Joachim presenting on ‘Take on the future’, 10 December 2019

On December 10, Joachim Declerck presented in Rotterdam at the “Take on the Future" conference organized by the Delta Metropolis Association. On Friday, December 13 of the same week, a presentation was given as part of the lecture series “Stadt | Country: Disziplinäre Grenzgänge zur räumlichen Transformation" in Aachen.

For the presentation in Delft, Joachim was asked to reflect on the Draft NOVI, the new environmental vision and strategy for the Netherlands in the pipeline. Through this reflection, Joachim called for the establishment of new projects with new coalitions, organization and financing structures in order to arrive at a "practice of change". The same call, illustrated with possible starting points from the projects and operation of Architecture Workroom, was presented to the students of FH Aachen.

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