The Wadden Sea is the largest tidal flat ecosystem in the world, full of nature and culture. At the same time, the consequences of climate change are a daily reality. This makes the area the ideal test-site for the Water as Leverage method. The call book Water as Leverage – Wadden describes the situation in seven areas around the Wadden Sea, maps the challenges and leads the way towards climate resilient solutions. 

Water is often considered a threat, that we must guard ourselves against. However, we can also interpret the big influence of water in a positive sense. Water can be a catalyst for spatial, social, and climate-related processes. For example, a good relationship and handling of water restores biodiversity, gives us more breathing space, and ensures a healthier soil. The Water as Leverage approach therefore does not see water as a threat, but rather as a lever.

The Wadden Sea was the next test site for the Water as Leverage method, previouly applied to water issues in three Asian coastal and delta cities. This is the largest tidal flat ecosystem in the world, spread across the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark. The area is full of natural and cultural qualities, biodiversity, and opportunities for water. At the same time, it is an area in which the effects of climate change are a daily reality: heavy rainfall in short periods, temperature increases, and sea level rise are pressing issues. These challenges are paralleled by other issues, such as tourism, heritage conservation and various transitions in port areas. How can we protect the Wadden Sea and revive its richness? The Wadden Sea is calling for action!

Seven local communities were part of Water as Leverage – Wadden: Texel, Terschelling and Harlingen in the Netherlands, Emden in Germany and Ribe, Esbjerg and Fanø in Denmark. The recently published Setting the Scene document examines the shared and individual challenges faced by the areas and presents the needs and focus for an approach.

Read the full call book

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6. Mar 2024


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