city. Utrecht is doing its best to address such persistent differences in health and life expectancy, but has to operate in a force field that is in full transition. The national government is delegating care tasks to municipalities. The consolidating health economy is passing into the hands of a few large parties that add little local value. To examine how health and urban development issues can be coupled, the IABR–Atelier Utrecht: The Healthy City investigated what innovative spatial development strategies can contribute to the creation of an inclusive, healthy city that prioritizes solidarity between different generations, cultures, and income groups. Atelier Utrecht focused on both spatial and programmatic transformations in the city as related to health and well-being, and on changes in the funding of health care. Atelier Utrecht: The Healthy City provides insights that can also inspire other cities in the Netherlands and abroad. The film From Cure to Care documents the most important understandings of IABR–Atelier Utrecht: The Healthy City. Director: Roel van Tour
Animations: Studio Moan together with Lotte Z., KoxRamak and Marian Venemans
Produced by iabr/UP
© IABR, 2016 IABR–Atelier Utrecht is a collaboration of the IABR and the Municipality of Utrecht. The atelier master is Joachim Declerck (Architecture Workroom Brussels). The design research has been executed by the Belgian offices Architecture Workroom Brussels and De Smet Vermeulen Architects, and MUST Urbanism from Holland.
Video From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Van Cure Naar Care - From Cure to Care Text From Cure to Care transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht Link
Designing the Future Book Text Designing the Future Link
Designing the Future (Article- Vlaams Bouwmeester) Text Designing the Future Link
Atlas- Oost - Vlaams Kerngebied - Gent Text IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied Link
IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied; Regionale Projectoproep Text IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied Link
IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied Text IABR-Atelier Oost-Vlaams Kerngebied Link
Changing Cultures of Planning - Floris Alkemade FAA Video Changing Cultures of Planning
Changing Cultures of Planning - Freek Persyn 51N4E Video Changing Cultures of Planning
GRS BRUGGE Nota Brugge Vandaag Text Spatial Policy Plan for Bruges Link
Parckdesign Visitors Guide Text G A R D E N — Parckdesign 2012 Link
Concept Stadsproject Kern Rechteroever Aalst Text Kern Rechteroever Aalst Link
Productive Space by Design Text Productive Space By Design Link
International Atelier Eurometropolis Text Atelier Eurometropolis Link
Visies & concepten voor het Beleidsplan Ruimte Vlaanderen Text Spatial policy plan for Flanders concept studio Link
Eurometropolitane Blauwe Ruimte Text Eurometropolis Blue Space Link
Atelier In Between: 8 ruimtelijke concepten voor een nieuwe visie op de open ruimte in Brussel en de Vlaamse rand. April 2014 Text Atelier In Between Link
Atelier in Between Rapport - April 2014 Text Atelier In Between Link
“Atelier In Between” Prospectieve Atlas Text Atelier In Between Link
Master Class 120% Brussels Text 120% Brussels Link
Flemish metropolitan dream — How to break with the current housing production in Flanders? Posad worked the past months to answer this question for the Team Vlaams Bouwmeester as their contribution for the International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam. Video Towards visionary housing production
Delta Atelier Werk Conferentie Text Delta Atelier Link
Delta Atelier Workbook Text Delta Atelier Link
Het Delta Atelier als p2p kennis- en actieplatform Text Delta Atelier Link
Our future in the delta, the delta of the future Image IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
IABR Showreel 2018 Video IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
IABR–2018+2020–The Missing Link Video IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam - Motion design Video IABR–2018 – The Missing Link
Water as Leverage- Setting the scene for a call for action Text Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia Link
KORTRIJK - De stad die we kunnen willen Video Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
FIETSPOORT Video Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
PRODUCTIEFPARK Video Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
LANDSCHAPSBOUW Video Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
CAMPUSTOREN Video Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
GROENEADERS Video Kortrijk 2025. The city we can want.
Water in the city— Brussels Urban Landscape Biennial Edition 2018 ‘Rising Waters’ Video Brussels Urban Landscape Biennale
Food enabling Brussels: From ‘Broekzele’ to the Horizontal Metropolis Text Urbanising in Place Link
Urbanising in Place: Building the Brussels’ Food-Water-Energy Nexus from Below Text Urbanising in Place Link
Building for Brussels guide-EN Text Building for Brussels – exhibition Link
Construire Bruxelles guide-FR Text Building for Brussels – exhibition
Bouwen voor Brussel guide-NL Text Building for Brussels – exhibition
Water + Land+ Schap Video Water+Land+Scape
Water+Land+Schap Text Water+Land+Scape Link
Ontwerpend Onderzoek Oude Pannenfabriek OUD-TURNHOUT Text Operation Open Space Link
Operation Open Space Text Open Space Platform, Operation Open Space Link
Het open ruimte platform; Leertraject Text Operation Open Space
Het open ruimte platform; Beleidstraject Text Operation Open Space
Het open ruimte platform; Testtraject Text Operation Open Space
Atelier Brussels - The Productive Metropolis Video Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Brussels - Productive Capital of Europe Video Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Interview Jef Colruyt - Atelier Zennevallei Video Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , Atelier Zennevallei
The City as Factory Video Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis
Die Stadtmacher article IABR Text Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis Link
Atelier Brussels- Productive Metropolis Text Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis Link
Segmentatiestudie Nossegem Text Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis Link
Atelier Zennevallei Booklet Text Atelier Zennevallei Link
Interview Frank Boon - Atelier Zennevallei Video Atelier Zennevallei
Interview with Jean-Marie Dedobbeleer -Atelier Zennevallei Video Atelier Zennevallei
A Good City Has Industry; Guide-NL Text Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
A Good City Has Industry; Guide-FR Text Atelier Brussel Productive Metropolis , A Good City Has Industry
Manifesto for a Productive Landscape Text Pilot Projects Productive Landscape Link
Final report Pilot Projects Productive Landscape Text Pilot Projects Productive Landscape Link
Call for Designers Text Pilot Projects Productive Landscape Link
Leporello 'Energy transition as an inclusive urban project’, IABR-Atelier Rotterdam, 2018 Text IABR-Atelier Rotterdam Link
Leporello Bospolder-Tussendijken as Next Generation Energy Neighbourhood’, IABR-Atelier Rotterdam, 2018, . Photo: Text IABR-Atelier Rotterdam Link
Report ‘New building typologies for the energy transition’, IABR-Atelier Rotterdam, 2018 Text IABR-Atelier Rotterdam Link
Leporello ‘New building typologies for the energy transition’, IABR-Atelier Rotterdam, 2018, . Photo: Text IABR-Atelier Rotterdam Link
Leporello ‘What do you need?’, IABR-Test Site M4H+, 2018 Text IABR-Atelier Rotterdam Link
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