Stakeholder meeting City Hall London

As part of the London Urbanising in Place meeting, the London Food Board hosted a policy discussion at London’s City Hall for project partners and local policymakers, to explore the potential for peri urban agroecological farming in the city and identify key stakeholders with an interest in engaging with the work of the project. As a result of the meeting initial discussions have been held with the Greater London Authority Green Infrastructure Lead about the potential for a review of the city’s greenbelt strategy. We are also working with the London Food Board to hold a joint event to further explore how London can support agroecological farming.

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6. Mar 2024


From 15 to 24 March, the Flanders Technology and Innovation Festival will take place. At several locations in Flanders and Brussels, technological and social innovators will pitch their tents to share their vision of the future with the general public. As innovation house for transformation, we are happy to make our contribution to this.  → more