
Vincent Van Praet

Vincent Van Praet (°1995, Leuven) obtained his Master's Degree in Architectural Engineering at the KU Leuven in 2018, with the master's thesis 'Ecological Urbanism along the Lower Zambezi Valley, Mozambique'. In this thesis he asks critical questions about current North-South collaboration and links continuous Western exploitation to the degradation of the urban and natural landscape in Mozambique.  


From a broad interest in socio-ecological issues and the associated political-urban configuration Vincent continued his studies with a European Postgraduate Master in Urbanism (EMU). This included a programme at KU Leuven, TU Delft and the Iuav di Venezia. The complementarity of these three universities offered him a broad perspective on the current urban planning debate about the horizontal metropolis, territorial suitability maps, visualisation as design, and zoning strategies. In 2020 Vincent graduated with the master's thesis 'The Valley View: Leuven's Productive Landscape Structuring a Dynamic Urbanity'. It commemorates Leuven's ongoing urban development through centuries-old landscape figures, with climate change and local food chains as central themes.  


Vincent started working for Architecture Workroom Brussels in the summer of 2020. He is convinced that social inclusion, climate change, well-being and prosperity are inextricably linked to the changing urbanisation of our landscape and that large-scale but gradual change is possible. This philosophy fits in perfectly with that of AWB’s.