Landschapstekening Broedplekken 1-3

On 30 January 2024, we were able to join TRACK at Brussels North Station, one of the 12 ‘broedplekken’, to share the experiences from the Project Call for ‘Broedplekken’ with actors from the field and policy makers.

If you could not be there, don't worry, you can download the final report ‘Broedplekken voor Brussel’ here. You will find, besides an overview of the 12 ‘broedplekken’, the socio-spatial building blocks for this innovative approach to space use, together with a series of policy recommendations. 

The insights, stories and conclusions from the Breeding Place Project appear to be resonating. We were invited to present the story in several working sessions and symposia, such as around Careful Neighbourhoods, the congress 'Exclusief Inclusief' of Broei or the launch event of the Culture OP/TIL learning network around 'Verse Cultuurplekken’. The Community Infrastructure Policy Project of the Ambrassade and the Federation, among others, also picked up on the plea. During our last steering group, it appeared that other infrastructure funds in Flanders also want to join forces to better support intersectoral, multiple and future-oriented use of space.

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