On 12 October 2023, the trajectory started with ten pioneering local governments and their coalitions: Mechelen, Turnhout, Mortsel, Ghent, Leuven, Bruges, Beringen, Temse and Zoersel.


Each of them works within a neighbourhood approach on concrete breakthroughs and integrated realisations in terms of energy system, housing renovation, climate adaptation and/or mobility transition. Linking the step-by-step implementation of a heat network to the reconstruction of a major urban boulevard, the realisation of an energy community with a neighbouring school, climate-adaptive design of public space in combination with a renovation project in a vulnerable neighbourhood, setting up a public-private special purpose vehicle (SPV) for the renovation and heat transition of a neighbourhood, activating private front gardens and car parks in a climate strategy for a neighbourhood.

The 100 NEIGBOURHOODS PLATFORM brings the individual trajectories and experiments together in a learning and working environment. By exchanging experiences, by activating collective intelligence, and by adding expertise at the level of process approaches and specific breakthroughs, we support and strengthen these pioneering projects. At the same time, together with various Flemish policy domains, we draw lessons from these integrated projects. What is the potential of projects that realise different policy goals simultaneously from new collaborations between private entrepreneurs, public authorities and civil society? Can we combine, align and strengthen knowledge, instruments and policies to support the growing number of these integrated projects in the urban environment?

During the first workshop day, we were introduced to the status, breakthroughs and specific challenges of each case study. From these, we extracted those issues that most projects collide with, and on which we will continue to work in the coming months. At the same time, we went in depth for the first time: how do we develop a roadmap for such multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary projects? For that, we got to work with our PED toolkit. With the ten local coalitions, we descended into one of the cases ("Mechelse Vesten") and outlined a possible roadmap using the playing cards and the game board. All municipalities then formulated what they take away from this exercise to their specific process (approach). This is also how we will work in the coming months: sharing knowledge in breadth, and working together in depth. The first insights from this work-atelier will also be part of the 100 NEIGBOURHOODS FORUM that will take place on 5 February 2024. Save the date! 


The 100 NEIGBOURHOODS PLATFORM is initiated by Architecture Workroom Brussels in collaboration with Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur, brings together expertise from 3E, Flux50, The New Drive, Plant and Houtgoed, ODE, VITO, etc., and is supported from Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur (LEKP, Stedenbeleid), Vlaams Energie en Klimaat Agentschap (VEKA), Labo Ruimte and Departement Omgeving.

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