From 15 to 24 March, the Flanders Technology & Innovation Festival will take place. At several locations in Flanders and Brussels, technological and social innovators will pitch their tents to share their vision of the future with the general public. As innovation house for transformation, we are happy to make our contribution to this.
At FTI Hasselt, a sustainable future of our cities takes centre stage. The expo ‘Stadsvernieuwing is Mensenwerk’ (Urban Renewal is People's Work) is on display again and on Monday 18 March we will explore how we can accelerate the energy transition in our existing neighbourhoods.
At FTI in Leuven, future generations are in the driving seat. In Leuven's historic town hall, young people reflect on the future of work and working on the future. During a study day on future-oriented learning and working environments, we will discuss this and we are presenting the Living Lab at the Future Generations Conference.