De Lage Landen 2020-2100, 2014-2017 In the publication De Lage Landen 2020-2100 we look a century further into the future. New production technologies such as CAD/CAM represent an opportunity to transform the current logistics chain of production in low-wage countries into a short chain. From now on, production will take place where and when it is needed.   
The entrepreneurial state (Mariana Mazzucato): “Who made your iPhone?" Various examples show that the seemingly more dynamic, innovative private sector often only dares to invest in products and programmes for which an entrepreneurial government has first undertaken the exploratory, uncertain phase of research: look at large pharmaceutical companies or the Internet. Can we devise an alternative innovation model to that in which the public sector takes risks, but in which revenues are privatised? 
The Ambition of the Territory - Publication
Reweaving the Urban Carpet, publication
Operation Open Space
Water + Land+ Schap
Maarten Gielen, Rotor, interview, You Are Here, 2018 Maarten Gielen is one of the pioneers in Europe in the field of the circular economy. Rotor harvests materials from buildings destined for demolition to reuse them elsewhere. The materials are kept as close as possible to their original state so that minimal energy is lost.  
Peer-to-Peer Talks and Holochain Brussels Meetup - Interview with Michel Bauwens
You Are Here, documentary in the context of Bap!, 2018 There is a continuing need for productive settings to explore alternative strategies and methods and to bridge the missing link between initiatives in the field and ambitious goals on paper. In the former WTC 1 tower in the Brussels North Quarter, a whole floor was made available for temporary use between June and December 2018. We set up the twenty-third floor as the ultimate physical in-between space: an inspiring work exhibition with the work in progress of Dutch and Belgian practices, work sessions, guided tours, public debates and lectures gathered more than ten thousand actors. The participating actors experienced this collective workplace as a productive incubator or joint innovation platform. 
You Are Here, booklet in the context of Bap!, 2018 What lessons can we learn from the WTC pilot? The role of spatial design and planning is to facilitate change in order to 'land' in our shared territory: through new projects, new coalitions and new platforms that embrace complexity. 


This text appeared earlier in the magazine Raumplanung Uitgave 205 - Januari 2020 - “Räumliche Transformation”  

Text: Joachim Declerck and Hanne Mangelschots
Thank you very much: Isabel Maria Finkenberger and Katja Veil

Flemish Land Agency, Open Ruimte Platform (Open Space Platform). In: Website VLM, consulted on 27 Architecture Workroom Brussels, Floris Alkemade Architect, LOLA Landschape Architects (2014) Reweaving the Urban Carpet. Rotterdam: The International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam & Province of North Brabant. 

Architecture Workroom Brussels, Jelte Boeijenga, Vereniging Deltametropool (2018), De Lage Landen 2020-2100. Een toekomstverkenning (The Low Countries 2020-2100. An exploration of the future), Department of the Environment, Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the College of Government Advisers and the Flemish Government Architect Team, Brussels. 

Celen, G., Claeys, M., Declerck, J., Leinfelder, H., Lüdtke, S., Vandemoortel, B. (2019) Tafels van vermenigvuldiging zorgen voor beweging in de Vlaamse open ruimte (Multiplication tables provide movement in the Flemish open space.)

Declerck, J. (2018) Between Plan and Pragmatism: Families of Challenges. In: Viganò P., Cavalieri C., Barcelloni Corte M. (eds.). The Horizontal Metropolis Between Urbanism and Urbanization. Publisher Springer, Cham.

Dehaene, M. (2015) Klein denken sluit groot denken niet uit (Thinking small doesn't exclude great ideas). 

Latour, B. (2018) Waar kunnen we landen? Politiek oriëntatie in het Nieuwe Klimaatregime (Down to earth. Political orientation in the New Climate Regime). Amsterdam: Octavo publications. 

Lotens, W. (2013) ‘De wereld redden’: mutualiseren van kennis volgens Michel ‘p2p’ Bauwens ("Saving the world": mutualising knowledge according to Michel 'P2P' Bauwens). 

Mazzucato, M. (2018), The entrepreneurial state. Debunking public vs. private sector myths. London: Penguin Books Ltd

Polanyi, K. (1944) The Great Transformation. The political and economic origins of our time. Originally published 1944, New York: Farrar & Rinehart. Revised edition 2001, Boston: Beacon. 

Vlaamse Landmaatschappij, Open Space Platform