Brussels wants to be European Capital of Culture in 2030. To achieve this, Brussels2030 is focusing on democracy, imagination, and territory. For the latter, Brussels2030, in collaboration with Architecture Workroom and LoUIsE, wants to build a network of ‘future places' that will lay the geographical foundations for Brussels as Capital of Culture in 2030. To this end, we are looking for 'city makers' - organisations that want to make the city together - who want to engage in building a network of future places.
Through future places*, we want to let the societal transitions – in the areas of climate, ecology, social justice, sustainability and democracy – land on an inclusive footing in concrete places. Future places are buildings, neighbourhoods, streets, squares where city makers (to be) have their roots. These places will be the working area, playing field and stage for a cultural and artistic Brussels, in 2030 and beyond.
A network of future places will define the urban geography of the city project for Brussels as Capital of Culture in 2030. Brussels2030, Architecture Workroom Brussels and LoUIsE are in aspiration of a city project that concerns everyone and connects different parts of the city, from the centre to the periphery, from east to west.
Brussels2030, Architecture Workroom Brussels and LoUIsE are now launching an open call for city makers (to be) who want to build future places and help define the societal agendas and geography of the Brussels2030 city project. Together with the city makers, we want to work towards a strong framework for Brussels' candidacy as European Capital of Culture.
We want to combine the existing strengths of city makers (in the making) in the form of local collaborations around these concrete (future) places. Such a local coalition of several city makers uses this future place as fertile ground to experiment with improving the daily living environment. Local coalitions work to realise societal transitions in practice, in the field of care and solidarity, affordable housing, mobility, education, the redistribution of access to (public) space, circular and productive economy, climate adaptation, sustainable energy, water management, local food production, soil care and biodiversity.
Concretely, in a first phase, we want to investigate the development of 6 to 12 future places together with the respective city makers (to be). Through participatory action research, we want to get a grip on the opportunities and challenges they see in the collective transformation of our living environment into a future place. In 2023, we will be working on a subjective cartography for every future place. Together with the city makers (to be), we will create an imaginary of what the future places could be in 2030. From September, we also guide the local coalitions in working out the next steps towards 2030 (e.g. organisational form and financing). This fieldwork per future place will contribute to a broader (urban) narrative for Brussels2030.
Intrigued? The full call and registration form can be found here.
For curious organisations and city makers, there are two info sessions on 21 February 2023.
* The concept of Future Places came about as part of The Great Transformation platform. Read more about Future Places on the online platform.